Slughorn Party.

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Third person's point of view.

Rayvan had talked Draco out of going with her to Slughorn's party that evening because she wanted to see what he'll do or say when she's alone and not protected by Draco to hear it, though he made her promise to message him as soon as she felt uncomfortable and she agreed, if only to please him and to get what she wanted. Showing up last, she wore a deep violet skirt that sparkled with a white button-up blouse, with a light violet spring coat. 

She wore dark purple pumps with little straps around her ankles and in her hand which held her wand was a purple clutch purse. Her hair was up with the front bumped up, her makeup was intense but a simple smoky eye in purple with her lips to match. For jewellery, she wore Cedric's ring with her wolf-locket, one thing she was glad for was that Draco never asked her to stop wearing the ring, 

She's had a long and tedious argument with Lucius about the ring but Narcissa had gotten him to lay off and to leave her be, which she was grateful for. Seeing how everyone else was dressed she realized she was dressed to meet prestigious pure-bloods, ones that she grew up around, but those around her were not on the same level of prestige as her or those how grew up like her, but when she saw Harry staring and leering after her,

She suddenly didn't care that she was over-dressed and that she made most of them look poor. It bothered her that she couldn't spend more time with Hermione because of what happened with Harry. Rayvan had no problems with Hermione or Ron, it was just Harry. And because they were such close friends with him it made being friends with them hard. She's on easy talking terms with Ginny and all the other Weasleys, 

But because of Ron's Gryffindor/Hufflepuff tendencies, he's fiercely loyal to Harry on top of that he downright despises Draco. "Miss. Black," Slughorn called, standing in front of her, breaking out a near blinding smile, she gave her full attention to Slughorn, he leaned away from her, surprised by her brightness. Holding his hand out to her in a gentlemanly way, she set her right hand into his, 

Leaning his face into her knuckles he was about to kiss the back of her hand only to notice the ring she'd gotten over the summer from a present from her mother, who'd left it for her before she passed away. 

It was a bronze Family ring, with the Gryffindor lion on it, symbolizing her Gryffindor heritage

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It was a bronze Family ring, with the Gryffindor lion on it, symbolizing her Gryffindor heritage. "So it really is true then, you are a descendant of Godric Gryffindor." he said then finished his gesture and released her hand, "About as close as one can get, anyway." he nodded and then proceeded to lead her to the dining room table where everyone else was getting ready to sit, pulling a chair out for her, she sat.

"Thank you, Professor," she said sweetly. Blushing he sat in his own seat and everyone sat around them, Harry happened to be right across from her, so she made it her mission to sit in a way that kept him out of her line of sight, and he could see that she was doing it. It was making him angry, but because of what Dumbledore asked him to do he couldn't get distracted, 


Dinner was nice, everyone's questions seemed to be aimed at Rayvan, and she answered as best she could while keeping about some form of privacy, "Is it true that your father was the Mass Murderer Sirius Black?" one of the students asked, Rayvan clenched her hand and the metal goblet in her hand bent with the force of her grip, the student beside Rayven flinched away from her, while Slughorn nearly jumped out of his seat.

"Yes, though I didn't realize it was any of your business. So drop it," she said darkly. Her eyes flashing a fluorescent silver. The student apologized and she nodded, "Thank you. Now, what about you, Hermione, what exactly does your family do in the Muggle world?" Rayvan asked, she knew the basics but wanted to know more while changing the topic off of herself, "My parents are dentists." she said, 

But none of the others but Harry knew what she was talking about, "They attend to people's teeth." she explained deeper, and now Rayvan understood, nodding she returned to her dessert which didn't look as appetizing as it did before. Pushing it away she leaned on her elbows to watch Hermione as she spoke, "Fascinating. And is that considered a dangerous profession?" Slughorn asked, 

"No. Although, one boy, Robby Fenwich, did bite my father once. He needed ten stitches." She said, hoping to break the awkwardness of the topic but everyone didn't laugh that or they just didn't understand how it was funny, Harry had hidden his smirk behind his cup before the silence was broken by Ginny showing up, Hermione leaned over to Harry and whispered, "Look, her eyes. They've been fighting again. Her and Dean." 

Harry didn't say anything as he looked at Rayvan to see her reaction. She was looking at Ginny and was frowning, Harry realized that Dean was going to be in some serious trouble when Rayvan got back to the Dorms, Hermione could also see this, nudging Ginny softly she whispered to the female Weasley who looked at Rayvan and smiled thankfully, but shook her head, Rayvan sighed but nodded back, 

But that didn't stop the look in her eyes that said that if Dean made Ginny cry again he'd meet the business end of either Rayvan's wand or the points of her fangs. This message seemed to vibrate through everyone and a shiver waved through them all. 


When the party let out, Rayvan walked away from Slughorn's chambers and slowly made her way back to Gryffindor Tower, but was suddenly snuck up on, though this person couldn't really sneak up on her because she smelt him coming, "Draco," she giggled out as he pressed up behind her, his arms around her waist as he chuckled against her neck, "I can never sneak up on you can I?" he ask and she laughed lightly, 

"Not with my nose, sorry Love." she teased kissing his nose. Rubbing the tip of his nose along the bridge of her's she could tell he wanted a kiss, angling herself she caught his lips and gave him his kiss. 

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Where stories live. Discover now