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"I didn't know you were in art." I said to Jisung as we made our way down the school's hallways to our last period of the day.

He swung his arm around me and pulled me in close, helping me avoid from getting hit by Hyunjin and Minho running down the hallway from the opposite direction. "Woah. Anyway, yeah! I had nothing else to do. I didn't feel like having an off period since I would have no one to hang out with since the off period would be my last class of the day anyway. Jeongin is in there too."

I smiled at the thought of my two childhood best friends being in a class with me. "Wait, you guys are in AP art?"

Jisung laughed and shook his head. "As much as I would love to be in AP art, I am not. Our art teacher basically teaches two classes in one. One side is the normal art class and then there's a table for just AP art kids. You'll be sitting at that table. There's only 7 of you now that you're in there."

I followed Jisung into the classroom and to his table. He shared a table with Jeongin and what  I assumed two other students since there was two empty stools, but they haven't arrived to class yet.

"Chaise!" Jeongin gave me the biggest smile. "I didn't know you were taking this class. I mean- I knew you'd take art but I didn't expect you to be in this period."

"Well kid, this is the only class with AP art." Jisung stated as he sat down on the stool and threw his backpack on top of the table.

I looked at my phone to see the time. We still had two minutes before the bell rung. I sat in the stool across from Jisung so I could sit and talk for as long as I could before I had to sit at a table where I knew absolutely no one.

"So, what do you guys normally do after school?" I asked.

"Usually we walk to the convenience store across the street and grab a 'walking home' snack. Then we just go home." Jeongin replied. "Unless I have a problem with homework, then Jisung will come to my house and help me."

I was about to respond until I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned to see who it was. There stood the quiet boy dressed in black, he one from lunch earlier. The one my brother is friends with somehow? He was holding onto his backpack straps and stared at me.

"Oh, is this your seat? I'm so sorry." I quickly stood up and grabbed my backpack from the floor. "I was just talking to my friends. Um- sorry." I hurried over to the big table with the student who were in AP art and sat down in a stool. I pulled my phone out and began typing a text, quickly pressing send.

squirrel, fox, & koala
me: you guys didn't tell me i was sitting in someone's spot
jeongin: You didn't ask?
jisung: ReLaXxXxX. he doesn't care
me: ihy, both of you

"Alright class, new lesson." The teacher said as she shut the door. "AP kids, I will get to you guys in a few moments. For now, sit tight."

While she was passing out papers for them, I quickly unlocked my phone to text Chan.

me: what's that one guy's name? the one at lunch that didn't talk?
channie: who?
me: the guy in your friend group. he's wearing all black
channie: changbin. why?
me: i think he's in my art class
channie: stay away from him!

I rolled my eyes and locked my phone. I just wanted to know his name so I could know if this was for sure for sure the same dude.

The teacher came over to the table and handed us blank sheets of paper. "This week you guys will be doing portraits. Feel free to pull up reference pictures on your phone." She looked straight at me and gave me a warm smile. "Welcome to AP art."

Once she walked away, I took my phone out and looked through my camera roll to find a good picture of anyone to draw. After minutes of scrolling, I didn't like any of them enough to stare at for a whole class period, or even for a whole week. I got up from my chair and walked over to Jeongin and Jisung's table.

"Get together." I demanded. They gave me a weird look. "Not like that. I meant get closer so I can take a picture." I saw that the chair next to the boy in black was empty, so I quickly sat down and held my phone up sideways, the camera facing my two best friends. "Don't look dead. Smile or something." Jeongin flashed the camera his adorable, cheesy smile, while Jisung puffed his cheeks out and scrunched his nose, really showing off his resemblance to a squirrel. "Perfect. Thanks!"

"What's it for?" Jeongin asked.

"We're doing portraits today. None of the pictures in my phone seemed interesting." I looked over at the quiet one's papers to see that he had a blank sheet of paper and a packet. "What are you guys doing?"

"We have to draw all these different patterns in the packet to scale." Jisung groaned as he flipped threw the few pieces of paper that were stapled together. "I would much rather draw portraits. You think it's too late to ask to be in AP art?"

I heard someone scoff and turned to see the boy with a slight smile, shaking his head.

"Hey! It was one drawing! I'm better at cartoons. Maybe if you were a cartoon it would've been accurate." Jisung pouted to the boy.

I slowly stood up and pushed the stool in. "Alright well, I'm going back to my table to do some work. Walking home together?" The two boys smiled and nodded their heads rapidly. Any faster and they could've knocked their heads off.

I chucked at their excitement and walked back to my table, sitting down on the stool. I looked around at the other students sitting with me and they were still looking for pictures. I reached into my backpack and pulled out my pencil box for art. I unlocked my phone and pulled up the picture of the adorable fox and squirrel and quickly began to sketch.

The final bell rang for class to be dismissed and I quickly threw my pencils into my backpack. I saw two figures walking towards me. One grabbed my paper that had a rough outline of Jisung and a mostly shaded Jeongin.

"Chaise, this is absolutely amazing." I heard Jeongin's voice say.

I pulled out a folder from my backpack and opened it, revealing my portfolio of art I had done over the last few years from being at the Academy. I quickly turned to the next empty sheet protecter, smiling at Jeongin as he handed back my sketch, placing it inside the sleeve. I shoved my folder into my backpack and stood up, swinging it over and onto my shoulders.

"Ready?" Jisung sang.

"Ready." I replied.

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