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I laid on the couch, one of the many blankets I own draped over me, the TV on with a horror movie playing. The week long stay at the hospital was alright. Since I was being closely monitored, someone would come in ever few hours to check on me. I also had to be supervised through the nights, so the nights Chan or one of my parents couldn't stay, they'd send a nurse in to stay in the room with me. The daily, thirty minute therapy sessions weren't too bad. Although she did ask the same questions every day.

Mom and Dad decided to keep me home from school for the next week, just to make sure I'll be okay before throwing me back in the hell pit. I was starting to doze off when I heard the front door open and close. I turned my head to that direction and there was Changbin. His eye wasn't as bruised anymore, the busted lip was pretty much healed along with the scratches on his face.

"Why aren't you in class?" I asked him as I turned my focus back to the TV screen.

I heard the sound of his backpack hit the ground by the door. He walked in front of me, sitting on the opposite end of the couch, letting out a sigh.

"Didn't want to be there." He said. I just nodded my head, keeping my focus on the screen. "What are you watching?"

I shrugged my shoulders and replied "Saw."

"That's so much gore. You shouldn't be watching this." Changbin grabbed the remote off the floor and changed the channel.

"What the-"

"No!" He demanded. "You literally just got back from hospital from a suicide attempt, and you want to watch people get ripped apart?" I gave him a blank stare and he rolled his eyes before changing the channel back. "Fine."

We sat in silence for a while. He stayed on his phone while I watched the movie. I must've fallen asleep once again, because I woke up to the sound of Chan and Changbin talking in the kitchen.

"If you want 3RACHA to work out, you need to get your shit together." Chan said. "I mean it. Treat my sister right or that's it with me as well. You're a good friend to me, but you're honestly a fucking asshole when it comes to relationships."

"I know," Changbin responded. "I'm going to fix it. I don't want to lose you as a friend, or Chaise."

Chan was about to say something but he saw me standing there. "Are you okay? Do you need something?" I shook my head no and walked up to them. "Did you clean it yet?" Again, I shook my head. "Lemme see it."

I held up my arm and he started to unwrap it. I've told Chan already that I can do it myself but he insists that he cleans it for me. Changbin stood there with wide eyes as he watched my brother unwrap the bandage, and start pulling off the gauze. Changbin gently touched the side of my arm, intensely staring at the wound. Chan quickly cleaned it before wrapping it back up.

"Go lay down," Chan said.

I huffed and dragged my feet across the floor, back to the couch. I plopped myself down and put the blanket back over my legs, leaning my arm against the arm rest of the couch, using my hand to hold my head up.

Chan and Changbin came into the living room, sitting on the couch with me. Chan was on the opposite side, Changbin being in the middle. I looked over at the boys and Changbin held his arms open. I shifted my weight to the other side, and he pulled me into his body. He was basically cradling me in his arms.

"When are you coming back to school?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the TV. "I think I heard my parents talking about letting me go back next week." I moved my focus back to my boyfriend. "H-how is everything? Are the boys okay? No ones saying anything, right?"

He gave me a faint smile and shook his head. "Not anymore. Of course everyone heard what happened, but they only talked about it for a day. The boys are doing okay. Jisung and Jeongin are still struggling."

I gave him a pout hearing those words. I know Jisung's feelings for me, and I know how he worries over the little things. I can't imagine how worried he really is. Jeongin, on the other hand, is babie. He's been worried about me for years. Every since he saw my cuts years ago on accident, he's always made sure I was okay. I know he's cried to me a few times telling me he can't see me take my own life away. The fact it almost happened, hearing his voice crack when I said maybe I wanted to die, it breaks my heart.

"They'll be okay." Changbin reassured me. "Once you come back to school, they'll be okay. They're just worried for you. They've been wanting to come see you, but those two looks like a mess."

"Oh my god I'm stressing them out more than they need to be." I gasped, covering my mouth with my hands. "They're gonna get sick or something from stressing out so much because of me." I started to cry thinking about it. I can't let two best friends make themselves sick over me. I can't bare to be the reason something happens to them.

"Shhh," Changbin pulled me even closer to his arm, rocking back and forth. "They're okay."

"Chaise," Chan chuckled. "Jisung and Jeongin are fine. They're just sad, but nothing will happen to them. I've been keeping an eye on them, making sure they get their school work done, making sure they're eating well and getting plenty of rest."

I wiped my eyes and tried to stop crying before speaking again. "I just feel terrible."

"Don't." Changbin moved some strands of my hair out of my face. "The one who should feel terrible is me. You did this because of me."

I stared up at him not saying anything. I mean, he's right. I just faintly smiled and leaned my head against his chest. I felt one of his arms wrap over my legs, grabbing at my thigh, pulling them close to him so he could cradle me better.

"Take a nap. We'll be here when you wake up." He whispered to me. I nodded my head then looked at Chan. He just smiled at me then looked at the TV. I put my head back onto Changbin's chest, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep while Changbin rocked back and forth.

beware || seo changbin [✓]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant