The Firebolt & A Book.

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Rayvan's point of view.

I had just walked into the mess hall when Harry and a bunch of other Gryffindor's came running out, I caught sight of a familiar feather tied to a new broom in Harry's hand and smiled, 'boys and their toys.' I thought and went to sit across from the wrappings that the broom came in,

as I sat and reached for a chip from one of the bowls Snuffles landed on my head, and dropped a rectangular object onto the table, picking it up, it felt like a book opening it I smiled it was another one of my mother's journals, but there was a note wedged into the pages.

Smiling I saved the note for later because I knew if I read it now it wouldn't end well if someone saw it. Flipping through the pages I was almost done when someone yanked me outside, looking to see who I smiled at the Weasley twins as the made me watch Harry play with his new toy.

When he came back down his hair looked like it had gone through the whomping willow and his robes were all messy too, tucking away my book, I went to him and tried to straighten him up, giving up on his hair I just kissed his cheek and went back inside.

Third person's point of view.

Cedric was across the quad when the Weasley boys pulled Rayvan outside, she stood with them when Harry got back, he looked like a nut, Cedric though jokingly but his light attitude vanished when he saw Rayvan touching Harry,

as innocent as the gesture was it bother the older boy, and what really pissed him off was the kiss she gave him when she couldn't fix his hair. That kiss was supposed to be for him, it was something they did every year, but he knew it wasn't going to be the same and watched as the girl of his dreams walked back into the school.

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Where stories live. Discover now