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"Ki-Dae wake up" Yoongi's voice woke me. My eyes fluttered open to him smiling at me, I reluctantly got up sighing. I went into his closet and picked a random top, I got my Adidas joggers and wore them with his red checkered thin sweater. I got dressed in his closet and walked back over to the bed we slept in. I layed back down, and pulled the blankets over my head. Wanting to be buried in the warmth of the blankets forever.

"C'mon get up, I don't want to get up either but we have to" he said. Pulling the blanket away from me.
I curled up into a ball.
"No you have to get up I don't" I said sleepily.
"Yeah but if I get up then so do you" he remarked.
"You're not even ready. Can I sleep until you are?" I asked sweetly. He sighed giving in.
"Fine only cause it's more of a hassle keeping you awake than letting you sleep" he teased me. After that I got the blankets back and buried myself in them. I closed my eyes trying to sleep once more. Which I did successfully do.

"Ki-Dae if you get up I'll make you waffles" he woke me up once again, this time he was ready he had on a pair of jeans with rips at the knees and a plain black hoodie.
"Tch you'll make me waffles without me getting up" I said groggily.
"Y'know you're a lot less sweet when you're waking up" he mused on.
"Yknow you're a lot more annoying when you're waking me up" I replied.
"God you're so sassy sometimes" he said. He grabbed my hand, and I opened one of my eyes to look at him he was sweetly looking at me with a smile. I got up once again and his hands made their way around my waist, his chin resting on top of my head.
"I'm sorry I woke you I wish we could've slept in but we have to meet someone" I didn't really hear what he was saying I was sleepy and didn't process it, I didn't even listen to anything he said. He picked me up in his arms.
"You can sleep on the way there" he whispered to me as we left his room. I shielded my eyes from the bright light by resting my head into his chest. He carried me bridal style down a few halls. He stopped at a certain door he used his foot to knock on it. Soon it opened and someone popped out.
"Ah Suga hyung have you come to deliver her"
"Yeah move" he said bluntly. The person did. The temperature rose it was really warm in here.
"Good you have a chair and sofa in here as well as your bed. I don't want you in the same bed as her as she sleeps got it?" Yoongi coldly said. As I was layed down on a bed.
"Of course hyung, how long will you be gone?"
"I should be back by 6 here's my bag it has her phone, a charger, her favorite snacks, ear buds, an extra set of clothes in case she gets too warm, and a book in case she gets bored on her phone, doubtful but she might" he said setting the bag down.
"Wow I never thought you'd be thoughtful enough for someone to prepare all of this, cudos for being a great boyfriend"

"Suga it's already 8:15 we gotta leave" someone yelled from outside.
"Can you be fucking quiet? Shes sleeping" Yoongi snapped.
"We'll wait for you in the car" the voice retreated.
"My phone will be on call me if anything happens, and don't you dare touch her. If I find out that you tried to do anything to her I will put a bullet through your skull without any hesitation." He paused for a moment.
"And have Saesui make her waffles when she wakes up. I'll be back as soon as possible, protect her with your life while I'm gone I'll be calling twice while I'm gone to make sure things are fine." Yoongi finished. I herd footsteps walk over to the bed I was on I felt hot breath fan my face. I opened my eyes slowly to see Yoongi hovering over me. He took my hand in his.

"I'm gonna be gone for awhile you're gonna be with Taehyung til I get back. Promise you'll call me if anything happens?" He said softly.
"I promise" I said back.
"Good I'll call you in a bit to check up on you. Go back to bed, I'll be back before you know it" he sweetly said kissing my forehead. He pulled back and I felt his hand let go of mine. Before he left I pulled him back I wrapped my arms around his waist.
"I'm not stupid Yoongi I know you're going on a drug run or going to shoot up another gang. Just come back alive okay? I don't care what you have to do just come back to me alive and breathing" I said holding onto him as if my life depended on it.
"I'll always come back to you, now get some sleep while I'm gone" he said letting go of me. I watched him leave. I felt sad and empty knowing that there was a possibility he wouldn't come back.

"He'll be okay, he was always the strongest one of us" he said smiling at me.

"I hope he will, I really do" I said right before I rolled over to go back to sleep.

"Do you want me to wake you if he calls smoke" Taehyung asked. I had almost forgot about that name, I'm thinking about getting rid of it and just telling them my name.

"Yes please do" I replied.

Min Yoongi please be careful.

Possessive (Min Yoongi FF) (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now