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My alarm went off and I groaned at the sound. I slowly opened my eyes and turned to find my phone on the floor beside my bed. I quickly turned it off and let my upper body hang off the side of my bed.

Today is Monday. Today is the day I go back to school after two weeks. I'm dreading it. Not to be dramatic, but I'd rather die.

I sat up in my bed and felt a chill run through my body. I reached a hand behind me to scratch my back as I tried to keep my eyes open. I heard my bedroom door open and Changbin's head popped in.

"Just wanted to make sure you're awake." He smiled. I sat there glaring at him, wishing I could still be asleep. He walked into my room and shut the door. "Come on, get up." He pulled me out of my bed and wrapped his arms around me. He swayed us side to side a bit, humming softly as he rubbed my back. "Get dressed, Princess." He kissed my forehead and let go of me. He started walking to my door, giving me a soft smile before leaving me alone to get ready.

I made my way across the room and threw on jeans and a black v-neck shirt. I made my way  into the bathroom and stared at the mirror for a bit before brushing my teeth and washing my face. Once I was finished with all that, I felt refreshed and more awake than before. I felt awake enough to start putting on makeup and throwing my hair up into a slick pony tail. As I walked out of the bathroom, the boys were passing by.

"Ready?" Chan said.

"No," I replied and followed them down the hall.

The three of us walked out of the front door, meeting Jisung and Jeongin at the sidewalk.

"Hi Chaise!" Jeongin greeted, giving me a tight hug. "Glad you're coming back. Lunch isn't the same."

I chuckled at his excitement.

"Still keeping it wrapped?"  Jisung asked pointing at my wrist.

"Oh shit." I started unwrapping the bandage from my wrist.

"What are you doing?" Chan asked. "Aren't you suppose to keep it wrapped up for a couple more days?"

"I don't want to draw too much attention having this white bandage showing." I scrunched up the bandage and stuffed it in a pocket in my backpack.

"I mean-" Changbin started. "Never mind."

We all kept walking to school. The closer we got, the more sick I felt. No telling what all people have said about me, Elle, the whole situation. We approached the campus and I stopped in my tracks.

"Chaise?" I looked at the boys and they were all staring at me. "Does she look a little pale to you guys?" Jeongin asked.

Chan slowly walked to me and gave me a comforting smile. "Chaise, you're going to be okay."

"But everyone knows."

"Yeah, but I'm sure no one will say anything." He looked back at the boys and told them to go on and we'd see them at lunch. "Everything will be just fine. Let's just go to first period and you'll see."

I sighed and agreed. Chan opened the door, letting me walk in before he did. Some students were looking at us, whispering to their friends, others seemed to be unbothered. I looked over at Chan and he was just looking around at everyone. Chan started to walk towards our astronomy class. I took a deep breath and began to walk beside him, staring at the ground to avoid looking at anyone.

"Oh my god, she's alive." I heard a girl whisper. I couldn't help but glance up to see who it was. Of course, Elle's small group of friends were right there. I guess it was obvious that I heard, one of the girls started walking to catch up to us.

"Chaise!" Chan and I stopped and turned to her. "Hi." She quietly greeted. I just stared at her, slowly getting closer to my brother. "I just wanted to check on you, see how you're doing? Are you okay?"

"Is she okay?" I turned my head to look over my shoulder and saw Changbin behind me. "Elle told her to kill herself and she tried to. Of course she's not okay. Why are you even concerned? You did nothing to stop Elle."

The girl just stood there in shock. Everyone who was in the hallway has now stopped to hear the bickering that's going on.

"Look, you and I both know she never listens to anyone." She said. "She never listened to you, she never listened to me. I have told her multiple times to leave the two of you alone."

"Don't lie," another girl from Elle's group of friends said. "You never said shit to Elle. Don't try to save your own ass by telling them false statements."

"I have tried," the girl snapped. "But all of you were so far up Elle's ass that none of you paid attention when I spoke up about something feeling wrong. I told her to leave them alone. I told her she needed to move on from him because it was clear from their first breakup that he didn't give two shits about her. If you guys actually paid attention, you'd see how he actually has feelings for Chaise and how he could honestly care less about Elle. I'm sure all he wanted was sex from Elle because she would always go back to him with a snap of his fingers." She looked over at Changbin. "No offense."

"You're not wrong." He shrugged.

"Yuna, you're such a piece of shit. No wonder why Elle always tried to plan things without you. She should've just dropped you a long ass time ago like she planned. Whatever, we'll just do it now."

The group of girls started walking off, leaving Yuna there alone. Chan nudged my arm with his elbow and started walking to class, starting up and conversation with Changbin about their music. I just stood there and watched Yuna's head drop.

I looked back at the boys and saw they were busy talking. I shrugged to myself and walked up closer to Yuna, placing a hand on her shoulder. She turned to look at me in shock.

"To answer your question, I'm alright. Obviously I'm not completely okay starting school again because of the recent event, but I'm alright." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"I really did try to tell her," Yuna replied. "I have the texts. I swear. I can show you." She frantically pulled out her phone and tried to unlocked it.

I just chuckled and shook my head. "You don't need to. It's fine. It already happened, it's in the past. Besides, I won't have to see her anymore here at school."

She gave me another shocked expression. "You're honestly a strong girl for all this. How-"

I shrugged my shoulder not knowing the answer. "No clue. Just gotta move on and live my life."

The minute bell rang and everyone in the hallways started hurrying to class. Yuna started to walk off but I called her name. She turned around, still slowly walking towards her class.

"Come sit with us at lunch," I invited.

"You sure?" She gave me a worried look. I'm sure she was worried about how the boys would react to her sitting with considering she was apart of Elle's friend group before they all just completely dropped her minutes ago.

"Yeah!" I answered back. She gave me a smile along with a thumbs up before turning back around to run off to class. As soon as she started running, so did I. I started weaving through people who were being too slow for me. As soon as I stepped a foot into the classroom, the tardy bell rang.

"Just in time," my teacher announced with a laugh. "Nice to have you back."

I gave him a shy smile and hurried to my desk beside Chan.

"Where did you go?" He whispered.

"Talking to a friend." I replied. I looked behind Chan to see Minho giving me a huge smile. I smiled back at him, giving him a tiny wave.

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