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"Chaise! Hurry up!" My dad called from the front door.

I quickly ran out of the bathroom and down the hall, meeting my family in the living room. My dad was holding the door open while pushing everyone out of the house. I followed right behind them, piling into the car.

"Where's Chris?" Lucas asked as our dad starting to drive.

"He's already at the school." Hannah replied.

"I can't believe he's graduating," Mom said. "Next up is Chaise." She turned around and gave me a smile. "Is Changbin sitting with us?"

"Yeah, if that's okay?"

"That's no problem with us." She replied.

The rest of the car ride was quiet. Hannah, Lucas, and I were on our phones while our parents listened to music. Dad pulled into a parking spot and we all got out, making our way to the front doors of the school. As soon as we entered, Changbin, Jisung, Hyunjin, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin were all standing there waiting for us.

"We're going to go find a seat. You two meet us there when you're ready," Mom said to Changbin and I. I watched them walk off into the auditorium.

"Crazy how Minho and Chan are graduating," Felix said. We all nodded and agreed.

"How are you boys feeling?" Seungmin asked looking at Jisung and Changbin.

"Excited. Scared." Jisung admitted.

Changbin put an arm around my waist and brought me closer to him, holding me tight. "It'll be a good opportunity though."

"How do you feel?" Hyunjin asked me, giving me a worried smile.

I forced myself to fake a genuine smile. "I'm excited. This is what they wanted and I'm proud of them." I looked up at Changbin and he gave me a sweet, warm smile.

"Lets get inside the auditorium. It's about to start." Seungmin said looking at his phone and started to head towards the auditorium. We all followed right behind him.

I searched the crowd for my parents. Once I spotted them, I grabbed Changbin's hand and lead him towards them. We sat down in the two empty seats they saved for us. My family and Changbin greeted each other. Changbin and my dad talked for a bit until the ceremony started.

Of course when Chan and Minho were called, we all cheered stupid loud for them. Once the ceremony ended, Changbin and I ran to the graduates and met up with the rest of the boys.

When I went to give Minho a hug, he picked me up and spun me around, causing everyone to laugh at how I started to freak out. When he put me down, I turned to look at Chan. My body froze and I just stared at him. He opened up his arms waiting for me. I threw myself into his arms, wrapping my arms around his waist, holding onto him tight. I squeezed my eyes shut as I squeezed harder.

"You're going to kill me," Chan joked.

I laughed and let go of him. "Sorry, I just had to give you a big hug."

The rest of the boys have them all hugs, congratulating them on their accomplishment. We stood there and talked about the ceremony. Minho telling us the people he was sitting between kept cracking jokes throughout the whole thing.


We all moved our gaze to my family. My dad motioning for us to come on.

"Guess we better get going." Chan sighed. "See you guys in a few." He looked over at Changbin and Jisung. "Are you guys riding with me, or?"

"Yeah. We already stuck all our stuff in your car earlier today, so might as well." Jisung shrugged.

We told the others bye and began to walk with my parents and siblings out of the building. I followed 3RACHA to Chan's car to ride with them to the airport since we'll be meeting everyone there.

We pulled up to the airport and I helped the boys get their suitcases from Chan's car and my parent's. We followed behind the rapper/producers into the building. My family and I stood back and waited for them to get their tickets and luggage checked. While we waited, the rest of the gang showed up and waited beside us.

Chan approached us, waving his ticket in the air. "It's really happening." Jisung and Changbin walked up and stood behind Chan. "We're really doing this."

"Please be safe." My mom grabber Chan by the arm and pulled him into a tight hug. "Please, please be safe."

Chan moved on to my dad. My dad told him how proud he was and cannot wait to see where he goes in life. Hannah and Lucas have him a big hug, tears threatening their eyes.

He walked over to me. "Take care of the young ones for me." He chuckled. He pulled me into a hug, squeezing me tight this time. "It's gonna be weird not having you around for a while to bug me."

I pressed my eyebrows together, playfully punching him in the arm. "Shut up." I gave him another quick hug.

Jisung made his rounds before coming to me. "Don't miss me too much," he winked.

"Han Jisung," I laughed. I pulled him into a tight hug. He started moving our bodies from side to side, making us do a little dance. "How could I not miss you too much?"

Changbin came over to us and placed his hand on my lower back. I let go of Jisung and wrapped my arms around Changbin's neck.

"I'm going to miss you." He spoke softly. He gave me a soft peck on the lips, giving me a soft smile.

"I'm gonna miss you too."

"It'll go by fast, I promise."

"Changbin," Chan called out. We snapped our heads over to him. "We gotta get going so we don't miss boarding."

Changbin gave me one final kiss before walking over to Chan and Jisung. Everyone started saying goodbye, watching them walk off to head over to security.

"Wait-" I yelled out to them.

All three of them stopped and turned around to look at us. Without even realizing, my feet began to run towards them. I felt streams running down my cheeks.

"Chaise?" Chan asked.

I threw my arms around them, creating a small group hug between the four of us. I sobbed into the huddle, grabbing two of the boys shirts in my fists.

Chan pulled away from the hug and grabbed onto my shoulders. "Chaise what's wrong?"

I wiped my eyes to stop the tears but they wouldn't stop. "I'm going to miss you guys so much. I feel like I'm watching you guys leave and never come back."

"You guys go ahead. I'll meet up with you." Changbin told the boys. They gave him a look before slowly walking off. Changbin grabbed my hands with one of his, the other cupped my face. "Princess, look at me. You're going to be okay."

I stared at him in the eyes. "Stay. Stay here. I can't lose you."

"Chaise, you're not going to lose me? We're just going on tour for about six-ish months. It will go by fast." Changbin reassured me. "I'll call you every night and you can talk to Chan and Jisung as well. Maybe you and the boys can come to a show."

"But- but I need my brother. Who's going to kick people's ass for me when they hurt my feelings? And Jisung. He's one of my best friends. A girl needs her best friends. A-and you. Changbin I love you to absolute death. I don't know how I'm going to be able to be away from you for so long."

Changbin pulled me into another hug, resting his head on top of mine. "Chaise, everything will be fine. It will go by faster than you think. Take deep breathes and calm down. We're going on tour, we're not leaving you forever. It's going to be okay."

"Changbin," Jisung called out.

Changbin pulled me away and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "I promise, it will be okay."

Before I could say anything, he hurried and ran off to meet up with my brother and best friend. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You'll be okay," Jeongin said to me. I laid my head on his shoulder and watched the three boys disappear as they walked past security.

beware || seo changbin [✓]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora