Tony looks at the mess on the floor then reaches for the bottle of whiskey.


Betty was in her bedroom -- she sat down on her bed with a frown on her face. She heard footsteps and prepared herself for her mother.

"Betty," Alice starts.

"Kevin said someone tipped off his dad, was it you?" Betty asks.

"I was at the dance, Betty." Alice said looking at her daughter at the doorway.

Betty stood up, "Answer the damn question, mom. And don't lie. Was it you?" She asks.

"It was not, but I'm glad that you're safe. And as much as I like Jughead, I am so glad that you're done with that family." Alice said, "I mean Peter and his family were much better."

"Done? I love Jughead. He's as much my family as you are, more so right now." Betty said.

Betty went to move pass her mom -- she managed to get out of her bedroom, only for her mom to grab her arm.

"You're not going anywhere, young lady." Alice said.

"I'm going to look for Jughead." Betty turns to her mom, "Do not push me tonight, mom, because I will push back."

Then Betty pulled her arm away from her mother's hold and headed out of the Cooper home. When she got outside -- she saw none other than her ex boyfriend.

"Peter?" She asks.

"I'm here to find Jughead," He said


Jughead had arrived at Sunnyside Trailer Park. He ran to his dad's trailer -- there were police tape on the door, that didn't stop the youngest Jones.

He ripped the tape off and charged inside. The trailer was freezing -- colder than it was outside. Jughead looked at the trashed living room.

The police did not search nicely. They were looking for something.

As Jughead searched around the trailer -- for something, he wasn't even sure what. He began to start to feel things -- the feelings he had been avoiding since Fred had said that FP was arrested.

Jughead slid down on the wall and pulled his hands to his head as tears began to slide down his face.


Betty and Peter checked the trailer -- his dad's trailer for him.

The door was open.

"He- He was here," Betty says frowning.

"Any idea on places he'd be?" Peter asks standing in the kitchen.

Betty shakes her head and sat down on the couch, "Pop's- but we were just there." She said.

Peter nods and then says, "Don't blame yourself, Betty."

Betty looks at him, "I should. I didn't warn him, Peter. I should've told him. I- I'm just the worst." She said.

Peter shakes his head, "No. No you're not."

Betty looks from him to her hands, "How am I not?" She asks, "I accepted those feelings you confessed to me, only to betray your trust and kiss another guy. Now, I betray Jughead's trust and kept this from him."

Peter moved over to Betty. He knelt down in front of her and stared at her in the eyes. He reached over and grabbed a hold of her hands.

"You're not the worst," He says with a small smile, "We're teenagers. We're bound to make mistakes, Betty. That's what it means to not only be a teenager, but also human. We're not perfect."

Betty looks down and nods slowly.

He reached his hand to her chin to lift her head to look at him in the eyes. She sees his brown eyes, and sees the smile on his face.

"If you were so bad, do you think I'd be here?" He asks.

Betty says nothing.

Peter then went on to say, "I mean maybe- I tend to be friends with bitchy girls," He says, "Are you bitchy and I never knew?"

Betty then laughs lightly and then sees the smile widen on Peter's face. She then stops laughing -- the smile remain.

"At least you're admitting Cheryl is a bitch," Betty said.

"She is," Peter said, "And sometimes a major pain, but you're neither of those things. You're a good person, Betty Cooper, you just happen to made some mistakes in your judgement."

Then Peter stood up and held his hand down to offer her a hand up. She looked at his hand and then to his face.

"Come," He says, "Let's go find your boyfriend."

Betty looks at the hand one more time, before having a smile on her face. She held her hand up and Peter grabbed a hold of it -- he pulled her up.

"Where to?" Peter asks.

Betty pondered for a moment, "I can think of one place."


Betty and Peter arrives at Pop's. There were some regulars in this late in the evening. She walked up to Pop Tate, with Peter right behind.

"Pop, Jughead hasn't been by, has he?" Betty asks with concern in her eyes.

He shakes his head, "Nope. You're not the only one who's come looking for him." He said.

Betty's head turns to see Archie and Veronica. They were in a booth, but the second they saw

"Betty," Archie said.

"We were gonna call you," Veronica said.

Betty shakes her head, "I'm not talking to you, either of you, ever again."

"Looks it's about Jughead." Archie said, "Kevin called me. And he said his dad found a gun, the gun that killed Jason, in a lockbox in FP's closet."

"But Betty, we searched FP's trailer. We looked through that closet. And it wasn't there." Veronica said, "Someone put it there after we left."

"He's being framed." Archie said.

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