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"you can ask but I might not answer" he shrugged.

"How did this gang get formed? Like what happened to you guys?" I asked. He was silent, I bit my lip not sure if I should've asked.
"That's difficult to answer. Well I'll tell you how we all met" he said, I nodded for him to continue on as we both ate.
"Jungkook's mom adopted Taehyung, later she died from a car crash and jungkook's dad became a abusive alcoholic so they ran away. Later they met Namjoon who had his family murdered by a gang except his sister who was luckily not with his parents that night. Taehyung sold drugs to sustain a life for him and jungkook and that's how he met Jin who supplied Taehyung with drugs. Namjoon meet Hoseok when he saved him from getting beat in an alley. I knew Jin and he introduced me to Tae, namjoon, and Jungkook. From there we found Jimin his mom died giving birth to him, his father would beat, rape, and eventually sold him, Jungkook automatically took him in. Namjoon wanted to get revenge on that gang for killing his family so that's how we came to be BTS" he explained. Hearing all this actually made me sick to my stomach. More particularly Jimin's story. As if Yoongi read my mind he spoke up.

"Jimin had it worse than any of us, I guess that's why we're always careful with him. He looks up to you so much that I'm sure some of the guys are jealous of how much he does.... Then when you "took him in" so to speak he grew attached to you" he calmly said. I had always felt sympathy for Jimin and I'm not sure why. I can't believe someone would treat their son like that.

After hearing how they became a gang I felt as if my plans had shattered into pieces, they had already endured so much why am I doing this? Because they could potentially be a threat instead of an ally.

"I can't believe that happened to Jimin, what kind of shitty father does that" I gritted.
"Yeah I know even though none of us acknowledge it... Jimin is still furious at his dad, you can just see it when we're on missions and he takes all his anger out." He sighed out. He seemed stressed.
"Hey you okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah just thinking about Jimin and his situation stresses me out" he honestly replied.
"With you guys there by his side he'll be fine" I said smiling.
We finished our eggos and we're walking back to the kitchen to clean our dishes when we ran into Jin and Jungkook as well.

"mmh look who it is? How's the past few hours been for you? I haven't seen you in a bit wanna come back to my room with me?" Jungkook asked with a smirk. He grabbed my forearm pulling me close to him. His breath reeked of alcohol. My face automatically scrunched up in disgust.
"Not if my life depended on it" I replied annoyed. He spun my arm around and wrapped his arms around my waist giving me a back hug. His face was buried in my neck. I felt his warm lips kiss my neck and his arms tighten around my waist. Pulling my body against his even more I felt his hard on through mine and his jeans. His lips continued to explore around my neck biting every so often. I looked to Yoongi who's eyes where a lot more ghostly almost like Yoongi wasn't there but only a body was. He dropped the dish and it shattered.

"Jungkook you're drunk stop it" I managed to say to him. His lips stopped sucking my neck for a bit.
"Yeah so what if I am more of a reason to, not like I would've had the confidence to do this sober" he laughed out.

"Let her go Jungkook" Yoongi spoke up.
"Why?" He asked seeming amused.
"Becaus-" Yoongi began but was interrupted by Jungkook getting up and aggressively dragging me behind him we walked a few halls down with Yoongi following us. I practically was dead weight, I punched at his wrist and it didn't seem to faze him neither did my lack of feet movement. I continuously threw my weight on my ground more and more as my heart pounded fast and loud inside my chest.

"Can you just fucking get lost?" He shouted down the hall to Yoongi. Who just proceeded to continue running to catch up to us. Jesus how fucking big is their mansion. Eventually Jungkook got tired of my thrashing around and grabbed me tightly by my hair to which I hissed in pain at. I grabbed his wrist which held my hair and brought it down to my teeth. He screamed in pain as I bit down hard enough to draw blood. His door opened and he shoved me in there. Yoongi pounded on the door while Jungkook smiled down at me.

"You're gonna love tonight" he said looking down at me. He reached down and grabbed my hands pulling me off the floor I was shoved to. His lips smashed onto mine and he put his hand to the back of my neck pulling me as close as I could. His lips detached from mine when he pushed me onto his bed and got on me.
"Jungkook stop" I muttered out.
"Give me a good reason to" he said unbuttoning my black jeans. He took off his shirt and undid his belt pulling it off while I tried to push him back by his warm chest. He grabbed my hands and wrapped his belt around them sloppily as I kicked my feet at him. The pounding on the door continued.

"Because this isn't you please don't do this. This isn't you Jungkook" I pleaded out. He ripped his black shirt off me. He crawled on me kissing my breasts and trailing them down to my stomach. His fingers pulled down my panties, he took off his jeans. I continued to pull my wrists against the belt eventually causing blood to seep through my sensitive skin. It felt like nobody was gonna save me and this night nobody did, Yoongi's pounding on the door continued and so did Jungkook with taking me as his.

Why me? Is this my punishment for every life I've taken?

Possessive (Min Yoongi FF) (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now