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The annoying sound of my alarm went off. I pulled my blankets over my head, trying to avoid the sound. A few seconds went by and I groaned knowing it wouldn't shut up unless I turned it off. As I pulled the blankets down, I reached over on my pillow beside me and patted around for my phone but I couldn't feel it. I quickly sat up and looked towards my desk where it sat, ringing and ringing and ringing.

I swung my feet off my bed and pushed myself up, dragging my feet across the floor to my desk. I quickly hit the home button and tapped on the "STOP" button. I was about to walk into my bathroom when I saw I had a few messages from the group chat with the two children I call my best friends.

squirrel, fox, & koala-
jisung: [image] awWWW! how cute

I looked at the picture he sent. It was me, asleep on my desk from last night when I was working on my portrait of the two.

squirrel, fox, & koala-
jeongin: Ummmm
jisung: what?
jeongin: Why did you send a pic of Chaise?
jisung: becuz, shes quite and not yelling at me for once. dUH
me: you're so weird
jeongin: You know she's not a morning person
jisung: ok, and?
jeongin: Don't be mad when she tells you to eff off.
me: fuck off jisung. it's 7 am

I went to my bed and plugged my phone in to let it charge while I got ready. I hurried into the bathroom to wash my face and bush my teeth before Chan got up because I know once he's up, he'll be telling me to hurry.

I quickly ran back to my room to brush my hair and throw it in a messy ponytail. I applied minimal makeup today since I'm not feelings too good. As I stood up to go to my dresser to look for a shirt, I heard my phone buzzing on my bed. I looked to see it was just my notifications from twitter with Jeongin liking all my tweets.

Who let him have a twitter?

I went back to my dresser and pulled a plaid shirt out. I think this is Chan's? I searched for a basic white tank and pulled it over my head, swinging the flannel on. I grabbed some legging from the dresser as well and pulled them up. I sat down on my bed to put my socks on. I stood up and grabbed my backpack from the floor by my desk, grabbing my phone off the charger and heading out of my room.

Chan was already waiting for me in the living room, standing by the door on his phone. He looked up and glared at me. "That's mine." He pointed at the flannel. I shrugged and set my bag on the couch sitting down on the floor by the door and put my shoes on.

Chan walked out of the house, and I followed him. As soon as I shut the door, I saw Jeongin and Jisung walking towards us.

"Hey Aussies!" Jeongin waved.

"Sup little man," Chan replied.

"Hey Chan." Jisung said and walked right past me.

"Uh, hello to you to?" I frowned.

The squirrel boy turned around and looked at me. "Sorry, I don't talk to rude people." He stuck his tongue out at me and continued walking.


I was cut off by Jeongin. "He's mad because you told him to eff off this morning."

I chuckled and shook my head. "He had it coming."

"YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO BE MEAN!" Jisung yelled, still facing forward as he walked with Chan to school.

When we arrived, Chan left us to go with his friends like he did yesterday. Jisung finally smiled at me and gave me a hug. Jeongin, Jisung, and I walked the halls until we had to part ways to get to class. I walked into astronomy and sat next to Chan. Minho was staring at me.


"So who's this babe from last night?" I turned to look at Chan, but he had his headphones in. I knew he did this on purpose. He didn't want to hear us.

"No one." It's eight am. I am not having this conversation.

Lunch time finally came around.I told Jisung and Felix to go on without me since I really had to use the restroom.  As I walked into the cafeteria, I saw Jisung, Felix and Jeongin sitting at the table. I started making my over and then I saw Chan and his friends sitting down.

"Oh, you're still going to sit with us?" I asked as I approached the table.

"Well damn." Minho started. "First she doesn't give me her number, then she's with her babe while I'm facetiming her, now she doesn't want us at the same table."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I took a seat next to Jeongin and Chan. "I just- I thought- I mean-"

"You thought since Chan is your brother, and it was your first day of school, he was only being nice for that one day." Felix spoke up.

"Um- I guess so?"

"So back onto the topic."

"Minho! Shut up already!" Changbin raised his voice. I looked over at Minho and he looked pissed.

"Suck my ass, Changbin."

"Are they always like this?" I whispered to Chan. He nodded and whispered back, "Changbin and Minho may be friends, but they don't always get along. It's complicated."

"Who's your babe, Chaise? I need to know so I can see if I'm stepping over boundaries here." Minho was so determined to know. It was just Jisung being an idiot though, so it shouldn't matter. We also just met yesterday? "Chaise?"

I looked over at him, then slowly looked over at Jisung. For once, Jisung was quiet. I've never seen him look so frightened.

"Minho just leave it alone already?" Chan sighed. "I'm not giving you her number. You are just as bad as someone else in this group. The only difference is, you actually fuck with girls and not with their heads."

"Come on," Minho stood up and walked behind me. He placed his hands in my shoulders and smiled. "We look cute together."

"It was me." Changbin said. Everyone at the table snapped our heads to him. "Yes, you're stepping over boundaries, big time. Now shut the fuck up, and eat. I like you better when you're quiet."

I blinked a few times, confused as to what the hell just happened. Minho removed his hands ffrom my shoulders and sat back down.  I felt my phone buzz several times in my lap. I look at it and saw messages from Chan and Jisung.

jisung: not going to lie, thank u changbin for saving my ass
me: ????
jisung: i felt like if i was to admit calling u babe to save u from that awkward mess last night, then minho would've probably kicked my ass for interfering
me: i'm sure he wouldn't?
jisung: do u see the way he's looking at changbin???

I glanced up to look and sure enough, there's Minho. Staring at Changbin as if Changbin killed someone and Minho was plotting his revenge.

channie: don't.
me: what?
channie: changbin. don't.
me: i'm not doing anything?
channie: stay away.
me: eye-

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