authors note.

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hello my babies.

that's the end of this book! we made it! after all the mess, we made it.

honestly, i'm kinda sad it came to an end. but, they have to at some point. but who knows, maybe another one will come. i've thought about doing a sequel to this, but i'm not sure yet. it's all up to you guys really. if y'all really want a second book to this, and you want to see what happens, then i may do it. but if y'all are okay with how it ended and don't really want a sequel, then i'll leave it.

i know this book was a whole roller coaster. but there was a purpose to it. i didn't write just to write it and make everyone's emotions go all over the place. of course we all say "well if i were her then..." or "i can't believe she...." or "i would've left..." but what some of y'all don't realize is, some people can't leave that easy. some people say things but when they experience it, things change. i understand everyone's frustrations with chaise. trust me. i. know. but she's the person who will see the good in everyone. she will stick around and help you become a better you. she would wait patiently, because she want the best you to show through. that's why she stayed for so long with him. i don't want to blab on too much about why i wrote it and all. it was for entertainment, but it was also to show how hard it can be to leave a toxic relationship.

anyway, thank you a million times a million for actually reading this book. i didn't think it would end up like this! i honestly didn't think anyone would want to read it. but so many of you actually like it (?) which blows my mind.

i hope you guys enjoy any of the other books i publish! feel free to make suggestions on any books i have, or make a suggestion for a book to be written. i'm always down to listen to what y'all want. like i said, if you guys want a sequel to this, i would be more than happy to write it. if y'all are okay with how it ended and want to leave it, that is totally okay too!! i'm just thankful you guys took the time out of y'alls busy lives to read my sloppy mess.

don't ever be afraid to contact me! all my social media info is in my bio! i love y'all so much!!! ahhh this is crazy. 💚


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