Author's Note: Thank You + Questions I Have

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It hasn't even been a day since I've said that I might leave the fandom, and I'm already making a Thank You Letter to you all.

I still haven't made my decision about the fandom, but I just want to say thank you everyone for all your support about me making a decision. As I said, this isn't an easy thing to do, I'm being emotionally torn with it. I love Aphmau, but I don't want to be part of something toxic.

Your support has meant a lot, and I just wanted to say that I love you guys. Like, seriously. I have more emotional attachments to people online than people in real life, and it may be an issue, but I don't care.

But, putting all that emotional mess aside, I wanna discuss some things about the latest MyStreet episode and just some questions I have in general about the series.

I want you guys to answer them if you can, ask some questions you may have, and give your thoughts and opinions.

~~Spoilers for MyStreet: When Angels Fall-- Episode 10: Gone~~

First, I'm going to say things that I do and don't like about the episode.

What I do like--

I like how there was the scene between Derek and Agent R, I think his full name was Rowan? But I like how there was the dialogue between them in the cells, and how Agent R made Derek come to a realization about his father and Aaron.

I like how the MyStreet Irene was begging for Aaron to get up and fight. I like how she isn't the Goddess Mode Almighty Creator of the Universe that we were shown in Diaries, that she does have flaws, makes mistakes, needs help sometimes, and can be killed. I mean yeah there was the part where she did say that she controlled the cycle of rebirth, but with a Relic strong enough she can be killed.

Also she gave my boi Shad a shout out--

As for Aaron, this is gonna ruin the seriousness and emotion of it, but like.... MOOD. I wanna die too, big mood.

But seriously, Aaron, you shouldn't give up on life just because things keep going downhill. You have a chance to save the world, to save Irene herself, to redeem your mistakes... take it. Things will get better, they have to.

Derek's sacrifice will not be in vain! My man became a Relic!

Speaking of which, Irene said something like "I'm sory I couldn't save them", so does that mean she won't be the one bringing them back, but Derek's Relic will? Will the Relic go into Aaron?

I also like the revelation of Ein being Aphmau's brother, because it means no more Einmau ever.

What I don't like--

I don't like Michael or Zack. I just don't, that's all that needs to be said.

How was the Celestial Cannon underneath that central island the entire time and nobody saw it through the water or knew it was there?

Zane and Kawaii~Chan haven't shown up or been mentioned since Aphmau died. Either they're making out in the house, which this is not the time for, they got captured, or something horrible happened like KC died and Zane killed himself.

How did we not see Garroth or Katelyn in this episode? I was expecting them to be the ones guarding Aaron while he was chained down, but they were nowhere. Are they in cells like Derek and Agent R were?

Where is Elizabeth? We saw Zack, but not Elizabeth, and we haven't seen her in forever.

What happened to Lucinda and Kim?

What happened to Daniel?

What happened to Sylvana, Zianna, Kai, Guy, and Nate, who were all in the crowd on the bridge? Where's Eric?

But most importantly.....



Getting all of that out of the way, let's move on to questions I have about the series in general.

1. Why was Garrance queerbait? That ship had so much potential, such a chance at becoming canon, and there was even the poll. What happened, Jason?

2. How did Zene not become canon in any series? That might just be my inner fangirl speaking, but seriously.

3. When are we gonna get some quality Garte & Zane time?

4. Was Zane the only person that Kawaii~Chan told her backstory to? Correct me if I'm wrong, but Aphmau and Katelyn never knew her backstory. Her backstory came out of nowhere in Starlight.

5. I feel like Zane~Chan ruined Starlight. Ever since they started dating, Zane became more sexual and Kawaii~Chan did too. I feel like it's a stereotypical, cliche relationship between a Pinkie Princess Girly Girl and Dead Inside Emo-- the Girly Girl secretly likes edgy things (especially people), the Dead Inside Emo secretly likes cute things (especially people). It's just too much if a stereotypical relationship with so much clicheness in it that I feel sick just thinking about it.

6. Episode five of VOID Paradox is called "Aphmau In Danger"? When is she not in danger?

7. Also, that is not the VOID cloning Laurance. That is Zane trying to cosplay as him.

8. I feel like instead of KC getting slashed across the chest, it should've been Zane. I feel like Zane getting hurt that severely would've had more impact, and would've been a real wake-up call for KC. She has little to no idea what to do in these situations where someone is on the verge of possibly dying, and Zane does.

9. If you look at the thumbnail for Date, Marry, Kill: Aaron's New Mom, you'll see that Derek has the word "kill" by him... was that foreshadowing?

10. In "Minecraft Two Truths And A Lie: Dark Secrets!" Aphmau is dressed as Bowsette and my life is ruined. If you don't know what the Bowsette Meme is, you need to be protected. If you look it up, make sure you have SafeSearch on. Like, seriously. Poor Bowser Jr...

11. Am I the only one who hates livestreams? Like not personally with Jess, but just livestreams in general?

12. I never watched Realm Royals, and I don't want to. I just hope that series doesn't get involved with the others.

13. Was Ultra Nova in Minecraft or Roblox?

14. Has Modzilla always been an asshole? I never watched Mod Mod World, but a character who is that big of an A-hole that Aphmau hangs out with is unexpected in my book.

15. Who do you like better-- Shad or Irene? Personally I have no preference, in my opinion they both did horrible things that have no excuses.

16. Irene only got her respect from separating the Wyverns and Humans, and from killing Shad. I don't understand why she outshines the other Divine Warriors, the people who helped her take down Shad. They all should be treated with the same amount of respect, and I hate how they divided it up into "This Region will worship this Divine Warrior and completely forget about the others".

17. The only characters who better not die are Gene, Zenix, Sasha, Laurance, Aaron, and Zane. I don't care about the others.

18. What theories do you have? Not just for MyStreet, but for Aphmau in general? Like Diaries theories? I haven't seen amy of those in a while.

19. I'm slowly dying on the inside over and over again everyday, a repeating cycle that will never go away.

20. Who else here headcanons that Garte and Zane make the same facial expressions?

21. I headcanon that in PDH Zane owned copies of Just Dance games and would play them whenever he's home alone or there was a loud party downstairs.

22. I also headcanon that whenever Zane has a dream he dies, and when he has a nightmare he doesn't.

23. Headcanon 4-- if MyStreet Zane and Diaries Zane had to stick together, it would be World War Zane. They would not like each other one bit.

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