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I followed the two boys into the cafeteria. They immediately walked straight to a table where Jeongin was sitting, waiting patiently. Another boy was there. Not sure who it was.

"It's about time!" Jeongin said and laughed. We all sat down. I sat between Jisung and Jeongin. "Hey Chaise, how's your first day going so far?"

I shrugged my shoulders and laughed nervously. "Not too bad."

"So this is the girl you wouldn't shut up about?" The other boy said. Jisung reached over the table and punch him in the chest. "Ouch!"

I began to laugh and put a hand over my heart. "You wouldn't stop talking about me?" I teased him.

"Listen, Linda. I was really excited when you told us last week you were going to attend school with us." He looked back at the boy and gave him a death glare. If looks could kill.

"I'm Seungmin." The boy introduced himself.

I gave him a sweet smile. "Chaise."

Suddenly the smile disappeared from his face. He was looking above me. I was confused at first until I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Long time no see." I looked up behind me to see Minho smirking at me. I wasn't sure how to respond. My mouth just stayed open in shock.

"Minho, will you stop." I heard Chan say. I turned my body completely around to see my brother walking over with three other boys.

"Ooooh, Minho's got a thing for the new girl." One teased.

"Shut up Hyunjin!" Minho said.

"Gross." Chan made a disgusted face and yanked Minho from his shirt away from me. "Come on, we're all hungry."

"Let's sit here today," Minho said.

"Negative." Chan rolled his eyes at his friend.

"We don't mind." Jeongin spoke up. I looked over at him and he had that sweet innocent smile plastered on his sweet innocent face. "Jisung and I haven't really talked to you in a while anyway."

Chan has never been able to say no to Jeongin. Ever. Honestly, I wouldn't mind having my brother and his friends sit with us. Maybe now that we're at the same school, we can become close like we used to be years ago.

I turned back to Chan. His lips were pressed together and he sighed. "Okay fine." He sighed and began to walk to the line for lunch.

"I definitely see the resemblance now." Felix said when the others walked off. I just laughed at his random comment.

I saw Jeongin slide away from me in his seat. I was confused. Did I smell? "Sit here." He patted the space between us and Chan set his tray down on the table. The rest of Chan's friends sat in the empty spots. Soon, our table was completely full.

There was an awkward silence for a while. I sat there and examined everyone's faces. Chan was just eating his food, not saying anything. My eyes wondered over to Minho, who was taking glances at me and whispering to the boy beside him. My eyes the made their way over to the boy in black. He was just sitting there, not looking up at anyone. 

"So Chaise," Felix said. "You came from Academy?" I nodded my head yes as I covered my mouth while I chewed my food. "Did you move here when Chan did or did you move a bit later? God I miss Australia."

"What does Austalia have to do with anything?" Hyunjin asked the freckled boy.

"I was just curious. My mom and sisters didn't move here until a year and a half after my dad and I did. They wanted to make sure we liked it here enough for them to move."

"But what does Chan have to so with anything?" Hyunjin wasn't connecting the dots.

Seungmin sighed and stared at the boy. "Look at the two. Do you not see how much they look alike? They are even sitting right next to each other to make it easier for you." Seungmin waited for Hyunjin to answer but sighed again after watching him stare at us with squinted eyes. "Chaise is Chan's sister."

Pretty much everyone at the table already knew by now, except for the Hyunjin and the one dressed in black. Somehow, hearing I'm Chan's sister caught his attention. He was looking up at me. I tried to avoid making eye contact with him.

"Bro, you have a thing for Chan's sister." The boy laughed, pointing at Minho.

"Hyunjin, shut the hell up! I do not!" I looked over at Chan who was glared at Minho. "What?" Minho asked.

"No," was all Chan said before continuing to eat his food. I just shook my head and chuckled. At least I know he's still willing to protect me from boys, even though it's kind of embarrassing.

I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I slowly looked over and saw the boy in black look back down as soon as I looked over at him. He's quiet. He literally hasn't said anything. Not even a laugh. Not even a small smile.

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