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As I walked in the classroom, I gave the teacher a soft smile. I could feel everyone staring at me. I didn't bother to look at the students just yet.

"Oh yes, you must be Chaise?" I heard someone move in the desk at the sound of my name. I still didn't dare to look. "Class, welcome Chaise." I finally looked at the students and as I was scanning everyone's faces, you wouldn't believe who I saw. "Why don't you go take a seat in the empty desk next to Chan."

Yup, my brother. He looked at me with a deer in the headlights expression and I slowly walked over to the desk. As the teacher began to continue with what he was saying before I walked in, I started getting a spiral and pen out from my backpack.

"You didn't tell me you were going to take astronomy." Chan whispered.

"I didn't know I was taking astronomy." I whispered back. "Instead of two art classes, I guess they just threw me in a random class and this happened to be it."

I saw the kid sitting behind Chan lean over his desk to talk to my brother. "Hey, look at you. Already making moves on the new girl."

I gave him a disgusted look. Chan turned around quickly and whispered, "Mate, that's my sister."

The boy's expression was priceless. He then gave me a smirk and nodded his head. "You free this weekend?" I couldn't contain my laugher. His question with Chan's facial expression, it had me dying.

"Chan. Chaise. Minho." The three of us looked up at the teacher and literally the whole class was staring at us. "Chaise, I know it's your first day, but I'm sure you know better than to carry a side conversation when the lesson is going on."

I could feel my face heating up. I have never gotten called out during class before. But now that I'm in a glass with my brother, this will be interesting. "Sorry." I apologized. When the teacher turned back around to the board to continue drawing and explaining more about the lesson, I took my chance and quickly punched Chan in the arm.

"What the hell?" He looked at me, holding onto his arm.

"That's for getting me in trouble."

The bell rang for first period to be over. I threw my spiral and pen into my backpack before slinging it over my should and walking out of the classroom. Chan and Minho followed out the room behind me.

"Do you know where your second class is?" Chan asked as he took my schedule out of my hands.

"Uh, no. But Jisung told me to meet him at the end of the hallway and he'd show me." Chan nodded and handed me back the piece of paper with all my classes.

"Why don't I show you?" Minho said as he moved his eyebrows up and down.

Chan shoved him with his shoulder and glared at him. "Can you like, calm down for two minutes? And please stop hitting on my sister." I laughed at Chan's response. Chan looked back at me and sighed. "Well, good luck with the rest of your day. See you at home, I guess."

He turned his back to me and began walking the other direction. As I watched him and Minho walk away, I heard Jisung's voice. "CHAISE!" I hanged my head down and began walking to the end of the hallway. Way to go for making myself not so noticeable on my first day.

As I approached him, he was with that one boy he was yelling at before first period. "Did you really have to yell my name from across the damn hallway?" I looked around to see who was all looking at us. Not really anyone, but still. I know they all were at one point.

"Oh well." Jisung flashed me a cheesy smile. "OH!" He randomly yelled, causing me to jump and give him a weird look. "This is Felix. He's from Australia like you and Chan."

"Hey," he greeted me. Wow, was his voice deep. "So you know Chan?"

"Uh, yeah. He's my brother." Felix raised his eyebrows as if he was surprised to know Chan has a sister. I guess when Chan and I started to attend different school and drift apart a bit, he just never really mentioned me to anyone.

Jisung nudged him with his elbow. "I told you Chan had a sister!" 

Felix furrowed his brows and then made an 'o' shape with his mouth. "You did! I remember that." Well at least someone somewhat mentioned me. "Anyway, what class do you have next?" I handed him my schedule. He examined it with Jisung looking over his shoulder. "Well you're in luck my fellow Aussie." I tilted my head confused and waited for him to say something. "Jisung, you, and I have the next three classes together then lunch."

The bell rung and Jisung and Felix looked at each other with wide eyes. "Run." Jisung grabbed my hand and raced down the hallway. "We have a minute left until we're considered late to class. We can make it."

I tried to pay attention to the way we were going as much as possible, while trying not to trip over my own feet. Damn this boy can run. Finally we made it to a classroom. Felix grabbed the doorknob and swung it up, pushing Jisung and I in. As soon as he shut the door, the final bell rang.

"Just in time." A random kid said and laughed.

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