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When we got back I parked Tae's car and opened the front door with the key card. Going into the lab, god I've missed this place, I sighed to myself. I turned on the computer and got out my notepad.

Jisin Mao.

Brown eyes.

Brown hair.

Big nose.

Bitch face.

I wrote her name and details on the note pad, what is it about her name that looks so familiar. I brushed off the feelings and searched for her name. As I put her name into the public security files I groaned.
"Fuck there's a lot of Jisin Mao's"


Within a span of two hours I had found the girl. Looks like she hopped from job to job, not smart this just made her a hell of a lot easier to track down. And as expected I found myself an address. Her address and phone number seemed to stay the same no matter what. I wrote everything down before putting it back in it's drawer. I got up it was only around 7 so Jin or Namjoon should be awake. I made my way to Jin's room. I knocked on it and Namjoon opened it he smiled at me. Opening the door I took a light steps in the room.
"I found the girl and all information we could need behind her." I said looking at Jin his face automatically stretched into a smile.

"Good" Namjoon commented.
"We should take her out as soon as we can" Jin said.
"So what Kiki take I'd say Jimin, Hoseok, Suga and Jungkook with you and take her out tomorrow" Namjoon said looking at Jin for confirmation to which Jin nodded his head.
"Please go tell them that tomorrow you'll be taking them on a mission" Jin said giving me the puppy eyes.
I nodded my head.
"Alright I will" I said before leaving the room.

(Gonna be honest I haven't kept actual track on times and dates in this book so I'm kinda just improving now so I'm gonna say Ki-Dae is about 4 months and 2 weeks pregnant ishhhh)

I made my way Jimins room first. I knocked on it and seconds later Jimin appeared.
"Hey jiminie tomorrow we're gonna go on a mission tomorrow so be ready okay?" I asked smiling. He shook his head yes.
"Okay miss smoke I'll be ready, it's an honor to work with you" he said the last part quietly. I smiled walking away. I came to Hoseok's room. I explained to him everything.
"Cool I'll see you in the morning smoke" he said shutting the door. I took a deep breath looking at Jungkook's. He opened the door suddenly and he looked down at me.
Instantly a smirk formed on his lips.

"Hmm did you miss me that much babe?" He retorted laughing.
"Don't call me that" I replied rolling my eyes.
"What did I tell you about rolling your eyes at me?" Jungkook said.
"To talk about my eyes rolling is not what I'm here for... We have a mission tomorrow so be up early" I said before he dragged me through the open door of his room he left it open as he sat in his usual spot and I stood between his legs like usual. He lifted up my shirt and his eyes instantly lit up and he gasped.
"Oh my God Ki-Dae" jungkook practically squealed to me. I look down at him.
"Your well our- well no it's in your body so your baby bump is forming" he grinned at me. I felt myself smile as well. He caressed the skin around my stomach lightly. Eyes full of wonder.
"So fucking beautiful" he muttered. His lips once again met my stomach but then my body was jerked back.

"Watch it kook, she's still mine weather you or she likes it or not" Yoongi eyes shot glares into him. I turned my head slightly, to look at Yoongi. His jaw was clenched and his features seemed to stick out to me more for some reason.
"For now she is" jungkook said before Yoongi took me out of the room. Yoongi instantly pulled my shirt down, his eyes did stare a little longer at my stomach as well though. He quickly looked away though. He led us to his room.
"So where are we going tomorrow?" Yoongi asked.
"For the girl Jisin Mao" I replied, as I entered his room. For some reason not being official with Yoongi made it hard for me to think of sharing a bed with him, both of us knew we'd eventually get back together but it was just difficult for me.

In blunt honesty it made me feel like any other slut in his bed.

Not that he had any sluts I had been here for nearly 5 months and only with that one girl had another person been here.

"Don't act foreign Ki-Dae at the end of the day we both love each other, even if you have a little crush on that idiot jungkook. A crush doesn't compare to a love babygirl" he said to me. He had a point even if I had crush on jungkook I wouldn't compare him to Yoongi who I loved? Love? I'm not sure. I feel like I love him but we just feel distant.
I layed down on the bed in the same spot I would, the familiar scent of him was all over the place. He turned off the light and got into the bed with me, just like a month ago he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling my back closer to his chest. I felt his breathing, everything felt way to familiar.

I felt his head dig into my neck and breath in a light kiss was placed there not a lust filled one but a longing passionate one.

"Since you left I've been holding onto a memory."

Those were the last words I herd out of him before I fell into a dreamless darkness.

Possessive (Min Yoongi FF) (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now