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I laid in my bed, the only light being the moonlight shining through my slightly opened curtain. My phone kept buzzing, but I didn't move a muscle to see who it was. I stared blankly at my wall where my desk was at. My door opened and closed and my lights flickered on. I moved only my eyes to see who entered, seeing Chris walking towards me.

He sighed and walked to sit on the chair at my desk. I glanced over at him, then rolled over on my other side, facing my back to him. I already know I'm about to get my ass chewed out, all thanks for Han Jisung.

"Why?" He said. I didn't answer, nor did I move to look back at him. "Chaise, answer me." I still didn't budge. "Chaise-Alyyzabeth." I slowly turned my head to look over at him. "Why?" I simply shrugged, turning my head back to face the opposite way. I heard him sigh in frustration. He stood up from the chair and walked back to my door. "Sometimes you're fucking impossible to talk to." He opened my door, and slammed it shut again.

I know I can be annoying and stubborn. I know when I get mad, my attitude can be a handful to tolerate. I know when I'm upset, I'm 'impossible' to have a conversation with because I shut myself down. I've always been this way. And with the whole event that just happened, there's no way I'm talking to anyone. I don't want to risk another argument with anyone else.

I reached over for my phone and unlocked it, ignoring all the messages I was receiving, most of them being from Jisung. I went straight to my contacts and clicked on Changbin's name.

"Hello?" I didn't respond. I just sniffed into the phone. "I'm on my way." As he hung up, I got up from my bed and took my backpack from the floor and throwing it on my bed. I went to my dresser, grabbing an oversized graphic tee and a pair of leggings, tossing them in my backpack. I grabbed some of my makeup and shoved it in there as well.

After about five minutes, I received a text from Changbin saying he was here. I swung my backpack over my right shoulder, yanking my phone charger out of the socket in the wall, and grabbing my phone from my bed. I turned off my light and headed out of my room, quietly walking to the door.

"Chaise," I heard a soft voice say. I slowly turned to see Hannah standing in the kitchen. "Where are you going?"

"I have a project to work on with a friend." I said.

"It's almost midnight?" She tilted her head to the side as gave me a questionable look.

"It's due tomorrow and we need to do some last minute finishing touches." I faintly smiled at trying to convince her that that was the deal. She nodded her head and grabbed a bottle of water before telling me goodnight and walking back to her room.

I opened the front door, locking it from the inside before stepping out and quietly shutting it. I sighed and quickly walked to the car, throwing my back in the back set of his car before climbing into the passenger seat.

"Why do you have your school bag?" Changbin asked.

"You're not bringing me home tonight." I said. He pressed his lips together and nodded his head. He didn't bother to argue or convince me to go home. After I buckled up, he began to take off back to his house.

I sat on his bed in one of his many plain black tee's he had. I was on my laptop, watching On My Block on Netflix with my earbuds in. Changbin was sitting next to me on his laptop, producing more music. For a while we didn't say much, we just enjoyed each other company and did our own thing.

I saw Changbin looking at me and I pulled out my left earbud, pausing my show. "Huh?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

He shook his head and smiled. "I didn't say anything. I was just looking at you." I felt my cheeks heat up a bit. "I know you don't want to hear this right now, but you look a lot like Chan when you're focused."

I scrunched my face together. "What?"

He chuckled at my expression and closed his laptop, setting it on his nightstand. He took my laptop off my lap, closing it as well, and set it on top of his laptop on his nightstand. He yanked the blankets down so we can both crawl in. Once we were covered, he put an arm around me, pulling me close to him. I rested my head on his shoulder, my left had was holding onto his bicep that was under me, my other hand playing with the color of his shirt.

"I do not look like Christopher," I mumbled.

I heard him let out a soft chuckle. "Yes you do. You both scrunch your brows and press your lips together in a thin line. Sometimes your dimples show when you're really focused."

I felt my face heat up. As I was playing with his collar, I began to go into deep thought. It's now technically Friday, meaning there's still school. The fact that I have to go and see Chan and Jisung started to bring tears up my eyes. I love them both but damn, they know how to make me so mad sometimes. I must've been too deep in my thought to notice that I actually started to cry. It wasn't until I felt Changbin sit up, making me sit up as well and his thumbs wiping my tears away.

"Hey hey hey," he whispered. "Don't cry. What's wrong?"

I sighed and tilted my head up to look at his ceiling, trying to suck the remaining tears back up. "I'm just- Ugh. I'm just being a crybaby." I wiped my face with both my hands and sighed again. "I know Chan isn't happy at all. He tried to talk to me but I wouldn't say anything. And of course, when Chan is already mad about something his patience is very thin, so he got even more mad that I wasn't talking to him and told me I'm 'impossible to talk to.'" I looked down and started playing with the hem of my shirt. "And as for Jisung, I don't even know what to say or think right now. He's one of my best friends, but I'm just so angry that he told Chan about us, but even more angry on how he told him and the words he used. But I'm also confused because he loves me?"

"I can't believe you didn't see that."

"Oh my god, am I really the only one who didn't see that Jisung's feelings me?" Changbin nodded his head yes.

Changbin pecked my lips and gave me a faint smile. "Everything will be okay. Chan will get over it. It might take him a while, but he will. The rest of the boys won't care. And as for your relationship with Jisung, you have to act normal. The more you avoid him and act all weird around him, the more he'll push himself away because he'll think he ruined everything by confessing."

He laid back down, pulling me with him. He adjusted the covers to make sure I was nice and warm. I wrapped my arm around his waist and one of my legs around his. I felt him kiss the top of me head.

"We will worry about all this tomorrow. For now, let's just sleep, okay?" I nodded my head and looked up at him. He gave me another quick kiss on the lips and smiled. "Goodnight."


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