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A/N kinda a filler chapter

I left the kitchen feeling mad for him thinking that would win me over, what does he think I'm some idiot? Like I'm a stupid little girl?. Jungkook came in later trying to tell me it's okay, but then he said that I couldn't entirely be mad at Yoongi cause he was trying. That's when I lost it and I was yelling at Jungkook. Does everybody seriously think I'm just gonna get back with him. I sat on the bed burying my head in my arms knees brought up to my chest I was crying. I herd the door open.
"Fucking idiot" I herd someone say. I felt arms wrap around me. I looked up and saw Tae. He gave me a sad smile.

"Hey kiki let's go" he whispered softly to me picking me up bridal style. He left Jungkook's room and walked with me close to him. He got to a nice car the sky was a dark color, probably around 9pm. He opened the door without dropping me and set me in before running to the other side and getting in. He started the car and turned the heat on before pulling a jacket in the back and covering me with it. He pulled out from the mansion and started to drive. He was gripping the steering wheel tightly with one hand the other petting my hair softly.
"Where are we going?" I asked. He smiled at me.
"Just for a little drive, I figured you needed to get out for a bit" he said to me.
"Since y'know you can't smoke to calm your nerves" he continued on. We drove around the empty highways. He drove me to a hilltop and he got out and opened my door pulling his hand out for me. He led me to the hood of the car and we both got on it, letting my feet dangle off the side. The view was beautiful we could see the stars that shinned beautiful and forest.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" He asked grinning at me.
"Yes it is, I didn't even know spots like these existed." I said to him. After about an hour of talking about anything other than Yoongi he said we had to get back, I jumped down and started the car but going the wrong way.
"Uh Tae the mansion is that way" I said to him. He chuckled out.
"I said we were going back yes but I didn't say right away" he drove on the long highway to Daegu.
"We're gonna stop by the store first" he said speeding up. He was going really fast probably around 90-120 but I didn't mind. He swerved from lane to lane and I loved the rush of adrenaline. Within 40 minutes we got to a Daegu market. Tae got two black caps and black medical masks out for us I put it on, and we got out and he took me around the city. We didn't have a particular destination and I liked that. As we walked to a pavement opening where a band played light dancing music and had a hat taking tips, people danced to their soft music. Tae looked down at me with a grin. He extended his arm.

"Share a dance with me?" He asked. I lightly took his arm and he twirled me out onto the opening where people danced. The song was in a foreign language not English, Korean or Japanese. I think it was french or something. We danced in sync, I internally thanked my parents for forcing me into those dance classes. We continued to dance as his eyes stared into mine.
To be frank if I didn't meet Yoongi I probably would've went after Tae. The flute to the song stook out. He tightened his grip on my hip and pulled me closer. Tae was unique sometimes when I talked to him he was timid and understanding other times he was mischievous and a classic bad boy. He was unpredictable, I herd metal scrape against each other my eyes flickered to his belt. It's not until now that I noticed the slight bulge of his gun.
"Y'know guns aren't safe right" I pointed out.
"Y'know I don't need a gun to be considered unsafe" he pointed out.

Soon the dance ended and we slipped out of the crowd. We made our way back the the car he opened the door for me and I got in. He sped back to the mansion and overall I enjoyed our night it was great to just be away from everything sometimes. That everything being Yoongi and the whole being pregnant with Jungkook's baby. Not that I could really run away from that being that the baby was growing inside me. Soon we pulled into the mansion and Tae parked the car. He opened my door for me as we made our way up the steps before we could enter I pulled him back into a hug.
"Thank you Tae, sometimes I think you're the only one who gets me" I said to him. He smiled down at me and gave my figure a light squeeze.
"Trust me kiki I really am the only one" he said before we unattached.

I decided I didn't wanna spend my night with jungkook and instead went back to that old room I once started in. The one I sat in wondering how long I'd be there. The one that I was in when I was still thinking I had BTS all wrapped around my finger.
The one that I found annoying for not having a window.

But yet the room I considered awful for not having a window suddenly became the only room I found comfort in.

Possessive (Min Yoongi FF) (Edited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora