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A/N I basically copied the scene in their mv where RM and V get arrested.

A car pulled up, Tae and Jungkook felt relief. As Jungkook looked at Ki-Dae praying she'd be okay. They saw the car come to a stop but like most things. A good thing also came with a bad one. The police sirens made all of them unsettled.

"Here put her arm around my shoulder I'll lift her to the back seat and take care of her there" Tae said to Jungkook. She had been losing and coming back to consciousness this whole time. The police got out of the car and ran to them.
"Jungkook run and open the door quick" Tae said worriedly. He picked the girl up in his arms and ran but he was stopped when his body was pushed to the ground. He looked at the Ki-Dae as she had awoken abruptly and screamed in pain.
The two officers grabbed Tae and Ki-Dae slamming their faces into the car. The two best friends looked at each other. Jungkook was thrashing around as Namjoon held him back.
"You're just gonna get yourself caught stop it" Namjoon said to the boy.
Ki-Dae smiled a sad smile that held meaning to Taehyung.
"Run Taehyung, run and don't look back" she breathed out before. Forcefully pushing her elbow back she knocked the wind out of the cop clenching her teeth in pain in the process. She did what instinct told her and bit the cop who had Taehyung. The cop screamed in pain but let go of him. She kneed the cop in his stomach. By then the other cop had readied his taser and brought the small two bolted box up to her neck. Taehyungs' eyes widened. But her words replayed in his mind.
'run and don't look back'. Her form which was shaking in pain she was trying to push the cop off her.

Their eyes caught for a brief moment. Everything seemed to had become nothing but background as the two friends stared at one another for realistically wasn't that long maybe 4 seconds but in their minds it felt closer to 4 hours.
"Please Tae run and don't stop" she said, he noticed the tears that were coming out of her eyes.
Her figure was pushed to the ground as one of the cops got on top of her and handcuffed her. Once again they brought the taser back and she gasped in pain. Tae got into the car and did what she said, he didn't look back. Namjoon sped off.
The whole aura in the car was dark. Jungkook had his hands in his hair crying. Namjoon clenched the steering wheel so tight his knuckles where as white as snow. Taehyung was silently crying he wished he could take back time. Ki-Dae was in the back of a police car being rushed to the hospital but still she had a smile on her face.

Why? Because she was able to save the people she loved. And to her that was enough for her to smile about.

She would miss them all, but she was thankful for none of them being in this car beside her. What would happen to her she wasn't sure about but she knew as long as they were safe she didn't care what would happen.

Ki-Dae POV.

I was being put into a hospital bed, they automatically transported me to the emergency room. I passed out soon but woke up later to a nurse who shook me lightly.

"Miss it's time to wake up our doctor would like to speak with you" she says softly. I nodded looking down at my wrists that were cuffed to the hospital bed. Minutes later a doctor did come.
"Hello I'm doctor Hijmo is there a way I could get your name before I could tell you what has happened." The doctor asked.

"Ki-Dae Okumura" I responded.
"Piosn can you please go check out data base for her name" the nurse nodded before leaving.
"Well for starters you got into a pretty bad car accident, it seems that you where badly injured. You lost a lot of blood and from the tests results you tested positive for alemia, because you lost so much blood you unfortunately lost the baby that I'm not sure you were aware of" she said softly. I felt as if my insides shattered. My baby was gone, please let this be a bad dream. My eyes started burning I felt the tears sting down my cheeks.
"I was aware." I said weakly. The doctor gave me a sympathetic look.
"I'm sorry we have already removed the fetus miss Okumura" she said.
"Would it have been a girl or a boy?" she smiled.
"You would've had a healthy baby boy around late May" she responded. I felt my body jolt and I clenched my hands, closing my eyes.

The door opened and the nurse whispered into his ear, but she was still loud enough for me to hear.
"Doctor Hijmo it seems the girl that went missing a decade and a few years ago is this girl, the one people suspected to be kidnapped by gangs" the doctor gasped.

"Inform the police, we need to get this girl back to her family as soon as possible. I can't imagine all of the horrible things they've done to her" god if only she knew about the amount of people I've killed. She touched my head lightly.
"Don't worry we're gonna get you out of here as soon as we can" the nurse said to me. I wasn't quite sure what to do so I just nodded.

They later brought in another counselor type of person to talk to me.
"So where are you from?" He asked me.
"Japan" I replied shortly.

"Do you remember your family?" He asked writing something down on his notepad. I scoffed slightly chuckling.

"Do you think someone who was brainwashed and made into something like me is supposed to remember their family?, I was molded into thinking everybody was an enemy" I retorted. His eyes went wide.

"Care to elaborate on that?"

"Not if my life depended on it"

Possessive (Min Yoongi FF) (Edited)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu