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I had been up for about an hour or so working in the lab. I woke up early at 6am and got ready making my way back to the lab to work on a few things. I continued working on the charges trying to find a way to connect them to my phone so I could blow them up from my phone. Since we had a cabinet of charges that I could remember, setting them off would be a major advantage. I herd the door open and in came Jimin he smiled at me.
"Hey miss Ki-Dae" he smiled walking over to see what I was doing.
"No need for the formalities Jimin, you can call me whatever you'd like" I said softly. He chuckled grabbing a seat and sitting down next to me.

"What're you up too?" He asked intrigued. I explained what I was trying to do and he seemed interested in every word I said.
"Wow that's insane you could do that. Anything I could do to help" he asked. I looked at him wondering if I should ask him, I bit my lip contemplating it.
"What is it ask me" he blurted.
"Well it's not related to any of this.." motioning to what I had just explained to him.
"...but more of a target practice" I said. He smiled brightly at me nodding I felt relief take me.
"Okay but what're you gonna shoot?" He asked dumbfounded. I got up and walked over to a cabinet that I had emptied out for the sniper I had. I brought the bag for it out the bag was dark blue and had two straps to hold onto it. I set it down on a table and unzipped it showing Jimin the beautiful black matte sniper rifle. He awed at it.

"Okay I'm thinking I'll go to the roof top and we can spray some targets with some spray paint" I suggested.
"Okay let's go get some spray paint" he said leaving the room.

I followed behind him as he walked to a door opening it, he went down the stairs that led to what seemed like a basement, seems I was right. He searched around and went to a closet opening it.
"Hey did you wanna practice archery as well y'know just for fun miss Ki-Dae" he asked me, pulling out a beautiful white sports bow that was most likely really expensive.
(Bow in the picture up above ^^^)

Jimin put arrows in a sheath that he slung over my shoulder. I grabbed the sniper and held it in my left hand and Jimin held the bow, we made our way to the back of the mansion which was just forest. This mansion was really in the middle of nowhere. We set our stuff down carefully and he gave me a can and took a can himself and shook it, he pushed down on the red tip and it sprayed out.... On me. I gasped due to shock and looked at Jimin who had a mischievous grin.
"Oh my God Jimin you did not just-" I began but got interrupted.
"Oh yes I did" he said to me. I cracked open the cap of my can and shook it spraying it at him bright green sprayed on his plain black shirt and he sprayed me back in my white sweater. He made an 'X' on my sweater, the X was black. He grinned at me and I laughed out.
"C'mon let's spray some trees" I said to him and we did. There where circles as targets all over the trees.
"Hey Jimin what did you want to be as a kid?" I asked curiously. He smiled down at me.
"A dancer" I was shocked.
"Really?" He nodded.
"Why did you want to be one too?" He asked.
"Well until my parents left me I attended dance classes. Not that I wanted to be a dancer. I'm not sure what I wanted to be." I said in brute honesty. As we finished spray painting and climbed our way to the rooftop. He sat beside the edge watching as I readied my sniper. I breathed in looking through the scope looking for a target I found one and steadied my breathing squeezing the trigger as I shot at the target I exhaled and shot more targets once all the targets were shot Jimin got up.
"I'll go check how you did and set new ones, when you see me leave go ahead and shoot" he said running down the stairs as I reloaded the sniper, looking at the bow wondering if I should try it. Soon I saw Jimin disappear and I readied the sniper once again breathing in ready to shoot. The wind breezed past me as I felt a presence behind me. I pushed my elbow back harshly and herd someone lose their breath. I pushed my leg behind theirs as I hit their face hard enough for them to lose balance and fall. I picked up the bow readying it and whipped back with the bow pulled back my breathing was unsteady. My vision was blurring almost as if focusing and not over again.  I blinked my eyes a few times. Finally my vision was beginning to clear. I looked down at the figure and widened my eyes immidiately. I turned back around and aimed for a tree target and let go of the string as I herd the arrow whip through the air. I tossed the bow aside to the floor and sat beside him.

"Yoongi?" I asked shaking him slightly.
"Hey are you okay? Uh Yoongi can you hear me?" I asked worriedly. I was so paranoid I must've just hit on instinct. Fuck I hurt him.
I dragged his body on my lap cradling him.
"Yoongi hey babe can you hear me?" I asked softly. His eyes opened, those beautiful brown eyes.
"Guess I don't have to worry about anyone hurting my girl" he groaned getting up. I got up as well rushing to his aid. I hit his face pretty hard and he did hit the rooftop hard as well. I swung his arm over my shoulder pulling him with me towards the stairs going inside. I rushed into our room and sat him on the bathroom counter.
"Jagiya it's not like I'm bleeding out I'm fine" he said I didn't care though. I pulled his T shirt over his head leaving his chest to my display. I bent down and grabbed some ointment. I snapped my finger to the bed.
"Lay down on your stomach" I demand.
"God you're hot when you're demanding" he smirked at me before doing so. I put my legs on either side of him looking at his red skin on his back. I put the cool liquid on his back and rubbed it in. He groaned into my touch. As my hands explored him. I tried hard not to make this sexual but it was hard.
After some time of rubbing his back a lot his breathing fell silent.

I think he fell asleep.

Possessive (Min Yoongi FF) (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now