Sweet Love

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"Zane, what is in your mouth?"

The raven haired male nearly choked on his what he had in his mouth (get y'all minds outta the gutter), hearing his senpai-- I mean his idol speak to him. He looked up slowly, nervously glancing at the male he adored so much. He was holding the box of the stuff in one hand, with the stick between his ibbdex and middle fingers.

Gene had no admiration for the emo freshman, but he had taken him under his wing anyway. Zane had been getting bullied ever since the start of the school year, and he was really only safe inside his own home or when he was with either his older brother or Gene. The delinquent leader had pitied the younger, but that didn't stop him from picking on him. Still, there was just.... something that he was attracted to in him..

Gene ripped the stick from Zane's mouth, snapping it in the process. He also nabbed the box from his smaller hand, despite the freshman's protests. He didn't even read the box as he frowned at him, thinking the worst, as usual.

"Are these cigarettes?" Gene demanded, waving the box at Zane's face. "Well? Answer me!"

"N-No.... it's just pocky..." Zane defended, holding his hands up to show his innocence.

"Pocky?" He repeated, looking down at the box. "Oh..."

He handed the box of biscuit sticks back to the freshman, taking a seat next to him on the bleachers. He had heard of pocky before, both from his brother and from his friend Sasha. They had told him about something called the "Pocky Challenge" or whatever it was called. Maybe he could do that with Zane..

Gene glanced to the side, where the emo was now happily munching away. He couldn't help but crack a smile at how happy he seemed to have his pocky back. He must've really liked them... why did Gene care so much, though? Yeah, he knew that smoking would further damage Zane's lungs, but why did he care so much? It was Zane's life, he had no control over it.

"Do you want one?" Zane asked him, grabbing another one of the sticks.

"No thanks, I'm good." Gene shook his head, an idea coming up in his head.

Zane shrugged, putting the pocky stick in his mouth. When he pulled his hand away from the end that wasn't in his mouth, Gene latched onto it with his own. Zane let out am embarrassed squeak, his pale face turning into a ripe tomato. Gene smirked, one finger pressed to the underside of the freshman's chin, keeping his head up.

He brought their faces even closer, before their lips connected. He could practically feel the heat coming off of Zane's skin, he was that red in the face. His lips were just so soft and pink, and they tasted sweet like frosting too. Oh, how he wanted this moment to last forever. It couldn't, though. He knew this, and yet he still tried to make it last.

Just as he went to bite his lower lip, he got grabbed by the back of his collar and yanked back. The pocky snapped in half as the two males were pulled apart, and Gene nearly choked on his half of it as he hit the blacktop. To prevent the choking hazard, the delinquent spit the biscuit stick out as he sat up.

"What the hell was that for!?" He growled, glaring at his attacker.

"That's for taking my baby brother's first kiss, shithead!" Garroth growled back, returning the venomous glare.

Gene groaned slightly, rubbing the back of his head. He checked his hand, seeing no blood on it. He continued to rub the back of his head, where he had hit the blacktop only a few seconds ago. He went to stand up, but was kicked back down by Garroth.

"I never said get up!" Garroth yelled at him, bringing the heel of his foot down between Gene's legs. "He's only fourteen, you're eighteen!! What are you, a pedophile!?"

"Garroth stop, you're hurting him!" Zane cried, pulling on his older brother's arm.

"I don't care! He took your first kiss, and I know how he's been staring at you these past few days! I'm not having my baby brother lose his virginity in high school, and especially not to some drug addict like him! How many times have I told you to stay away fron this guy, Zane!?" He snapped at Zane, but he lowered his tone as he saw Zane start to cry. "O-Oh no... I'm sorry, baby brother, please don't cry... I don't want to lose you, that's all..."

"He can control his own life, blondie." Gene spat, standing up with a groan of pain. "You can't keep him as a little pet his whole life!"

"Gene, please just don't say anything... you're not helping the situation, you're just giving him more reasons to kill you..." The raven haired male sighed, crossing his arms.

The last bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Zane grabbed his backpack from the bleachers, not feeling Gene's eyes dressing him up oh so slowly. The blonde, however, did notice the odd look the senior was giving his brother. Being the overprotective sibling he was, he mistook it as a look of undressing.

"Don't you dare undress my baby brother with your eyes, you sick pervert!" Garroth yelled at him, punching him in the gut.

"Oh, now I'm going to." Gene smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at Zane.

The blonde let out a snarl, about to pounce on the senior. But he chose not to for some reason, instead turning around and heading to the pickup area of the school. The delinquent leaned over, giving Zane a small kiss on the cheek. When he looked up, he saw the blonde waiting for his brother, rather impatiently if you asked Gene.

"Let's go, Zane." Garroth called out to his brother, his current state of annoyance clear in his tone.

"Coming!" Zane called back to him, heading that way in a few seconds.

"In more ways than one..." Gene muttered, but loud enough so that Garroth would hear.

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