
Getting to the decorated little room for the party, all eyes turned to Draco and Rayvan. Harry having just taken a photo with Slughorn had turned to see Rayvan walk in and his heart nearly stopped, she was alone for a moment before Draco stepped in behind her, he was instantly by her side leading her in to find the host and to thank him for the invitation. Forcing himself to turn, Harry noticed Hermione hiding, 

Going over to her seemed to break the spell, so to speak, over everyone and they returned to what they'd been previously doing, but everyone always had an eye on the Pureblood couple, going into the curtained area Hermione had ducked into Harry frowned, "Hermione, what are you doing? What happened to you?" he asked as she fixed her hair, "No, I've just escaped. I mean, I left Cormac under the mistletoe." she said and then added, 

"But only because Rayven came in dressed like that and on the arm of Malfoy," she finished while nodding at the couple who were talking to Slughorn, or Rayvan was Draco stood beside her watching her talk to Slughorn, "How is she always wearing such beautiful dresses that fit her so well?" Harry said more to himself than to Hermione, "She makes them herself, and with magic, so they fit only her because they're made to fit only her," Harry blinked at Hermione,

"She made my Yue Ball dress," she said cluing him in on the know-how. Nodding they looked back out to the crowded room, where Rayvan and Draco were surrounded by people and photographers, "He's got more tentacles than a Snargaluff plant." she said and shivered with disgust, one of the Gryffindors waiting on guests came into the curtained area and held out a tray, 

"Dragon tails?" he offered, "No, I'm fine, thank you." Hermione said while Harry shook his head, "Just this one," the guy said as if he and all the other wait staff couldn't get rid off this small food, "They give one horribly bad breath." he said, Hermione suddenly getting an idea, snatched the tray from him, "On second thoughts, it might keep Cormac at bay." and then stuffed one into her mouth as the waiter left, 

Noticing him coming towards them, she groaned, "Oh god, here he comes," crouching, Harry discreetly hid her as she snuck out while Cormac opened the curtain to get in, looking at Harry, Harry smiled apologetically, "I think she just went to powder her nose." Cormac sighed a little, "Slippery little minx, your friend," he said and noticed the tray of Dragon tails in Harry's hands, taking one he said, "Likes to work her mouth, doesn't she?" 

Harry seeing that Cormac was being sexist against Hermione hoped that he threw up his food but he didn't show it on his face and just let Cormac take one of the Dragon tails. "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah," he said eating a second one, "What is this I'm eating, by the way?" Cormac asked and Harry saw another chance to get back at Cormac, "Dragon balls." Cormac paused for a moment to ponder what he had been told and Severus chose then to show up,

Harry had been trying to escape when Cormac threw up on Severus' shoes. Looking down at his feet and at the dumb student who dirtied them, he fought his need to throttle Cormac, "You've just brought yourself a month's detention, McLaggen." Severus said, Harry had gotten out of the curtains when Severus stopped him, "Not so fast, Potter." stopping Harry turned and looked at Severus, 

"Sir, I really think I should rejoin the party. My date--" he started but Severus cut him off, "Can surely survive your absence for another minute or two. Besides, I only wish to convey a message." Harry frowned, "Message?" "From Professor Dumbledore. He asked me to give you his best and he hopes you enjoy your holidays. He... He's travelling. And he won't return until term resumes." Severus said his tone flat and uninterested.

"Travelling where?" Harry asked but Severus never answer and glided over to Rayvan, waving his wand at his feet as he went to clean off his shoes, "Rayvan," he said moving to her like a moth to a flame, turning to the sound of his voice her smile brightened, "Professor," she cooed, her mouth saying 'professor' but her tone saying 'Severus', giving her a small hug in greeting she smiled, 

"How are you?" she said pulling back, the two of them completely ignoring the whole room, everyone shocked by Severus' change in attitude, Severus shrugged, "As well as one can be after having their shoes almost ruined." giggling apologetically she nodded, "I heard that, it was disgusting," he nodded, then frowned, "Where is your date? He shouldn't be leaving you alone, especially when you look as good as you do," 

She nodded, "He went to try again, he should be back momentarily," she said only to be punctuated by Draco being man-handled by Filch, "Get your hands off me, you filthy Squibb." Filch didn't answer and continued to shove Draco into view, "Professor Slughorn, sir. I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party." Rayvan stepped up, "He is," Filch looked at her and Draco yanked himself free, 

"Oh, Sorry Ms. Gryffindor, I didn't realize, sorry." he said and then left, Slughorn motioned for everyone to relax and to go back to enjoying the party, Rayvan taking the chance to step out with Draco pulled him out by the hand, "Ray?" shushing him she continued on, when they were in the hall where no one had followed he confessed to her, "Maybe I did hex that Bell girl, maybe I didn't, what's it to you?" 

Turning she pushed him against the wall, "I swore to protect you, I made the Unbreakable Vow, not only to your mother but to myself, task or not, I will not let anyone hurt you, do you understand me? I refuse to lose you to him. ever." seeing the intensity in her eyes and the fear of losing him to Voldermort he nodded and held her against himself and she clung to him. 

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Where stories live. Discover now