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A week and a few days had passed of me being here. I woke up to shaking I rubbed my eyes. 
"What Jungkook stop shaking me damnit" I snapped. I herd snickering after that. I peered my eyes open to Jimin and Hoseok. My fake smile instantly made its way into my lips.
"Oh sorry guys I thought you were Jungkook" I said sweetly. I got up and told them to go get the lab ready so that I could teach them. I looked behind me god he takes forever to wake up.
"Kookie wake up" I said taking the blankets away. He grabbed my wrist pulling me down then a few seconds later he hissed pushing me away.

"God you're colder than the air" he grumbled, but got up soon after that. After we were ready we walked to the lab. I was automatically greeted by the two boys. Sometimes I wondered how they could be in a gang I'm sure on the exterior they're probably scary to foes but to me they're still young and have potential to do something with their lives. Not this shitty gang life. Why would they even continue with this? They're so much more than just hood rats, they're young and still have more to life.

Fuck what was I doing I'm gonna set them up to be killed.

I was snapped out of my haze by a concerned looking Jimin. Jimin oh god, Jimin looks up to me he's been nothing but sweet and loyal to me since I've arrived here.
"Miss smoke are you feeling okay?" He asked me with his lively eyes.
"Just fine Jimin. Anyways today we're talking about connecting to doors and cameras." I said trying to not only distract my hands, from wanting to call Namjoon and tell him not to make the trade but also my mind from making me turn back and not follow through with the plan.

I can't turn back anymore.

"Give me your key cards" I said to them. They did and I went over and unlocked the door and it opened.

"See how it opened but if you go into the settings and click room sequence" I showed them on the monitor.
"And do this it'll deactivate the card and make it invalid. Watch." I continued on, walking over to the door and attempting to open the door which didn't.

"J-hope I'm gonna change the code and I want you to break the code using your phone instead though, you might not always have a computer to your use" I said. Then from there the rest of the day my teaching continued on.

"Thank you smoke I'll see you tomorrow" J-hope hugged me. Sweet smiley J-hope, who I'm planning to kill. What have I done?

"Goodbye miss smoke seeya tomorrow" Jimin said hugging me as well.
I smiled waving them off out of the lab.
"Wow you really do like them don't you Ki-Dae?" Yoongi said behind me.
I turned to him who I had now just noticed had been sitting there for what I'm guessing awhile.
"I do" I whispered.
"Jimin looks up to you as if you were his own mother- Hoseok too" he continued on. To which I smiled warmly at, but felt the guilt build up in my stomach giving me a butterfly like feeling that I've never really felt.

"The mother they never had" he whispered under his breath. Am I really gonna follow through with this? Questions ran through my mind like thunder striking.
I grabbed the key card that I asked Hoseok to leave behind and made my way to the monitors.

"You've been doing this all day on repeat over and over again can't you take a break?" Yoongi pestered.
"Yeah I know I have, now I have to change the sequence for the door to it's original code. Y'know so you guys can actually get in" I said. After changing it I put everything away everything we took out for today and left the lab with Yoongi. Given that I had only spent a few "babysit" sessions with Yoongi I didn't exactly know what he wanted to do. So I slowed down and let him lead the way, he was taking me somewhere else that wasn't my room.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"The kitchen you must be hungry its not like you took a break, then to my room" he replied. At least he's considerate. We got to the kitchen which was beautiful it had a modest look to it with marble beautiful counter tops.

"What are you hungry for?" Yoongi looked at me with curious eyes. As embarrassing as it is I really love frozen foods they're just so easy to make.
"Got any eggos?" I asked, he gave me a amused look then chucked. It made me kinda embarrassed. Was he expecting me to ask for something more adult like or something.
"Stop laughing at me ugh" I groaned covering my flushing face with my hands to prevent him to see the redness in my face. I felt his warmth breath on me before he took my wrist and removed my hands. Staring at me intently.
"Don't be embarrassed, I just find it amusing how you ask for eggos of all things" he patted my head, after he said that I stared into his eyes. I've never noticed how appealing they were until now.

You came here on a mission Ki-Dae. Remember that my mind screamed at me and that's when I looked away, I can't be going around getting attached to these guys. It'll only hurt me and them in the long run. I looked away and he sighed turning his back to me while he went to their fancy fridge and got out a box of eggos and proceeded to make the eggos he must've decided he wanted some as well cause he pulled out two plates. After he made our eggos he led me to his room. It was two halls down from mine. I think.
"Can you get the key it's in my pocket?" He asked me. Fuck why me.

I reached into his pocket feelings around. I tried to make this as quick as possible. The cool metal was felt and I pulled it out. Opening the door the interior was okay. There was a king size bed, a nice TV and a window. Something my room didn't actually have.
"Can I ask a rather personal question?" I piped up.
"You can ask but I might not answer" he shrugged.

Possessive (Min Yoongi FF) (Edited)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang