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Yoongi POV

I was awoken by a beautiful sight aka Ki-Dae my future wife, current girlfriend but not ish? This girl in front of me that was shaking me awake, meant more to me than anybody. My jealousy sprang so easily when it came to her, I was so possessive of her and I had come to terms and accepted that I was just a dumb boy in love, I knew that but as long as I was a dumb boy in love in with her I didn't mind...

She shook me awake smiling she had one of those smiles that I saw her smiling and I felt the need to smile because she was. Yeah that was her effect on me. Soon before I had liked it we were meeting the others in the car. Ki-Dae got her location on her phone and with that she pulled out of the driveway quickly. She zoomed onto the freeway and drove quickly on the way to the city. Daegu didn't take us long to get to. For some reason Ki-Dae felt the need for us to get this done at 4 well almost 5 in the damn morning. She turned down a few streets probably breaking laws as she drove. She drove really fast and very sports like.

Within an hour and a a few minutes she pulled up to our destination.
"Ki-Dae you do realize this trip should've taken us about an hour and 40 minutes. It's taken us a little over an hour" Hoseok said laughing.
"Yeah you need to fix your driving" jungkook chucked.
The house we had pulled up to was very weird it looked oddly normal. I looked to Ki-Dae who's eyebrows where frowned.
"Stay close and stay on guard" she simply said, today she wore a black hoodie instead of a coat, she had her hood up and face mask on.

We made our way inside the house. She pulled a gun out and held it in her hands. Her footsteps were amazingly light. She made her way to the stairs and she went up them. She signaled me to the door on the right, she took the one on the left. I opened mine and carefully looked through it quietly with Hoseok next to me. Nobody was there, we all made our way to the last door. It was locked, Ki-Dae pulled something from her pocket and bent down to mess with the door. We herd a click and we opened the door slowly. It looked to be a normal bed, and the girl was on it.

Ki-Dae POV

The girl matched my description so I did the smart thing and signalled everyone to lock all the doors. Nobody gets in, nobody gets out. I grabbed the girl roughly by her arm.
"get up" I said to her and within a snap she was wide awake. Face full of fear.
"Scream and we'll kill you" Yoongi said darkly.
I grabbed her jaw roughly.
"Hey Jisin do you want to live?" I asked her. She nodded her great yes
"Good, then do everything I say" she whimpered out a yes.
"I want you to find every single piece of jewelry you own and bring it to me." I said.

She got up and scrambled to her jewelery box, she gave me everything. Rings, necklaces, watches, earrings, bracelets. Everything she had. Although I wouldn't mind sitting through it I'm a bit to lazy for that so I grabbed everything and tossed it to Jimin who put it in a bag. With that I grabbed her by her hair and brought her face close to mine.

"Say a single fucking word to anybody or call the police and I will come back to kill you where you stand" I said to her calmly.

She nodded her head frantically and with that the guys and I left. We got in the car and a few streets down we herd police sirens.
"Fuck I should've killed her" I muttered. The police car was a right behind us and I pushed more on the gas pedal. They began shooting at us. Before we could prepare ourselves, our car had rolled I looked at Yoongi next to me she put my arm against his chest to keep him from flying forward. After that everything went black.

I woke up to ringing. Slowly my senses came back. Jungkook was trying to get me out of the car.
"JIMIN HELP ME GET HER" jungkook shouted at Jimin. Jimin grabbed the door of the car and pushed it with the help of jungkook they managed to get it open. Jungkook reached in and grabbed me. I was out and I looked at the car. It was upside down and on fire.

I looked around. Jin and Tae had shown up and we where having a shootout with the police. My back was to the car that the rest had pulled up in. They seemed to have killed the police. I was breathing heavy.
"Hey Ki-Dae can you hear me?" Tae came into my view. He handed me water.
"Drink it" Tae said breathless and I did. Jin seemed to lead Hoseok who had an unconscious Yoongi in the car, Jimin was right behind them.
"We have enough room for one more" Jin yelled.
"Take Ki-Dae" jungkook said.
"No she's gonna need the medical supplies in Namjoon's car or she's gonna bleed out" Taehyung said.
"He should be here any minute." Jin said worriedly. Bleed out what is he talking about. Why can't I do anything. I opened my mouth to speak but my body wouldn't allow it. The car next to us blew up and we all fell forward. I coughed and my lungs felt like they where burning.

"Get out of here we'll stay with her Namjoon should be here before the police do" Jungkook yelled while coughing. Jin nodded as he got in his car and sped off.

"She's gonna die if he doesn't get here soon" Tae said.
"Rip off some of your shirt jungkook, we need to apply pressure to the wound" Jungkook nodded ripping his shirt into a bandage.

"Stay with us Ki-Dae don't you die on us" jungkook said to me.

Possessive (Min Yoongi FF) (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now