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About an hour and a half has gone by since Changbin left the party to go to his girlfriend's house. I've been standing by the wall the whole entire time. Felix left my side about 20 minutes ago to go with Jisung somewhere.

"SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!" I looked over towards the kitchen and here came Felix and Jisung carrying baking pans over their shoulders with Dixie cups filled with no telling what kind of alcohol. "GRAB A CUP EVERYONE!" Jisung yelled. The whole house gathered around the two of them and grabbed a cup. "CHAISE!" I chuckled and pushed my way through, walking straight to Jisung. He handed me a cup and took the last one that was on his tray.

"To Minho!" Felix shouted. The whole house shook as everyone cheered, "To Minho!" Everyone quickly tilted their heads back, taking the shot.

I felt my throat start burning, my eyes grew wide. I instantly started coughing, trying to get the nasty taste out of my mouth. "What the fuck was that?"

"You probably got the Fireball one," Jisung laughed. I punched him in the arm and continued coughing. "Well that shit's gross." I looked around for someone with water, but everyone had alcohol in their hands.

"What's with the face?" I heard Chan say.

"Fireball." Jisung replied.

"Here." He handed me his bottled water. I snatched it from his hand and took a few gulps before giving it back. "Where have you been this whole time?"

"Standing against the wall." I handed him his water bottle back and wiped my mouth from the water that spilled out a bit.

"How many drinks have you had?"

I shook my head. "Just a cup of wine."

"Chaise!" Jisung's loud voice made me jump. "You're suppose to get lit!" I just gave him a look. "Chan said it was okay for you to drink. Loosen up. Why are you so boring?"

"I am not boring!" Both, my brother and best friend, stood there with their arms crossed giving me that 'stop lying' look. "Okay, fine. I'm boring." I rolled my eyes.

Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin walked up to us. "Can you get Chaise a drink?" Jisung asked. "Start her off with a Smirnoff or something like that."

"Okay!" Jeongin said with a smile.

"Not you." Chan said. "Hyunjin, will you please. My sister isn't having fun."

Hyunjin nodded his head and quickly walked to the kitchen. He hurried back and gave me a green apple Smirnoff. "Here. This one tastes like a jolly rancher."

He twisted the cap off for me before handing it over. I looked at my brother for permission, even though I already knew his answer. He just slightly nodded his head. I took a big gulp. "Wow this is good." I placed the bottle up to my mouth again, this time chugging the rest of the bottle. "Can I have another one?"

"One more," Chan said. "I don't need to be babysitting tonight. I already have to be sober enough to drive us home." Seungmin had left and came back with another green apple, handing it over to me. "I'm going with Minho." Chan looked over at Jisung. "You keep an eye on her." With that, Chan walked off.

Jisung wasn't the best person to be left in charge of me. Every time he looked away I managed to leave his side to go get another drink. He would tell me to stop but when I would tell him no he would just say okay and leave me be.

"Chaise, get down!" Jisung said embarrassed.

"Oh come on. Don't be boring!" I was standing on top of a random person's car, dancing to whatever song was blaring through the house that you were able to hear from outside.

beware || seo changbin [✓]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant