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Here we are again, sitting in Jeongin's room in silence. Only difference this time is the lack of electronics being used. Jeongin sat on the floor against his bed again, Yuna and I on the bed. The three of us just sat there, staring at the ground, at our hands, or roaming the room.

"So," I finally spoke up, breaking the awkward silence.

"So," Yuna replied

"The ice cream was good." I stated. The two nodded their heads and agreed.

The room fell silence again. It was obvious we all wanted to talk about the mess that currently happened at the ice cream parlor, but neither of us knew how to bring it up. I'm sure Jeongin has a million and one questions as to why Changbin was hanging out with a girl, why does he act like an asshole sometimes, or how did I know this was his revenge. Yuna on the other hand most likely wanted to vent in frustration. Not understanding how his brain works, or know why he does things the way he does. Meanwhile I wanted to talk to the little bitch himself and have him explain what's going on, tell me why he's so mad about Minho, a mutual friend, hanging out with me as if he already knew I didn't have feelings for Minho in that way. He honestly confuses me.

First we have Lee Minho, like I said before, a mutual friend. Hit on me the first week I started school, was determined to get my number and succeeded, but eventual calmed down and stopped once the he found out about Changbin and I. I mean, yeah he'll playfully flirt here and there, but everyone in the group knows he's just joking around and we all laugh about it. That's part of his personality. He's just a naturally flirty guy.

Then there's Han Jisung. A member of the hip-hop/producing group, 3RACHA, a mutual friend of Changbin and I, but most importantly my best friend since birth basically. We know each other's deepest secrets, slept in the same bed for years when staying over at each other's house, was always, and still am, very cuddly and clingy with each other. As for his feelings, we all know he was in love with me. He confessed his love for me to my face, right after exposing Changbin and I to my brother, with Changbin in the room.

You would think he would be a bit more attentive towards Jisung rather than Minho, considered the younger boy has had deep feelings towards me for God knows how long, while the older one just casually flirted until aware of my relationship. Then again, Jisung and I have been attached to the hips since the second he came out of the womb. Who knows, maybe my mind is the difficult one to understand.

The silence was broken and one of our phones started ringing. We kept them on Jeongin's TV stand when we got back from the ice cream parlor so we weren't tempted to avoid the whole conversation, but instead we sat there awkwardly. Jeongin rushed over to figure out who's phone was ringing. I saw him pick his up then set it back facing down. He then picked mine up and slid the answer button over.

I watched him place my phone up to his ear. "Hello?" He looked straight over at me and nodded his head as if the person on the other line could see. He walked over and handed the phone over to me.

I looked at the caller ID and saw 'Binnie.' I jumped off the bed and walked out of his room and to the living room. I sat down on the couch, pulling my legs up to my chest, and placing the phone against my ear.

"Talk." I demanded.

"She's our manager's daughter. For the past week or so he's been pulling me aside and telling me how his daughter thinks I'm just the hottest thing that's ever walked this earth." I rolled my eyes knowing that fed his ego. "He's been asking me to hang out with her and even though I mention to him every single time that I already have a girlfriend, he won't listen. I've talked about you numerous times. Chan and Jisung brought you up. He's seen my lock screen hundred of times because his nosy ass looks over my shoulder when a notification pops up, so clearly he's seen the picture I have of you giving me a kiss on the cheek as my background."

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