The end of another year.

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Third Person's Point Of View.

Rayvan was walking to the Headmaster's office when she witnessed her Uncle being thrown by Dobby the house elf. Getting up he glared at the young Potter, "Mark my words, Harry Potter. You'll meet the same sticky end as your parents one of these days. They were meddlesome fools too." Turning he saw his niece and paled a little, "come." He ordered only for her to smile and walk past him to Harry,

"sorry Mr. Malfoy but I'll be staying with my godfather this summer." Lucius's eyes narrowed at the young girl who was of his wife's blood and sneered, "you don't know who he is." She giggled, "that's where your wrong I do." And with out another word she waved to Harry her returned bracelet chiming on her wrist and a sweet kiss to Dobby's cheek. When she was gone, the older Malfoy stormed off, 

Leaving the house elf and the young Potter to stare after the girl. "Mistress Rayvan always treated Dobby nicely, she was the only one to share her food with Dobby." Dobby told the boy who had freed him from his cruel master. "Promise Dobby, Harry Potter will look after Mistress Rayvan." Harry looked down at the little elf and nodded.


"Before we begin our feast, let's give a round of applause to Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey, whose Mandrake Juice has been successfully administered to all those who had been petrified." Dumbledore said and everyone clapped, the two witches smiled and blushed at the happy complement. "Also, in the wake of recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been canceled."

Harry and the boys looked to Hermione and Rayvan, Hermione looked completely displeased and Rayvan was smacking her head on the table in frustration because of what had been happening she had to cram everything for the exams only to find out it was pointless. At the rear of the Hall, the great doors open. It's Hagrid. He enters. Stops and looks around as the room falls silent. All eyes upon him. He glances around nervous and embarrassed. 

"Sorry I'm late. The owl deliverin' my release papers got all lost 'n confused. Some ruddy bird named Errol." Harry and the others giggled, while Ravyan looked at Ron with a 'I told you I should have sent it' look and he glared back whispering "I know! Stop being right all the time!" This made the others of the Gryffindor table laugh more. Ron exchanges a nervous glance with Dumbledore. Hagrid looks at all of the faces staring at him.

He turns to Harry. "I jus' want to say... that if it wasn't fer' you, Harry... Rayvan an' Ron... and Hermione... Well, I jus' want to say... Thanks." Looking at Rayvan the tall, hairy man smiled even more, she was too absorbed in her book to realize what was happening. And suddenly as engulfed in the biggest hug she had even gotten. Gigging and blushing she patted his large forearms that could wrapped around her three times if he could bend like that. 

The whole hall laughed warmly and Rayvan locked eyes with Cedric across the hall and he smiled proudly at her. Which made her blush, as Hagrid set her back in her seat. "There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid." Harry said happily smiling up at his first friend ever. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly...brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall roaring. 

As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and Rayvan uncomfortable with the overly loud room stepped out and into the corridor where it was still loud but was still quiet. "Every year, it seems that you don't like the overly loud dinner hall." Cedric said to Rayvan as he leaned on the stone rail with her, "you know me so well...I can handle loud but after a while I need calm, my ears are very sensitive." Cedric smiled a sly foxy grin, 

Lifting his hand he tucked some of Rayvan's hair behind her ear, he could see them turning red from the blush that covered her face, leaning in he smirked as he whispered, "like this?" And softly grazed her ear with his lips, making her whimper softly in enjoyment. Surprising both of them, she giggled and he smiled into her hairline, as he pulled her into him, clutching his robes Rayavn took this time to memorize it and lock it into her senses. 

"Rayvan, I heard from Potter that you're going to spend the summer break with your Godfather, who is he?" Cedric asked curiously and a little afraid for her because if he remembered correctly she only grew up with her uncle and aunt and cousin. Smiling she opened her mouth to tell him, when their friends came out and interrupted. She mouthed that she would tell him later but Dumbledore had whisked her away and to his office to meet him. 

There by the big desk stood a tall man, ash blonde hair, and matching facial hair, his suit was faded olive green with brown elbow patches, but what drew Rayavn to him most was the claw marks on his face and his big brown eyes as they widened at seeing Rayvan as she came in behind the wide robbed headmaster. "Albus, is this her?" He asked, "she is, Rayvan Black...Meet Remus Lupin."

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Where stories live. Discover now