Veronica nods, "Me neither, but I think you might be boyfriend-worthy." She said.

Archie nods with a smile, "I agree. Let's test that theory at the Homecoming Dance."

"Unfortunately, I don't have the bandwidth to explore anything with anyone right now." Veronica said.

"Well, in that case, what if we just finally get to sing that duet together?" Archie asks and chuckles, "I kind of told my mom I was performing."

"Look, Archie, I'm sorry, but for a million reasons, we're going to have to pretend our moment never happened. I'll see you later." Veronica said.

And then Archie watched the brunette walk away down the hallway. Archie glanced from Veronica and then noticed Peter -- he was walking with Ned, Michelle, Liz, and Flash. It was as if things were back to how it use to be, just minus Cheryl in their group.


Alice saw Veronica enter in -- they were in the blue and gold room. Alice was sitting in there, with her daughter -- awaiting the brunette.

"Oh finally, close the door." Alice said, "Ladies I need you to look around the room. Whoever is not in this room is on the table as a possible murder suspect. Including those Pussycats."

Betty groans, "Oh my god, mom."

"Now, let's talk about your father." Alice said looking at Veronica.

The two Coopers were sitting, meanwhile, Veronica walked over and stood closest to Betty.

"He has an epic grudge against the Blossoms, so yes. It's totally within the realm of possibility that he hired someone from jail to kill Jason." Alice said.

"Maybe Jughead's dad," Veronica said.

Betty's head snapped to Veronica, "You really believe that?"

"My dad paid Jughead's dad to trash the drive-in." Veronica said.

"Maybe he paid him to," Alice added.

Betty shakes her head and stands up. She didn't like to think that way -- nor think of FP as a killer.

"Commit murder. And for all we know, that gay Greaser Serpent is an accomplice." Veronica said.

Betty turns to her mom, "And what are you basing that off of?" She asks, "That you saw FP and Joaquin talking?"

"It looked like they were conspiring." Veronica said.

Betty was a bit upset, "Conspiring about what?" She asks.

"That's what I need you to find out," Alice said, "Either through Jughead or FP directly, without raising suspicion, of course."

Betty shakes her head -- she is in total shock that her mom is saying this to her.

"Which is why I have prepared a seemingly innocuous list of questions." Alice said.

Betty stood her ground, "I already asked Jughead, point-blank, if he thought his father had anything to do with Jason's death, and he said no. I believed him, and I still believe him." She said.

"Betty, you're too close to this." Veronica said.

"I'm not going to insult Jughead or betray him by entertaining this. Now, if you excuse me, I have a Homecoming Dance to plan." Betty said and stormed out.

The door slammed shut loudly -- there was a moment of silence between the two. Alice took of her glasses and sighed.

"Mrs Cooper," Veronica said.

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