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I followed Jisung and Jeongin out of the art room and down the hall. The building was full of all the students, some where standing and talking, some were walking, a few running. As we were strolling down the hallway, I saw a familiar dirty blonde walking alone. I quickly pushed my way past Jisung and Jeongin, catching up to him.

"Chan!" I said when I finally caught up. He glanced at me quickly before looking back straight ahead.

"What?" He asked. He seemed uninterested. I know our relationship is rocky, but something seemed a bit off.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He didn't even blink. "Chan?" I grabbed his arm and he stopped, turning to me.

"What do you want, Chaise?"

"What's wrong?" I know when Chan is upset with me, he'd stare at me in the eyes, burning holes through my soul. But for some reason, he wasn't looking at me at all "Channie-"

"Look, I don't want to talk. I just want to be left alone." He pulled his arm from me softly and gave me a faint smile. Before I could say anything, he turned away from me and began walking towards the doors.

I felt someone's arm around my shoulders and turned to see Jisung. He was staring at Chan. "What's wrong with him?" I looked back at Chan and watched him walk past his friends as if they weren't there. I shrugged in response to Jisung and sighed.

"So, are we going to keep standing here, or are we actually leaving campus and going to the store? My mom gave me extra money so I have enough to buy two bags of chips and large drink instead of one bag and a medium drink." Jeongin said as he stared at us.

Jisung, Jeongin and I walked out of the convenience store, hands full with snacks. Well, mine and Jisung's hands were full. I was carrying not only my snacks, but I also got snacks for Chan. Jisung was carrying his and Joengin's since Jeongin was holding his large Coke in one hand and eating an ice cream with the other.

Jisung groaned loudly, staring at the sidewalk. "I forgot I have a stupid project due tomorrow for history. Fucking kill me."

"Language." Jeongin said with a mouth full of ice cream.

I chuckled at the innocent boy. "Luckily for me, I don't have homework. But I may just finish my portrait from art just to have something to do."

"Typical Bang Chaise. Always doing something artsy." I shook my head at Jisung and laughed.

For the rest of the walk home, we stayed silent. We just walked down the long sidewalk, eating our snacks, enjoying the nice fresh air. As we approached my house, I said goodbye to the two knuckleheads and walked in the front door. I immediately took my shoes off and places them by the door, seeing a pair I don't recognize.

I looked around the living room but it was empty. I made my way to the kitchen, empty as well. I heard voices coming towards the hallway where Chan and my rooms are at. Did Chan actually bring friends home for once?

I quickly and quietly ran on my tip toes to my room, trying not to make a sound. Setting all mine and Chan's snacks down on my bed, I thought about the company he had over. I saw an unfamiliar pair by the door. Thank you Jesus that I bought myself two bags of chips and two cokes, one was for later after dinner, and bought Chan his own bag and coke.

I sighed and scooped them all up in my arms, making my way out of my bedroom and across the hall to Chan's. I was about to knock when I heard Chan and his friends talking.

"I just don't know what to do anymore. I tried everything, but she just said she doesn't want to do it anymore." What the hell is Chan talking about? 

"Fuck her. She's a bitch anyway." That was a voice I didn't recognize.


"I'm just being honest. You wanted me to be as honest as I could, as I'm just here being deadass honest."

Changbin is here? Wait- Did Chan have a girlfriend none of the family knew about? I confused. Finally after hearing that short conversation, I decided to interrupt them and knock lightly on the door.

"Come in." Chan gave permission.

I twisted the doorknob and slowly opened it, popping my head in with a smile. I looked towards Chan, giving him a soft smile. I looked over at Changbin and froze. He was just staring at me, with no expression at all.

"Yes, Chaise?" Chan asked catching my attention.

I pushed the door open more and walked in. "I bought snacks." I walked over to Chan's bed and set the bags of chips and bottles of cokes down in front of him.

"Oh, thank you." Chan gave me a faint smile. His eyes were red, I could tell he had been crying. I smiled back with sympathy before turning back around and making my way out of his room, hurrying back into mine. I dug my phone out of my pocket and texted Jisung and Jeongin.

squirrel, fox, & koala-
me: ngl, i'm bored without having actual homework to do
jeongin: Want to do mine?
jisung: u can do my project?
me: i-
me: you know what, get your asses over here. i'm going to help you guys with your homework for fun
jeongin: Wow. Academy really changed you
me: wth is that suppose to mean
jeongin: You're doing homework for FUN
jisung: fox, don't question it. get ur shoes on! i'm coming to get u right now. i'm walking up ur doorstep as i'm typing this

I laughed and rolled my eyes. Why am I friends with them?

I heard my door open and looked up to see my mom.

"Hi sweetie, dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes." She smiled at me.

"Make extra. Fox and Squirrel are coming over to do homework."

My mother laughed at my response and nodded her head. "Thank you for the heads up. Now I'll have five children to feed tonight." I pressed my brows together and tilted my head. "Chan's friends are staying for dinner as well." She replied.

I made and "O" shape with my mouth and nodded my head. That makes sense now. We both heard the front door open and close. After a moment, she opened the door wider and the two boys walked in with huge smiles on their faces and they backpacks on their backs.

"We're ready for homework! Hope you are too." Jisung sang with a huge smile.

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