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Jungkook explained to me that starting tomorrow during the daytime I'll be with him and in the night time I'll be monitored by Suga. So 8am to 8pm I'm with Jungkook then 8pm til 8am I'm with Suga. Seems a bit to difficult if you ask me.

I don't really care who watches me, they're gonna die in the end anyways. Right now it's about 10pm I'd guess and Jungkook led me back to the plain room I was in and he sat down at a chair while I sat on the bed. I felt awkward.
"If you don't mind me asking what exactly are you doing?" I asked.
He looked over at me grinning.
"Well like I said someone has to monitor you 24/7 so I gotta yknow stay up" he explained. I bit my lip.

Why do I feel bad?

"Oh I'm sorry" I replied quietly. He looked at me and chuckled. He got up off the chair and walked close to me, so close I could feel his hot breathe on my face.
"Tell me Smoke, how does one go from insulting a Gang to apologizing over keeping a man up late at night?" He said to me. I frowned my eye brows at him. Putting my hand on his chest which I regretted afterwards due to how toned it was despite his slim figure but regardless of how much I wanted to feel his chest more I pushed him back.
"Don't get your hopes up to high, I couldn't care less if you get any sleep I just can't sleep with someone watching me" I said back. He laughed at me while he brought something out of his pocket.

"Okay sure whatever if your pride isn't gonna let you admit you like me that's fine cause sooner or later you're gonna wish you had" he said cockily. I rolled my eyes at him and his eyes seemed to have had a different tone to them after that.
He took my jaw into his hand making me look at him.
"What did I tell you about rolling your eyes?" His hand wouldn't budge to let my jaw go.
"That you didn't like it" I said
"When?" He trailed on. I sighed
"When pretty little girls roll their eyes at you" I said quickly. I felt something warm on my thigh which caused me to jerk my knee up.

"Woah watch that knee you could've hurt me" he says smiling at me.
Jeez bipolar much?
"You act like that would be a bad thing" I scoff back. As I looks down at my thigh I notice a black iPhone 8 I think? I didn't actually ever care for iPhones that much I always went for a Samsung Galaxy instead.
"That phone has all our numbers in it, if you try and contact someone else Rm, Jin and Suga will automatically be notified and the phone will automatically shut down" he stated almost like he had rehearsed it and was proud he remembered it all.

"Oh okay well I'm gonna set an alarm at 8 so we can leave by 9 for Jimin and Hoseok" I said to myself more than anything. He nodded I looked at the time 1:53am it read on the screen. Fuck time flew.
I took off my shoes and rolled over into the bed to go to sleep. I felt warmth next to me. I looked behind my shoulder and noticed jungkook had actually got into the bed with me.
"Goodnight smoke" he said. With those last two words I went into a black drift of sleep.


I woke up to the sound of the alarm I had set. I dismissed the alarm and shook jungkook up. He groaned and rolled back over to sleep at my shaking.
"Wake up we have to go with Jimin and Hoseok in an hour" I said to him.
"Ugh why?" He protested.
"Because Jin asked me to teach them" soon after that he got up and stretched. We were both in the same attire as yesterday.
"So uh what should I do about clothes?" I asked him, he pointed towards a door.
"The closet in there should have some clothes" I nodded my head not bothering to ask if it was even women's or men's clothing. I opened the closet it was relatively small.
There wasnt anything in here except three pairs of shorts, two pairs of leggings and five pairs of jeans. I exited the closet for jungkook.
"Can you go get me a shirt or sweater?" I asked him not caring to explain why. He nodded his head probably complying cause he was groggy from waking up.
"Any color you feel like wearing today?" He asked before leaving the room. I looked into the closet once more before answering.
"Black or grey please" I said sweetly. He left my room after that but not before locking it from the outside. I'd say about 10 minutes later the door was unlocked and in came jungkook with different clothing. He must've changed while he got me a shirt. He handed me a long sleeve shirt it said 'Mastermind' on it.
(The picture up above ^^^
Or aka the sweater he wears in the mic drop music video)

I went back to the closet and shut the door lightly, as I unfolded the shirt a pair of Calvin Klein men's boxers unfolded with it. He's joking right? he really doesn't expect me to wear his boxers right?
"Oh and I put my boxers there intentionally, it's not like I have women's panties" I herd his yell from outside. At least he was thoughtful. I put on the black long sleeve which I will admit was really soft, I put on a pair of camo skinny jeans. Geez guys' boxers are so uncomfortable.
(You're basically wearing a girls version of what jungkook wore in mic drop sorry but I love that outfit 😂)

I opened the door and saw jungkook there, he looked at me.
"You look great, ready to go meet the two?" He asked. I nodded my head and he got up off my bed handing me the phone I probably would've forgotten if he hadn't handed it to me. With that we left and made our way back towards the place I told them to meet us.

Possessive (Min Yoongi FF) (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now