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Instantly, my gaze went from my burger straight to Jisung. He was frozen, turning red. He slowly looked up at me and I gave him that look. I swear to God Jisung.

"Nothing much." Changbin finally said. "Jisung wouldn't shut up about how hungry he was. If you were gone a minute longer, there probably would've only been three of us at the table." Chan just laughed at his response. Jisung and I both relaxed since Changbin came up with the lie and not us. We all continued to eat our dinner in silence, this time not so awkward.

"Hey," Chan said. We all looked up but he was looking straight at Changbin. "Minho's having a party this coming up weekend. You going?" 

Changbin shrugged and swallowed the food in his mouth. "I guess so. The rest of the boys going?"


"Can I come?" Jisung asked. Chan and Changbin looked at him, then at each other before shrugging their shoulders and nodding their heads in agreement. "Yes! My first high school party!" 

"What about-"

"No!" Chan didn't even let me finish my question. "No ma'am. You will be staying home. Go to Jeongin's and do karaoke night or something."

I crossed my arms and gave him a look. "You're joking, right?" Chan shook his head no and stared at me with the most serious face I have ever seen on this dimpled dork. "I'm literally older than Jisung-"

"Only by a few months." He cut me off to make sure to throw in that small piece of information. 

I glared at him for two seconds before finishing what I had to say. "Anyway, I'm older and he gets to go? That's so unfair!"

"He's not my responsibility." Chan stated. 

"He will be when he tells his mom he'll be staying the night with you next weekend in order to go to that stupid party!" I stated to my brother.

"Let her go." Changbin said. "She's just going to keep annoying us until you say yes. We already eat lunch with her for crying out loud." I looked over at Changbin and he was back to his emotionless self. He stared at me with dead eyes, no wink, no smirk. Nothing. 

"Please let her go Channie!" Jisung started to beg. "She's my best friend. I can't go anywhere with out her." He gave his signature squirrel pout, knowing damn well Chan breaks every time. 

Chan sighed and began to massage his temples. "Fine. If you mess up, I swear to God Chaise-Alyyzabeth Bang. If something happens to you I will never hear the end of it from Mom and Dad, plus I'll feel like shit for not protecting you."

"I won't, I won't!" I threw my hands up in defense. "I'd rather experience my first high school party with my brother there incase anything happens rather than alone and not have someone there for me."

After our discussion, we cleaned up the table from dinner. I went back to my room to finish my math paper, while the boys went to Chan's to finish whatever they were doing, recording a song. A few hours went by and I was already under the blankets in my bed. My lights were off, complete darkness, the only light being from my phone screen as I laid in bed and scrolled through all my apps. My door opened, and I saw a a figure standing in my doorway. 

"Scoot over, I'm staying the night." Jisung shut my door and walked to the other side of my bed, pulling the blankets down and crawling in. I locked my phone and placed it on the floor beside my bed, turning over to face Jisung. 

"Why didn't you stay in Chan's room?" I asked him. 

"When have I ever stayed in his room when I stayed the night?" He made a good point. Every time him or Jeongin, or most of the time both, would stay over they'd sleep in my room with me. 

I shrugged my shoulders and hummed. "Figured since you were making music you'd stay in there." 

I heard him chuckle. "Chaise, shut up and go to sleep." I smiled and closed my eyes. I was just about to drift off until I heard him speak again. "Chasie," he whispered. I just hummed again. "Be honest with me."

My eyes shot open instantly. Part of me was scared as to what he wanted me to be honest with him about, but the other part of me wasn't. I should, and always have been, honest with him. He's one of my best friends. Just lately some things should remain to myself.

"Do you have a thing for Changbin?" His voice was just above a whisper. 

I quickly answered back. "What? No!" I sat up quickly and stared at him. "Why do you say that?" 

Jisung slowly sat up and stared at his lap. "I dunno. You seem so interested in him lately. I mean I get it, you're new to the school and you're getting to know the friends Chan and I hand out with., but it just seems like you are more interested in Changbin than anyone else." He looked up at me, looking a bit upset? "Promise you won't get involved with him?" I nodded my head slowly. "I need to hear you say it. I really don't want you to get hurt."

I sighed and quietly said, "promise."

"You deserves way better than him, trust me." He laid back down, facing his back towards me.

I slowly laid down, my back facing him. Well shit. I sighed again, thinking about how am I suppose to make sure absolutely no one knows anything. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but I just couldn't. No matter how hard I tried. 

"Jisung," I whispered. I felt him turn his upper body to face me. "Cuddle?" He didn't say anything. Instead he turned his whole body to face me, bringing an arm across my body, pulling me towards him. I snuggled up closer to him and got comfortable before closing my eyes. I felt his chin rest on the top of my head. A few seconds went by and I felt his breathing steady, knowing he was out like a light. I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep.

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