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The walk on the way to the convenience store was quiet. I held my sketchbook close to my chest and stared at the ground, watching my feet as we walked. I glanced over at Changbin. He was just staring straight ahead, hands in his pants pockets.

We finally approached the store. Changbin opened the door and walked in, not holding the door at all. I caught the door with my foot, pushing it open, seeing Changbin went straight to where the candy was.

I walked by him, headed to the fridges to get a drink. I grabbed a coke and grabbed a bag of chips. As I made my way to the register, I had to pass Changbin who was still deciding what candy he wanted to get. As I passed him, I mumbled, "Thanks for holding the door."

I paid for my snacks and waited outside the store for Changbin to hurry up. I have no clue what's taking him so long, it was just candy that he was staring at. I heard the door open and Changbin walked out. "Waiting for me?" I wasn't sure if I should've said yes, or no. So I just stared at him the started walking off.

"Can I have my paper back at least?" He called out. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face him. "Not yet. We're going back to the park." I turned back around and made me way back to the park.

I heard shuffling footsteps behind me. And again, the walk back to the park was quiet. Well, until I got a Facetime call from Jisung. As soon as I answered the call, all I saw was a squirrel face up close and personal in the camera.


"Chaise!" He screamed. "What are you up to?" Without saying anything, I lifted up my snacks with my hand and showed Changbin in the frame. "Changbin?"

"Hm?" I heard Changbin say.

With the look on Jisung's face, I already knew what he was about to say. "Chan isn't going to be happy.." Changbin scoffed in the background and mumble something I wasn't able to understand.

"Jisung, I'll call you back later tonight okay?" He gave me the puppy dog eyes, except, it made him look more like a squirrel than he naturally did. I chuckled and shook my head. "Bye Squirrel."

"Bye Koala." Jisung pouted and ended the call.

We approached the park again, and sat down at the same bench Changbin was at earlier. Not as many people were around. The sun was starting to set, causing the sky to have the beautiful and breathtaking blur of colors, ranging from an orange-pinkish color, to a deep purple. I opened my bag of chips and popped in in my mouth, admiring the colors above us.

"Now can I have my paper?" Changbin broke the silence, and ruined the peaceful moment.

I turned to look at him. He too was staring at the sky. The dim light was hitting his face, which really brought out his features. His nose that fit his face perfectly. His lips, the bottom fuller than the top, that seemed to disappear when he actually smiled. His chin that slightly pointed out and the shadow that was casted under his jawline, making it very prominent.

I guess I was admiring him for a while, because the sound of someone clearing their throat caused me to snap out of my trance. "I'm sorry, what?" I felt my face heat up. He was staring at me, emotionless of course, but no telling for how long he was.

"I asked if I could have my paper?" I quickly looked down at my sketchbook and opened it up, getting his paper out. He took it from my hands and continued to stare at my book. "Can I see?"

"What?" He pointed at the book and I hesitantly held it up for him to grab. I watched him as he flipped through the pages. "I see why you went to Academy," he said quietly. He flipped to the page of the quick sketch I did of him when I was sitting across the park. I quickly shut the book and snatched it out of his hands.

I just heard him chuckle. "You drew me, huh." He looked at me and cocked a brow.

"No!" I could feel my ears getting warm. "That was just something I thought of and drew."

"Yeah okay, keep telling yourself that Princess." He grabbed the sketch book with one hand, and peeling my fingers off of it with the other. He flipped back to the page and stared at it. "I like it. Can I have it?"

I shook my head and blinked a few times. "I'm sorry, what?"

He looked over at me, again with no emotion, and asked, "Can I have this sketch?"

"Oh- Sure." I watched him tear it out of my sketch book and put it with his other paper with writing all on it, holding it tight in his hand. "To be completely honest, I didn't realize it was you until after I drew the sketch." I confessed.

He chuckled again, nodding his head as he looked around the park. I sat there for a bit, fidgeting with my fingers. I looked at my phone to see the time, and sighed. "I guess I better get going now. It's been a couple of hours." I stood up to get ready to leave when I saw Changbin from my peripheral standing up as well.

"Come to my place instead." I snapped my head at him. He had one hand in his pocket and the other squeezing the papers down by his side.

"Why?" I was so confused. Literally the past two days I've interacted with him, he was cold, silent, and didn't care for anyone. Suddenly he's talking and even asked me to go to his house? Make it make sense. 

"Let's be honest, Minho is still at your place, taking his sweet time on the project in hopes of his friends sister who he has a massive crush on to come home and fall in love with him." I stared at him, processing his words. I sighed and nodded in agreement, waiting for him to lead the way.

As we walked towards his house, I looked at my phone to see a few messages from Jisung, Jeongin, and Chan.

channie: minho is still here /:
channie: i'll let you know when he leaves
channie: shouldn't be long

squirrel, fox, & koala
jeongin: What?
jeongin: Okay?
jeongin: Jisung. I won't be the one to tell. It will be your loud mouth who will accidentally let it slip up and get her in trouble.
jisung: u hang out with Chaise WAY TOO MUCH

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued to follow Changbin. Again, the walk was silent. But I did catch him glancing over at me every now and then.

beware || seo changbin [✓]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang