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"Hey we're leaving in 20 minutes kiki" Jin said to me as he peeked his head in the room.
"Okay thanks Jin" I said smiling he gave me a tired smile back. I put on my signature outfit. Grabbing my face mask and black cap I left my room. I made my way to the living room where we decided to meet before we left. Tae was there, me and Tae had made it a thing to go out every night for just a little bit or even a lot.
"Hey kiki" Tae said patting the spot next to him I sat down smiling.
"I think our plan has changed" I raised a brow at that.
"Oh yeah how?" I asked curious.
"I think the men we meet are in Seoul" Tae said quietly. I nodded.

"I herd rm on the phone with them last night that's how I know" he chuckled. Soon the others came, my arm was roughly pulled by Yoongi over towards his seat. I sighed his possessiveness was sometimes obnoxious.

"Alright so the meet up spot has altered instead of it being in Daegu it's gonna be in Seoul" Jin said to us as we got up and left. There were 2 cars when we got outside Tae's car and someone's else's. Automatically I left Yoongi's side and walked with Tae to his car.

I love Yoongi I do, but I'm not taking the backseat.

Jimin and Jungkook followed with me. I just noticed I'm with the Maknae's of the group. Oh well.
"You guys get in the back" Tae said and they did. He started up the car.
"Tae do you want me to take the wheel for the 1st hour then when we stop for gas you can take the 2nd hour" I offered and he seemed fine with the agreement. We got out and switched places.
"Jesus Tae how do you even reach the pedals" I adjusted the seat and with that I sped off.

I ended up driving the whole way to Seoul and I didn't mind. We pulled up to the skyscraper like building. We waited for about another 40 minutes for the others to arrive.

"How fast were you driving?" Jin asked me.
"Fast enough to scare kookie" Namjoon laughed out. We made our way to the building. There was a doorman inside. He looked me up and down with my black outfit. The same one I wear when I go on missions. The "Cyber terrorist" one as Ace would put it.

"And who are you here for may I ask?" The man in a suit asked me. He acted as if the other 7 men behind me didn't exist.
"A conference with Smoke" I said to him, immidately he bowed down.
"My apologies miss Smoke please do follow me right this way" he said. I snapped my finger and signalled the guys to follow. The guide took us to floor 17.
"Sir miss smoke and the others are here" he bowed before leaving. My assumptions were right it was a consistent client I knew.
"Smoke are you shocked?" He asked feet on the desk. I took a chair across from him.
"Not in the least Ryuji" I said back. Ryuji is a very popular businessman, he was good friends with Ace. Ryuji has a son who I was rather close to when I was still a teenager. Ace only took me to these business meetings because Ryuji's son would be here.

"You must miss my son" he mused on.
"Of course I do I've known him since I was 13" I said happy.
Ryujis son was named Connor mainly cause his mom named him and she was American.
"Well Connor should be here soon, I told him we were to meet at this time and now he's late god I'm gonna kill him." Ryuji said running a hand through his hair.
"Cut him some slack he's only what 20 now?" I said smiling through my mask.
"And there she goes protecting him just like you did when you were 13 and 9" The guys sat there quietly. The door opened and quickly the blonde came in his hair all over the place.
"Sorry Dad traffic wasn't working with me today" Connor laughed out.

"You're lucky Ki-Dae said to give you some slack, she saved your ass again" Ryuji responded. Connor smiled sheepishly towards me. He bowed and so did I.
"Thank you noona" Connor said. I nodded slightly, though to the corner of my eye I saw Yoongi glare at Connor.
"Anyways back to the business" I said sitting down. Ryuji sighed once more. I don't know if I hadn't noticed or didn't care but Ryuji seemed to have grey hair growing.
"My dear son Connor fucked up on something and I need you to fix it, Connor was an idiot and trusted a new girl with the password to all my safes and buildings that wouldn't have been a big deal if she wouldn't have stollen my father's ring. I know it's ridiculous Ki-Dae but I need that ring back" Ryuji spoke. He glared at Connor.
"What she was pretty" Connor defended.
"Tch fucking idiot your idiocy could've costed your father his company dumbass" I lectured Connor. Who sheepishly apologized to me and Ryuji. I sighed, looking at the boys through my preview vision.

"I'll take care of it Ryuji, what's her name?" I asked.
"Jisin Mao and I don't care whether she dies or not" he replied. I got up pushing my chair in, moving towards his door.
"Consider it done" the boys got up with me.
We all shook hands with Ryuji.
"Please do take care of her" Ryuji said, to which they nodded. Before I left I walked to Connor. Squinting my eyes at him.
"Cause your father trouble like this again and your head will be on this wall got it?" I smirked at him. He laughed out his emerald eyes shinning. He pulled me into a hug. He grinned down at me.
"Yes jeez 14 year old you didn't act so scary, you used to scream at spiders and now here you are killing people" he laughed.

Growing up with Connor he managed to turn everything into a joke and lighten the mood.

"She still does scream at spiders"

"Jungkook I'm gonna kill you"

Possessive (Min Yoongi FF) (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now