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Changbin and I broke the kiss and shot our heads to the end of the aisle. There stood Lee Minho. Jaw to the floor, eyes so wide they could fall out of his head, pointing at us. Felix came running with the shopping cart full of snacks and a couple of cases of Coca-Cola.

"What happened? Who's hurt?" He looked at Minho and followed his gaze to Changbin and I. We were still holding onto each other, frozen like Minho. "Shit..." He breathed.

I let go of Changbin and held my hands up. "Minho, you saw nothing."

Minho blinked several times before shaking his head and throwing his hands up. "Nothing? You call that, nothing?" He looked over at Felix. "Did you see that?"

Felix sighed and grabbed the basket that Minho was carrying. "I'm going to go check out." He walked off with the shopping cart, leaving the three of us alone.

"Him?" Minho scrunched his face up.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Changbin asked, sounding offended.

"You're my friend dude, but," he looked back at me and scrunched his face again. "Him?" His eyes kept moving back and forth between us trying to comprehend what just happened. "I figured you were into bad boys. But I didn't think you were into bad boys."

"Minho, shut up." Changbin pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "I'm two point five seconds away from choking you out. You're getting on my nerves." He placed a hand on my back and kissed the top of my head. "I'm going to help Felix with checkout." With that, he left to help my fellow Aussie.

I stood there, staring at Minho. "So are you going to explain how this happened? Does Chan know?"

I shook my head no. "And he will not find out for a very long time. Got it? All I need is for my brother and I to fight." I stared at the floor and avoided any eye contact with Minho.

I heard him sigh and mumble to himself. "Is this why you became so, what's the word? Distant?" I looked up at him, tilting my head to the side. "Usually you would snap back smart remarks when I would hit on you and then get Chan to make me stop. Now you don't even respond. Even though we both agreed to start over, you should've known I was still going to annoy you."

I couldn't really give him an answer. I never noticed how I started to act around him. I guess I should've seen that coming since I know how Changbin isn't a big fan of Minho's flirtatious side. And now that Changbin and I have been together for a little over a month, he's told me how he doesn't like how Minho always flirts with me. I saw Minho was still waiting for an answer from me. I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out, running my hand through my hair. "I mean, I guess so."

"You guess so?" He looked pissed, causing me to turn around. There stood Changbin and Felix with the shopping cart full of grocery bags, waiting for us.

"C'mon mates," Felix nodded his head to go. "We can all discuss this in the car." We all followed Felix out of the store and to the car, helping him put the bags in the trunk, then getting in, Felix and I switching seats. Changbin didn't turn the car on. We all just sat there in silence, until Minho broke it.

"So is anyone going to tell me what's up?"

I turned to look at Changbin, but he was on his phone. I turned to face Felix, who was now sitting behind me, but he just gave me the deer in the headlights look. "Remember your party?" I asked. Minho hummed, nodding his head. "Well I may or may not have called Changbin that night basically confessing to him and telling him to break up with Elle. Felix was in the room when that happened."

"This is why you broke up with her?" Minho grabbed the seat, pulling himself forward to look at Changbin. "This is why she kept bugging me? Asking me who it was now that you were hooking up with?"

My stomach dropped as Minho started interrogating Changbin about his split with Elle. I looked back and forth from the two, wondering what was going to be said next.

"How much longer before you dump her and get back with Elle? What are you gonna do when Chan finds out after you break her heart? Are you gonna jump back and forth like you did with Elle and Jisoo?" Minho kept on asking questions, each one coming out more aggressive than before.

Changbin locked his phone and punched the steering wheel. "Damnit Minho, will you just shut the fuck up for once? Can you do that? Because it seems like every time someone does anything, there you are to shit on everyone."

Felix and I just stayed silent as the two older ones went at each other's necks. I slowly turned to face the front, grabbing onto the door. I could feel myself struggling to breathe right. I pulled on the handle, swinging the door open, stepping out and slamming the car.

I walked away from the car and sat down on the curb at the store, letting a few tears fall. I let my head fall and wiped the few tears away. I heard someone coming and looked up, seeing Felix sitting down beside me.

"Chaise," he spoke softly with his low deep voice. "Are you okay?"

I sniffed a few times and nodded my head. "Yeah, I'm fine." I rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands. "I just don't like how aggressive they were starting to get with each other. And seeing Changbin get so pissed that he punched the steering wheel made me a bit terrified."

Felix gave me a side hug and apologized. "I'm sorry for that. I should've kept and eye on Minho. I didn't know he would've start a big argument between them."

Minho and Changbin both approached us, hands in their pockets. Minho sat on the other side of me, Changbin squatted down in front of me.

"Don't listen to what I say," Minho said. "I say stupid shit when I get mad. And don't worry, I'm not going to tell your brother. I'm sorry for causing an argument and frightening you. Of course that's not what I wanted to happen, but I let myself get so angry."

"Don't cry," Changbin rubbed his thumb against my cheek. "This is normal between Minho and I. We constantly bicker with each other. Let's get back to the house and finish this slumber party."

I heard Minho groan at the words 'slumber party' which made me laugh. We all stood up and headed back to the car, taking off back to the house. The ride was still quiet, and it was a bit awkward. Not as awkward as it was when Minho caught us, but awkward since I was stiff in the seat, having the questions run through my mind.

How much longer before you dump her and get back with Elle?
What are you gonna do when Chan finds out after you break her heart?
Are you gonna jump back and forth like you did with Elle and Jisoo?

Is this what everyone meant by to be careful? Am I just another girl to hook up with?

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