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I was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a can of coca-cola while I waited for my brother to come out of his room. Today is my first day at this new school. Earlier this month my last school got burned down, don't exactly know how, but it did. Therefore, I have to attend a new school, the same school as my brother.

Chan finally walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottled water. "Are you ready?" I nodded my head and stood up. Chan nodded his head as in 'let's go.' I hurried and chugged the rest of my coke before throwing the can away and following him out the door. Chan usually walked to school. His school was only a few blocks down from our house. The reason we went to different schools was because I got accepted into a private school for art. 

As we were walking, I heard two voices from behind us screaming our names. "Chan! Chaise!" Chan and I stopped in our steps and turned around to see Jisung and Jeongin running towards us. "Are you ready for your first day at a public school?" Jisung asked while he nudged me with his elbow. 

Jisung, Jeongin, Chan, and I used to be inseparable when we were younger. Jisung lives two houses down from me, Jeongin one house down from Jisung. We would always play outside together and what not. Luckily for us three, we still tried to hang out with each other at least once a week. Chan, not as much, every now and then he'd join us.

"I'm kind of nervous." I responded with a nervous laugh. "I had a hard time picking out what to wear." I was used to wearing uniforms for years, so being able to dress however was tough for me.

"Well, you don't look too bad."'Jeongin stated as he looked at my outfit. It was just basic light washed high-waisted jeans, and a black and white horizontal stripped shirt tucked in with white vans.

The four of us continued to walk down the sidewalk. Jisung and Jeongin were talking nonstop, I was just listening. Chan would laugh here and there at the stupid things they would say. As we approached the campus, I slowed my pace. Jisung and Jeongin were too busy laughing about something Jisung has watched last night.

I stopped and stared at the building. The fact that it's a whole new school, new teachers, so many new people. I'm terrified. If any teacher makes me stand up and introduce myself, I swear to Satan himself, I will flip a desk.

"Hey," I heard Chan's voice and moved my gaze from the building to him. He was a few feet ahead of me, but was making his way back. "Everything will be okay. If you need anything, just text me, Jisung, or Jeongin and we will help."

I gave my brother a faint smile and nodded my head. We heard someone call his name. When I looked past him, I saw four guys standing by the entrance, one waving at him to come on.

"Good luck," he said before he hurried off to the group of boys. As they walked inside, I was reunited with Jisung and Jeongin.

"Let's go!" Jisung sang and he put his arm around my shoulder and hurried me into the building. "I'll take you to the office. Jeongin, save an extra seat at lunch, will you?"

"If I get there first I will." With that, Jeongin hurried off to class, leaving Jisung and I as we walked into the main office.

Jisung walked up to the front desk and gave the lady a huge smile. "She's new." That's all he said. The lady looked at me and gave me a warm smile.

"Hello, what's the name?"

I slowly walked up to the desk. "Bang Chaise."

She typed on the keyboard and stared at the computer screen. "Ah, you're part of the few kids we'll be receiving from Academy, right?" I nodded my head yes and smiled. "Well, you will still be taking the same classes, so that's good. But I know at Academy, you had two art classes." She looked back at the computer screen and squinted

I stared at her, waiting for her to finish what she was going to say.

"Oh I see, you got in for your artistic ability. Okay well, I will go ahead and place you in art, but it will only be one class instead of the two you had at Academy. So since you'll only be in one art class," she began clicking around, most likely adjusting my schedule. "I'll put you in AP Art. Hopefully that will help you out." She printed off my schedule and singed her name at the bottom, handing it to me with a smile. "Any questions?"

I looked down at the schedule and read it over. Kind of bummed I won't be taking two art classes, but it is what is it. I looked back up at her and smiled, shaking my head no.

"Have a great first day." She smiled at me and went back to working on her computer.

I followed Jisung out of the office and he immediately snatched my schedule from my hands. "Hey, what was-"

"You have astronomy first. I'll show you the way." He grabbed my hand and took off speed walking down the halls. I kept bumping into people, apologizing as I was being tugged.

We finally approached the classroom door. He handed me back my schedule and gave me a thumbs up. "Good luck kiddo! My class is in the other wing so just meet me at the end of the hallway down there after class and I'll show you to your second period." Before I could say anything, Jisung took off running down the hall, yelling at someone as he passed him. "FELIX WAIT UP! STOP WALKING AND LET ME CATCH UP YOU DAMN AUSSIE!"

I looked at the door, then at the door handle and took a deep breath. Starting a new school with only less than a handful of people I know is terrifying. After counting to three to myself, I opened the door and walked in.

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