Welcome Back and a New Match.

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Rayvan Black's POV

I was sitting in the Gryffindor common rooms, Winter break had ended on a good note and I was in a good mood, I had found out from a Slytherin girl that Draco had not gone home for the holidays. I was reading a book I had gotten from Cedric this Christmas, in exchange I had gotten him or made him a scarf. One of twenty. I made one for all of my close friends and family.

Draco and his parents got once each and all my Hufflepuff friends got one. Then there was the three troublemakers in my house, and a set for everyone on the Gryffindor team. And three to each one of my favorite teachers. And a washed and returned handkerchief. A shout and thump pulled me from my happy thoughts when I turned to see Neville laying flat on his face.

His legs cursed together. Sighing in un-cursed them and he said, "It was Malfoy, but I don't want trouble so please don't tell." kneeling in front of him, I kissed his forehead and walked around him, exiting the common rooms to go to the Slytherin ones. I had gotten permission to be in their common rooms from Professor Snape because Draco was my cousin but I never want to step foot inside so I usually had someone from that house go in and get Draco.

Knocking on the side of the portrait, one of the Prefects opened the door. "Let me guess you want Draco." I nodded tapping my foot with my arms crossed. An angry glare etched into my features. turning a bit to the inside he called for Draco. "Malfoy, there's a girl here to see you!" he looked back at me and chuckled. s

"And she isn't too happy." there was a squeak and a few chuckles before my cousin showed up in the doorway. Reaching in I grabbed his ear and yanked him out. Walking down the hall a bit I stopped a few frames away from the doors and let him have it, cussing him out and smacking him on the head,

Even though I wasn't strong enough to do real damage it was refreshing to do it anyway, "You leave my house alone! I find out that you pick on any of them again it will be worse than me smacking you on the head." stomping away, I returned to the Gryffindor rooms and then up to the girls' rooms to get ready for bed.


Harry and I's second game in the Quidditch season was against Hufflepuff. I hated it, and tried to get out but, my team and Cedric talked me back into it. Sighing to myself, I finished getting ready and went to meet up with everyone else. Once on the pitch, I saw that Snape was refereeing the game today. Smiling I waved at him and he nodded. his Christmas gift from me hanging around his neck.

I giggled and hovered next to the twins across from Cedric. He smiled and I returned the action. When the ball(s) were released him and Harry shot after the Snitch while me and the other players dealt with the Quaffle and Bludgers. Flying around Katie and I passed the Quaffle to each other and sometimes to Angelina, to get the Yellow players all twisted around.

Scoring two or three times the game ended five minutes later when Harry caught the Snitch. Cheers erupted and the Gryffindor team cheered for their Seeker. I clapped along with them to keep up the good sportsmanship. But inside I didn't want to play against Hufflepuff, even in a friendly match, I didn't want to play against my Best Friend/crush.

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Where stories live. Discover now