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1st POV

"Sako wake everybody up we leave in less than 5 minutes" I said. Within that time span we were all already in the car. Rin offered to drive but I drove insisting they all sleep on the two hour drive back to our main hideout. On the drive back my mind wondered aimlessly about everything, but I did wonder how much won we got from their safe. We weren't that big of a mafia group only 20 of us.

Our leader Ace liked to keep it small less people to monitor as he would say, Ace picked me up off the streets when I was about 11, he always says he's building this mafia up for me that this mafia is his legacy and that one day it'll be mine, I never want to be in charge I'm not half as good as a leader as he is. I thought that in my head at 14 I wouldn't be as good as him and now at 24 I still think the same.

We arrived to our house well kinda more of a mansion. We walked up and I was immediately bowed to, and handed my pack of cigarettes to which I was more than glad about having once again.

"Ace wishes to see you smoke" one of the guards said to me. I looked behind at the men who came back from the mission were following me I snapped a finger and the black bag was tossed up. I gave them all a nod signaling my leave as I made my way towards Ace's office. I knocked and the door was opened by the guard, I walked in and noticed Ace and another person looking at papers and maps. I cleared my throat and caught the attention of the two.

The other man who was there looked to be a bit younger than myself and was fairly attractive, he looked at me as I took in how he looked as well his grey eyes and brunette hair was a beautiful combo. I handed the bag to Ace who nodded and gave me a hug.

"Glad to see the mission went without a flaunt" he spoke.
"When do they ever?" I replied. As I opened the cigarette pack.
"Father is this the girl?"
"Father?" My mind spoke out loud. I looked at Ace he was only 39 and I've been with him for like 13 years how could I have not known about him having a son.

"Yes Ki-Dae I had a son prior to when we met I didn't want to raise him the way I did you. Around the gangs and everything, I should've though you've grown strong" he said gruffly.
"Hey don't start acting all old on me you're only like 40" I scoffed, even though there was a solid 15 years between me and Ace we treated each other with great respect.
"On come on we both know 1 year in the gang is equivalent to 3 years for normal people" he laughed. His son seemed oddly serious. He noticed this as well. I lit a cigarette and put it to my mouth.

"Anyways Ki-Dae we have a new plan and I want you and my son to work on it" he said taking his leave.
"Wait old man I need more infor-" I yelled as I blew smoke out.
"Yes yes he'll get you caught up on that" he said.

****** Time skip *******
"Let me get this straight you want me to practically throw myself into the Lions den" I said through gritted teeth.

"Yes now if you're as great as my father says you are you'll be just fine let me go fetch someone for him we're running this past him weather you like it or not" he sneered back.

Just then the door opened. Looks like we won't have to fetch someone.

"We've come up with a plan" said ezra who I found out was his son's name. Ace nodded his head towards me.

"Ezra proposes that I just happen to get misguided and get caught by this group afterwards they'll contact you guys saying yknow pay up money for me back you'll say yes then you'll set up a time but it'll basically be a trap cause we're gonna ambush them once they get there and I'll have a gps tracker lodged into my arm so we're gonna get their location as well, a few more finer details I didn't mention here and there but that sums it up" I said.

"I don't like putting your life at risk but this would be a straight forward and quick way to take them out and catch them off guard" he says continuing on he asked.
"This is up to you Ki-Dae do you feel like you can do this?" I nodded.
"I can do this let's get ourselves ready in three days we take this plan into action. I'll teach Rin everything I know within that time" I said as I left the room taking the plan sheet with me to go over it and fix it if needed.

I made my way to the tech room that only I and ace had access to. Everyone used to be able to enter here but a few years back when I was building a GPS ear piece someone stole it, not that it really makes a difference now being that I can make those in a matter of an hour. I pulled out my laptop and pulled up the files that we took from the gang yesterday.

This group that we were taking out was relatively small only 7 men as far as I can tell and by the names of Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook well that was at least their real names seems like they went by the street names of RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V and Jungkook. After staying up longer than I should have, continuing to revise and fixing this plan I was happy with what I had come up with.

I had come up with an unstoppable plan.

Possessive (Min Yoongi FF) (Edited)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz