An Innocent Schoolboy

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"Hey there, little freshman."

Gene had set his eyes on a new target, after his scheme to get Aphmau had failed. His plans never failed until then, so now he had to be more careful about who he targeted and how he went about it. This schoolboy was a new transfer student, from O'khasis Prep.

He had snow white pale skin, with raven black hair that contrasted with it perfectly. His bangs covered one of his eyes, giving that emo or goth vibe. His visible eye was a sky blue color, but generally looked dead, with only a little bit of life in it. He was about the average height for his age, a little chubby at the belly. He was a bit hunched over, like he really did not want to be alive.

"Hey, I said something to you!" Gene snapped, grabbing the freshman's upper arm.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry...." He apologized, looking down at his uniform shoes. "I didn't realize..."

"Clearly you didn't." He huffed, rolling his eyes. "Do you always ignore the people who talk to you?"

"Unfortunately, I do tend to do that." He admitted, sighing. "I'm not use to people talking to me."

"Well, little freshman, I can show you to my friends." He offered, playing the nice card.

"You would?" He asked, his eye lighting up a bit. "I... I would like that... everyone in my family says I need to make friends..."

"Well, come along." He grinned, leading the way.

He led him to the soccer field, where Zenix and Sasha were waiting for him. Sasha had taken to sitting on the bleachers, and Zenix was admiring his work of spray painting the bleachers with their logo. Gene led the freshman over to them, telling him their names.

"The girl is Sasha, the boy is Zenix." Gene introduced his friends first, before saying his own name. "Name's Gene, by the way."

"Those are all very nice names. I've never met someone named Zenix before." The freshman said, eyeing the two up ahead.

"Hey Gene." Zenix greeted, yawning as he hopped onto the bleschers next to Sasha. "What took you so long? You're usually the first one here."

"Who's that?" Sasha asked, spotting the freshman. "A new member?"

"Zenix, Sasha, meet our new transfer student..." Gene trailed off, looking at the freshman.

"Zane." The freshman introduced himself, eyeing the logo. "Is that the school symbol?"

"Ha, I wish!" Zenix lauged, snickering at him. "Nah, that's our symbol."

"Symbol for....?" Zane asked, tilting his head.

"Our gang. We're the Shadow Knights." Sasha answered, going on her phone.

"A gang?" He questioned, his tone suddenly more unsure of this meeting. "Like... like juvenile delinquents?"

"We use the word gang because it sounds cooler." Gene lied, covering up for them. "We're really just a group of friends."

Something about Zane's facial expression said he didn't entirely believe the lie, but he nodded his head anyway. He nervously glanced at the brute known as Zenix, and then the lazy pastel goth known as Sasha.

"Have a seat, Zane." Gene said, leading him to the bleachers.

"I should be getting to class..." Zane said with uncertainty, checking his phone for the time. "The late bell rings in less than five minutes!"

"Look at this loser, actually going to class!" Zenix laughed, not quite grasping that they were hiding their rebellious behaviour from the freshman.

"You're supposed to go to class." Zane replied, looking up at him. "And, clearly, unlike you, I am someone looking for a future."

"And I'm a failed abortion, what's your point?" He asked with a grumble, bitterly glaring at Zane.

"Is... is that true..?" Zane asked Gene, whispering.

When Gene nodded, Zane's facial expression said that he was either horrified or deeply sorry. The raven haired freshman thought for a moment, before taking a seat on the bleachers next to Zenix. Gene took a seat next to Zane, seeing as Sasha was now laying on the bench they were on.

"Does that mean your parents don't like having you around?" Zane asked, swinging his legs.

"Kinda, yeah." Zenix shrugged, a bit surprised that someone like Zane cared. "My mom is always ar work, and my dad tries to control my life."

"How so?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"He says that I have to stay a boy, that I have to like girls only, that I have to have to be a straight A student, that I have to have a girlfriend, that I have to lose my virginity in high school." He answered, growling. "I hate him. I hate him more than I hate myself."

"Why would you hate yourself?" Zane asked, grabing Zenix's hand.

"..... What are you doing?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm checking for scars." He replied, lifting up Zenix's sleeves.


After spending the whole day of school with the Shadow Knights, Zane turned out to be a pretty laid back person.

He wasn't as uptight about his grades as he seemed, and he only worked so hard with his studies so he would get new phones and shop at Hot Topic. He was actually into RPG games, little kid's shows, sleeping, and eating. He was a perfect fit in the Shadow Knight gang.

"Oh, you have no idea how much my brothers would flip if they saw us together." Zane sighed, kicking a pebble across the ground.

"Who are your brothers anyway? You never told us." Gene pointed out, accidentally stepping on Zane's shoe laces.

Zane let out a yelp as he tripped, falling to the ground with a loud thud. Gene had grabbed onto his arm to pull him back up, but tripped over him anyway. So there they were, on the ground with Gene on top of Zane.

The black haired delinquent groaned, pushing himself up and off of Zane. He pulled the emo freshman up soon after that, rubbing his forehead.

"You okay?" Gene asked, cringing a bit when Zane's fingers cracked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good.." Zane groaned, glancing at his shoes. "What the shit though! I double knotted these pieces of shit!"

"Hey big bro--!"


Gene looked up and behind Zane, his eyes narrowing. Great, Zane's brothers were here. By the sounds of it, he had an older brother and a younger brother. Wait... if that was his older brother, then....

"You're a Ro'Meave!?" Gene cried, looking at Zane with bewilderment. "Why didn't you tell me!?"

"Whenever I tell anyone my last name when I first meet them, they expect a thousand great things from me and the next president." Zane groaned, exaggerating on the last part.

"Man you shoulda told me this shit." He grumbled, crossing his arms.

"I think there's a more important situation here." Garroth cut in, clearly unhappy.

"Let's just go. We can talk about it when we get home." Zane groaned, getting up.

"But my husbando, we have plans!" Gene called after him, standing up as well.

"We can make more plans tomorrow." Zane sighed, shaking his head. "See ya, Gene."

And that's how Zane and Gene met in this oneshot. It wasn't an ideal meeting, but at least they met. On their way home, Vylad kept asking Zane about what Gene and the other two were like, while Garroth kept an eye on both of them.

Then when they got home they had a huge debate argument on Zane's freedom rights.

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