The Four Champions.

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Rayvan Black's point of view.

I watched as many students over the age of 17 put their names in the goblet. Hermione and I sat side by side notebook open on our laps. The chatter of students amazed by the blue flame was a popular conversation with the first and second years. Students clapped when others put their names, a Ravenclaw put his name and his friends clapped, Cedric was suddenly shoved into the circle he was drenched from the rain,

As were Cameran and several other Hufflepuff boys I didn't recognize. I jumped up, my hope that he would change his mind but he put his name in and walked over to me and hugged me, leaving a wet stain down the front of my shirt he chuckled and his friends pulled him off while I sat and Hermione held my hand in comfort.

Ron raised his hand for a high five but was rejected when Cedric ignored him. Ron and Harry walked over to us and we waved in greeting but the twins ran in cheering, probably with their aging potion finished. I scoffed and shook my head when they got to us Hermione sang,

"it's not going to work~" leaning over the both of us they said, "Oh yeah and why is that, Granger?" But I answered having been here when Dumbledore drew the circle. "This is an age line, Dumbledore drew it himself." The twin grinned "so?" Exclaiming in surprise I mocked their flippant attitude to the power of our headmaster.

"So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dim-witted as an Aging Potion." Hugging my from behind one said, "that's why it's so brilliant." And the other finished "because it's so pathetically dim-witted." Standing on the bench they started their stupid plan, linking arms they tossed back their potions and leapt into the circle.

Students cheered and clapped but it was only just starting, putting in their names they cheered again but didn't realize that the goblet had started to go nuts and spit out their names and throwing them from the circle, landing near the door they sat up and aged as they're potion was supposed to.

I smiled "told you~" I sang as I stood over them. As the room went silent the only noise was the shouting from the twins and the thick boots of some of the Dumstrang guys. Going back to Hermione, I sat next to her as we watched expressionless Viktor put his name in the cup and then turn and wink at us.

Turning to me she blushed and couldn't hold in her excitement. But if cared about him she should be worried about him,


Third person's point of view.

It was Thursday evening and the night to select the champions, Rayvan had been nervous all week, her heart was going nuts as she sat next to Harry, he smiled and held her hand as she clung to it, hoping for the best, "Sit down, please." Dumbledore said and everyone did as they were told. "Now the moment you've all been waiting for: The Champion Selection."

Sucking out the fire in the lanterns around the room Dumbledore left the Goblet burning bright enough to aluminate the entire room. After touching the goblet and stepping back it lit up bright red and spat out the first name. Catching the little charred paper he looked at the name, Rayvan's heart pounded a thousand miles in her chest, "the Dumstrang Champion is Viktor Krum."

Headmasters voiced carried and Viktor stood from his seat and went to get his name. And then went where Dumbledore sent him to wait. Lighting up red again it shot out another name, Rayvan's nerves shot up again as she hoped for anyone's name other than Cedric, "The Champion for the Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour."

Students all clapped and guys whistled as she went up to shake Dumbledore's hand like Viktor and went to join Viktor. The last name was what really got Rayvan sitting on the edge of her seat, "Ow, Rayvan you're hurting me." Harry whispered when she gripped his hand too tight, Harry could see the way this thing was making Rayvan nervous and scared he knew how much she didn't want anyone to do this it was her over-protectiveness that made her worry uncontrollably.

"The Hogwarts Champion, Cedric Diggory!" A strangled sob escaped her lips but it was hidden in the sound of everyone clapping. Cedric came around his table from the back so he could pass Rayvan, he quickly took her hand and squeezed it she almost didn't let go, had Harry not pulled her back a bit. Shaking Dumbledore's hand he joined the others,

Rayvan couldn't stay avoiding the eyes of the student and as many teachers as possible she ran from the main hall and stood in the hall and just broke down, but the shouting of another name made her jump back into the doorway only to see Harry walking toward the headmaster, stepping forward she called to him "Harry?" She was confused and hurt, he knew how much this all scared her and he still did it.

He looked at her as he walked and his eyes showed just as much confusion as her's did, that was the final straw, turning from the room she ran, Dumbledore looked to Severus who followed after her but lost her in the long halls and returned to the main hall shaking his head.


In the rain she ran, she ran all the way to the Shrieking Shack. It was a place she went to; to be alone. And to see her father, he had to be brought there by Remus but he went when he heard the alarm go off letting him know she was there. It took him five minutes to get there and when he did, she leapt at him,

"Papa!" She cried, "what is it, my dear?" He asked, patting her hair as she cried into his warm coat, "it's Cedric...and Harry!...They've been chosen!" She sobbed wanting to look at her he pulled away and looked into her eyes, "chosen for what?" Hiccuping she gasped out "The Triwizard Tournament." Understanding the seriousness of this he nodded,

"Okay I'll find out some information and I'll write to you but just be careful and watch out for them, be strong, okay?" Nodding he kissed her forehead and he left with Remus who had stepped out while they spoke.

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Where stories live. Discover now