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Prom is only a week away and I still have yet to find a dress. Changbin has been the typical boy when it came to these things. When I would ask him if we should match colors, he's say 'I don't care.' When I asked if we should match my dress with his tie or his suit, he said 'Whatever you want to match with.' The only question he did answer to, was what color should we wear. His answer, black.

I was walking around a cute boutique that has a variety of dresses with different styles and colors, Jeongin by my side. Jeongin being Jeongin, complained the whole time. He didn't know why he had to be there with me, or why it took so long to look at dresses.

"Chaise, you've look at the same three dresses twenty times. Choose one already!" He whined.

I kept my focus on the dresses and tapped my chin with my index finger. "I'm gonna try this one on." I grabbed one of the dresses and jogged to the dressing room. I quickly stripped my clothes off, and stepped into the dress, wiggling my hips and jumping up and down to get it up my thighs. The dress said it was my size, so why am I struggling to get it on?

I looked at the dress and literally wanted to slap myself. There's a zipper... on the side.... I grabbed the zipper and pulled it down, which obviously made it so much easier to slip it past my thighs. I put my arms through the thin straps and zipped it back up. Staring at myself in the mirror, I knew this was the dress I wanted for prom.

I went with the color scheme, black. It was a plain black dress, no lace or beading. The neckline was in a V-shape, that showed a good amount of the little cleavage I have. The dress itself hugged every part of my body, even hugging my waist a bit more, giving me the appearance of that hourglass figure I don't have. The thin straps wrapped around my shoulders, which was nice. The back was completely bare, which is why the straps wrapped around my shoulders. Because the back was bare, it showed all the way to the top of where my back dimples were. There was a small train, but knowing my luck, people will still step on it.

I walked out of the dressing room and Jeongin was sitting in a chair on his phone. He looked up at me and gave me a thumbs up. "I like that!" If I got the baby's approval, then it's a good dress. He's very blunt about things sometimes, which is why I brought him instead of Jisung. It would feel like we would be shopping for Jisung if he came along.

"Great," I turned to go back into the dressing room. "Now we need to find shoes." I heard Jeongin groan and I couldn't help but laugh. I quickly wiggled out of the dress and threw on my clothes, placing the dress back on a hanger and walking out. We quickly made our way to the checkout and I paid for the dress. As we left the store, and made our way to another one, I held onto Jeongin's arm so I wouldn't get lost.

"Has Changbin rented a suit?" The fox asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and hummed. "Channie said he'd help him with that sometime this week. Not sure when that will be."

"Is Channie going to prom?" I nodded my head yes. "Who's he going with?"

"I don't know. I heard him and Jisung talking at lunch the other day about taking some girls, but I didn't hear who they were. It was kind of hard to eavesdrop when you have Minho dragging everyone's ass on one side and Seungmin making dinosaur noises on the other."

We approached a shoe store and made our way in. I looked around to find where my size would be. As I was walking, I saw a certain someone. Elle was with her two friends shopping for shoes as well. The aisle she was in happened the be the one next to the aisle I needed to be in. I walked down the aisle and looked at the different heels, trying to find some cute but simple black ones. I was trying to concentrate but it was hard to when Elle and her friends were talking so loud.

"Oh, he will love you in that." One of her friends said.

"Wait, are you two going to prom together?" The other one asked.

I pressed my brows together and froze, trying my best to listen to what they were saying. I saw Jeongin coming up to me and I quickly put my finger to my lips, signaling him to not say anything.

"We may not be arriving together, but we sure will be leaving together." She laughed.

"What about his little girlfriend? What's her name?"


My eyes widened and I looked over at Jeongin. He gave me the same expression. What the hell does she mean they'll be "leaving together?" Uh, I don't think so.

"Poor baby, I feel bad for her." One spoke up.

"I don't." Elle replied. "She's stupid enough to think he can be loyal and actually love her. Have you guys ever seen him with someone else in a long lasting relationship? Neither have I. He always comes back. That's why I was at his house two nights ago."

I felt my heart stop. I didn't feel like listening to the rest of the conversation. I grabbed a plain and simple black pair of heels and hurried out of the aisle, putting the box in the counter.

"Find everything okay?" The cashier asked. I nodded my head, keeping my head down. After I paid for the shoes, I snatched the bag off the counter and pushed the door open, making my way down the sidewalk.

"Chaise," Jeongin spoke softly. "Chaise come here." He grabbed my arm and stopped us in our tracks. He pulled me into him, giving me a hug. "I'm sure she knew you were there and just wanted to say stupid things to get you mad."

I didn't say anything. I just sniffed, trying to fight the tears that wanted to escape.

"C'mon, let's get home so you can cry. I'll tell Jisung to come over."

I shook my head no and faintly smiled. "No, it's okay. I'll be fine." I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes with my hands. "Let's go get some ice cream on the way home?"

We continued to walk down the sidewalk, making a quick stop at one of the ice cream parlors. Jeongin paid for both our ice cream cones, letting me get some sprinkles to cheer me up. For the remainder of the walk home, we just talked about random things. He tried his best to keep my mind off of the shit I just heard.

"Are you coming over?" I asked him.

"Do you want me to? I can let you have some alone time."

"No, come over." I looked straight ahead. "I don't think it would be great if I was alone."

Jeongin gave me a look, knowing exactly what I meant. He didn't say anything, just nodded his head and agreed to coming over.

We both walked into the house and I saw Chan in the kitchen, cooking something. "Hey! Do you guys want grilled cheese? I'm already making some for me and the boys."

Jeongin and I walked into the kitchen and I saw Jisung and Changbin sitting at the table. Jeongin went off to watch Chan cook the grilled cheese sandwiches. I was happy to see Jisung, but the moment I laid my eyes on Changbin, anger and pain was all I could feel.

"What are you guys doing here?" My voice sounded cold.

"Hello to you too." Jisung said, giving me a look. "We we're trying to finish up a song, but we got hungry."

"Oh," I said. I looked over at Changbin and he was giving me a sweet smile.

"I see you bought a dress," he said, pointing to the bag. "Oh, and shoes!"

"Yeah," I said. "I'm not hungry Chris, thank you though." I turned on my heels and walked out of the kitchen, making my way to my room. I threw the bags on my bed before going to the bathroom, locking the door and sitting on the floor.

Of course this shit would happen to me. And of course it would be a week before prom.

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