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"and with that shot Ki-Dae wins" Jin said to Yoongi. Jimin came up and hugged me.
"That was awesome" he said grinning at me.
"Thank you Jimin it's all from years of practice" I said softly.
I turned to Yoongi who glared at me, he huffed out a breath.
"Alright so tomorrow we meet with them somewhere in Daegu and from that we can work on" Namjoon said.
All the guys nodded and dispersed over time. Jimin actually stayed back for target shooting, to which I was happy to hear. I made my way back to my room as I entered I saw Yoongi who sat on my bed quietly.
He looked mad at me, even though he looked calm something told me he was fuming on the inside.

"Hell will freeze over before you come with us tomorrow" Yoongi said darkly.

...And my guess was right.

"Yoon I don't need protecting" I rolled my eyes.
"... I've been in this line of business since I was 16, I don't need your protection but thank you for your concern" I continued on. He rolled his eyes at me.
"Fine, just stay close to me and keep your mouth shut" he muttered.
Now if there's one thing that annoys me it's people thinking that because they did something and they happened to be good at it, then they feel the need to act as if they're complete pro's at it or that they know more than other people.

"Tch, you're telling me to keep my mouth shut? Don't forget these people specifically asked for me. Not to mention I'm pretty sure I know these people." I retorted annoyed. 
"You're stubborn do you know that?" He said.
"Maybe I am, but I don't just listen to someone cause they told me to." I replied.
He opened his mouth to say something but closed it. My phone went off and I picked it up before Yoongi could. It was a text from Jungkook.

Kookie- Can you come over to my room? I wanna see how the baby has been growing.

Kiki- right now?

Kookie- if you can

Kiki- okay I'll be over there soon

Kookie- okayyyy see you sooooon

I put my phone in my pocket. Me and Yoongi technically aren't together so should I tell him where I'm going or would he not even care. I don't wanna seem like an idiot. Yoongi somehow managed to fall asleep in my bed and I shrugged. I'd rather deal with Yoongi's anger than look dumb. I exited my room quietly. I walked to Jungkook's room. Tae and Hoseok left right after I won the bet to probably go deal drugs. Jin was doing paperwork as usual. Namjoon was probably y'know breaking things. I knocked on his door. He opened it automatically.
"You don't ever have to knock, babe" Jungkook said. Hearing him call me babe felt foreign but I ignored it. He pulled me over by my hand. Once again I was in the position of being in between his legs standing and he sat on the edge of the bed feeling my stomach.

"Kookie that tickles stop" I chuckled as his fingertips lightly grazed over my tummy.
"Oh does it?" He asked smirking at me. I nodded slightly laughing. Then I felt a cool yet warm but also moist substance. I looked down and he was sloppily kissing my stomach. He continued sloppily kissing my stomach up and up til he raised my shirt to my bra which he tried to take off but I stopped him.
"Jungkook no- I came here for you to see the baby not to have you fuck me" I said to him shoving him off me he fell onto the bed. With a slight deep chuckle of his he nodded his head.
"C'mon it's not like you're with Suga, if you're worried about the baby I can go softer instead of fucking you all rough. I've fallen for you Ki-Dae and I've fallen for you harder than I am right now." he whispered reaching for my wrist to pull me down on the bed with him. Even though I'm pretty sure I didn't have feelings for Kookie his words still managed to flatter me. Maybe it was cause of his bluntness.

"Jungkook in the end I'm just gonna hurt you, it's best if you keep your distance from me unless it's for the baby..." I said to him.

"..don't fall in love, it'll tear you apart....I'd slip away and the reason you'd stay with me is cause you'll be hanging on to all the words I would say when you thought I loved you" I said as we layed down on our backs on his bed. We were both looking at the roof of his room.
"How do you know it would play out like that?" He asked.
"I don't, it's just a guess but probably a good guess" I shrugged.
His hand reached mine. He gave mine a light squeeze.

"Ki-Dae you know I could give you a normal life right? I know you don't wanna live this life anymore, let me help you" kookie whispered to me. I tensed up how the fuck did he of all people know. We were just staring at each other as we layed. 'I never will have feelings for him' my mind continued to scream at myself.

"There's no way you can help me out of this" I said back. He smiled at me. Shaking his head a bit.
"Babe I would do anything it takes to help you" Jungkook said to me. His eyes said nothing but pure honesty when he said that. It made me wonder what he had in mind.
"Jungkook even if you did really want to help me, there's no way you could get me citizenship here to actually live a normal life and could manage to keep me away from all the gangs in South Korea" I said to him. His hands pulled me closer by my waist.

"Don't worry I have a way"

Possessive (Min Yoongi FF) (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now