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Jisung, Jeongin, and I plopped ourself on my bed and groaned. Neither of us wanted to continue doing homework. I didn't have any, but I didn't want to help anymore.

"Are you finished with your homework?" I looked over at Jeongin. He gave me a cheeky smile and nodded his head. Relief. I looked over at Jisung and asked the same question. "Are you finished?"

He sighed and shook his head. "I still have about seven more slides and then I'll be done."

I sat up quickly and hopped off my bed, going straight for my desk. I grabbed my oversized T and spandex that I had put there this morning after changing and made my way out of my room and into the bathroom. I quickly changed out of my clothes and took off my makeup, throwing my long dark brown hair into a messy bun. I walked back to my room and placed my dirty clothes in the hamper in my closet.

I know Chan told me not to worry about him, but he's clearly going through a heartbreak and I can't help but to worry. Chan rarely talks about his problems unless he feels in necessary so for him to bring Changbin home to talk about it makes me worried.

"We're going to Chan's room." I told my two friends. "Bring your laptop, you're finishing this project." I pointed to Jisung.

"You are so your mother's child." He stood up and held onto his laptop tight. I held the door open for them and shut it behind us as we made our way across the hall to Chan's room.

I was about to knock when Jisung just swung his door open and walked in. "Party's here!"

"You're not even allowed to be at the party with unfinished homework." Jeongin said as he entered Chan's room.

"What are you doing in here?" Chan started at us with wide eyes.

"Being the life of the party, obviously." Jeongin sarcastically responded.

"It's Monday night." Changbin said with a monotone voice.

"Bang's party any day of the week." I replied. I sat on Chan's bed next to him and smiled.


I scrunched my face up and rolled my eyes. "Ew."

"Is that Chaise?" I heard a voice coming from Chan's phone.

"Yeah," Chan responded.

"Oi Chaise!" It was Felix. How was your first day?"

"It wasn't too bad honestly."

"Did Chan tell you there's a certain someone who won't shut up about you?" Felix's made his voice deeper than it already was and spoke in a teasing manner.

I cocked my head to the side and pressed my brows together. "Who?"


"Of course he won't shut up about her." Jisung mumbled.

"Project." I snapped at him. He gave me a pout and began typing on his keyboard. "But, Minho? Why?"

"Felix, why did you have to say something?" Chan sighed.

Felix just laughed from the other side of the phone, clapping his hands. "Minho keeps texting Chan asking for your number."

"It's annoying." Changbin spat.

"Jealous?" Changbin just stared at me and suddenly, I felt weak. "Sorry." I cleared my throat and avoided looking at him.

At that moment, Chan's phone began ringing. He looked at the screen and graoned. "Hey Felix, I'll call you back later." He waited for Felix to end the call before handing me the phone. "It's for you."

I took his phone and saw 'Minho wants to FaceTime...' on his screen. I pressed the green button and it connected instantly.

"Chan, just give me her damn number already!" Minho groaned.

"Hi Honey," I said and chuckled.

"CHAISE!" Chan held in his laugh at Minho's reaction. "Whaaaaat are you doing with Chan's phone?"

"I thought you'd want to see me?" I gave him a pout.

"I mean, hell yeah. I'd rather look at your face than your brothers." Minho started laughing. I look up at Chan and he glared at the phone with his arms crossed. "So, since your brother won't give me your number, how 'bout you give it to me yourself."

"Woah there." My eye widened at his slight demand.

"Babe come help me with my project!" Jisung said as loud as he could. My eyes shot over to him as he sat there with wide eyes. Jeongin was sitting next to him, dying of laughter.

"Who was that?" Minho asked.

"Gotta go." I pressed the red button and threw Chan his phone as fast as I could. I stood up and from his bed and walked over to Jisung, grabbing his laptop and setting it on Chan's nightstand carefully. I turned back around at Jisung and pushed him over. "What the hell was that?"

"I was trying to help you out!" He curled up into a ball, protecting himself as if I was about to beat his ass. "I saw how tense you got when he told you to give him your number."

"She could've just said no." Changbin stated.

Jeongin caught his breath and wiped his fake tears away. "But you have to admit, Jisung calling her 'Babe' was hilarious."

"I panicked." Jisung threw his hands up.

Chan's phone began to ding a few times. "Oh- That's Minho." He unlocked his phone and read the messages. "He's asking why can't I just give him your number. And who said babe?" Chan locked his phone and shook his head, chuckling. "He's funny if he thinks I'm letting him get with my sister. I already told Chaise she's not even allowed to get close with-"

"YA!" I started walking towards his door. "I'm going back to my room. You two love to make me suffer."

"Suffer? I was helping you out!" Jisung called out to me as I shut Chan's door.

I made my way back inside my room and opened my backpack to get my sketch book and pencils out. I sat at my desk, turning my lamp on. I unlocked my phone and went to my gallery to look at the picture of Jisung and Jeongin I took in art. I popped my fingers out of habit before I began working on the portrait.

I must have fallen asleep while working on the drawing. I felt someone tap my shoulder lightly and I slowly opened my eyes, blinking a few times. I saw Chan's face right in front of mine.

"Come on, get in bed." He whispered.

I slowly sat up and stared at my desk. My portrait was 99 percent finished. I just had to do some small details here and there. Chan gathered my notebook and pencils, placing them in my backpack. He turned my lamp off for me. I made my way to my bed, throwing the blankets over and crawling in. Chan sat on the edge of my bed and smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" I whispered.

"Thank you." He must've saw the confused look on my face because he chuckled a bit. "Thanks for make me laugh a bit earlier when you were in my room."

I suddenly remembered that Jisung was working on a project. I sat up quickly and threw the blankets of. "Shit. Jisung." I mumbled under my breath.

"Woah, woah, woah." Chan held his arms out and shook his hands for me to stop. "Everyone already left. Jisung finished his project. I helped him."

"Everyone left? What time is it?"

"Midnight." I slowly pulled the blankets back on me and got comfortable. "Anyway, I was just coming in here to say thanks and goodnight. Then I saw you passed out at your desk."  Chan stood up from my bed and walked to my door. Before he walked out, I told him goodnight and he responded back. As soon as I heard the door shut, I was out like a light.

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