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"Alright, I'm leaving," I called out as I walked to the door. I heard my mom shout an okay from her room. I nodded to myself and opened the front door, walking out of the house to see Minho's car parked out front. I rushed over and got in the back seat. Felix and Seungmin were also in the back, Hyunjin sitting in the passenger seat. 

"Ready?" Minho looked around at us before driving off. He drove us to a building that was down town called The Cactus House. It's basically where people have small shows. Art shows have been held here, music shows. Some people have even throw themed parties like a halloween party. Someone even once threw an emo night where people dressed like the typical emo/scene/alternative kid and enjoyed the throwback music and such.

This is where Chan, Jisung, and Changbin's gig was being held at. Looking at all the cars that were parked here, either so many people were excited to see what they've created, or there are a few other groups having gigs tonight as well.

As Minho parked his car, we all got out and began to walk inside. So many people from school were here. So many people I've never seen as well. I guess I was falling behind from the rest of the group because I felt a hand being placed on my mid-back, pushing me to walk a little faster. I looked over to see the hand belongs to Minho.

We entered the building and saw the crowd of people. We all stood there trying to figure out where would be a good place to stand. I wanted to be in the front, so I just looked at the boys and nodded my head to follow me. We all weaved through the people, pushing our way up to the front.

We stood there for a bit before the first group came up to perform a few songs. A few more groups came and went on the stage. The final performers were finally announced, the group being called 3RACHA. Since we have yet to see Chan, Jisung, and Changbin, I assumed it was them. And it was.

The boys walked up on the stage and the boys and I started cheering like crazy. I've only heard a few beats from hearing the boys creating them when I would hang out with either one, or all three, and only heard a few verses from they're recording sessions they would have at the house.

"What's up everyone?" Jisung yelled into his mic. "I'm J.One. This is CB97 and SPEARB, and we're 3RACHA!"

The crowd cheered and the boys got ready. The beat started and everyone was already hyped up for it. Watching them up on stage made me smile from ear to ear. They were enjoying themselves and enjoying the process of creating their own music. Once the song was done, everyone cheered.

"That was Runner's High." Jisung said. "Which song should we do next?" He looked at the boys.

Chan shrugged and replied with, "Tik Tok?" The music began instantly. Once again, everyone was enjoying the song. "One more song, shall we?" Chan asked the boys.

The last song started playing, and the first words to come out of Jisung's mouth made me laugh. "Excuse me, miss, but do you have a boyfriend?"

Once the boys were finished with their set, they said their goodbyes and walked off the stage. The boys and I pushed our way back through the crowd to meet them on the side of the stage.

"Aye!" Minho said as he walked up to them. "Great set," he gave them each a high five.

"The adrenalin was crazy," Chan laughed. "I thought I would forget the words or fall."

"You almost did," Jisung pointed out.

I gave them each a hug, letting them know they each did a wonderful job. Changbin kept me close to him, with his arms wrapped around me, resting his sweaty face against my head.

As we all stood there and talked about the whole gig and the other sets, some of the kids from school came up to let them know they did a great job. And what's a good moment without someone ruining it.

"Binnie~" All of us turned to the direction of the whiny voice. Elle and her friends were walking up to us. "You did so good!" She flipped her hair behind her shoulder, giving him a smirk.

Changbin avoided looking in her direction. He just kept he head rested against mine, slightly swaying sight to side. "Anyway," he began.

"Binnie," She whined. "Let me take you out for a celebration dinner."

I gave her a look. I'm clearly standing right here. She's just trying to get under my skin, and it's kind of working.

"Elle-" Chan started.

"What? Can't I treat him to food?"

"No." Minho butted in.

Elle looked back at him and rolled her eyes. "Don't be so bitter. We all know you still have a thing for Chaise. Let me take Changbin out, and you can take Chaise. It's a win-win."

I felt Changbin's head lift up, his body getting stiff. He slowly started tightening his grip around me. I could hear his breathing getting harder. The rest of the boys and I were just completely silent and in shock as she kept on running her mouth.

"Oh please, you all act like it's not true. I saw him put his hand on her back. Besides, it's not like she's any better than Changbin. I mean, he did sleep with me a week before prom." She crossed her arms and raised a brow at me. "She's way too friendly with Jisung to not be messing around with him. I'm sure she flirts with Minho too, seeing how comfortable he was to keep his hand on her back."

I just stared at her blankly. The fact she brought up the cheating, and now she's coming up with a bunch of bullshit.

"I'm sure she's messed around with all her brothers friends at one point."

"What the fuck Elle?" Minho question. "What's your problem?"

She moved her focus from me to Minho. "She thinks she can come into the school and take whoever she wants. Clearly theres a whole bunch of you boys, but she just had to go for mine."

"He was never really yours." Felix added. "Maybe at one point but if he kept leaving you for other girls, clearly he didn't give a shit."

"And he clearly still doesn't care anoy anyone else but himself." Elle looked over at Changbin and I, giving us a smirk. "Hope you like being a second thought, because it's obvious I'm still the first."

With that, she and her friends turned around and walked away. We all stood there. Slowly, the boys turned their focus to Changbin and I. He was still holding onto me, I stared at the floor.

"Chaise," Jisung spoke softly. I snapped my head up to look at him. "Don't listen to what she has to say. She just talks out of her ass."

I just gave him a faint smile. I looked up at Changbin, giving him the same smile. "I'm ready to go." I looked over at Chan, he nodded his head and started to get his keys out from his pocket.

Changbin could tell I didn't want to be around anyone at the moment. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and whispered he'd call me later. I smiled and made my way over to Chan, telling the rest of the boys bye before following my brother out of the building and to the car.

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