Party Invite.

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Third person's point of view.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were on their way to one of the pub, on the weekend and Harry was commenting on how he always saw Rayvan with Draco or that strange book from their first Potions class with Professor Slughorn, "Of course she'll have the book, it's hers, and being with Malfoy is probably a means to keep her mind off of everything that's happened, if anything Harry, seeing you or being around you reminds her of Sirius," Hermione defended,

"That doesn't explain why I caught them snogging once on their way back to the dorm," Ron added stepping over a branch covered in snow to avoid falling, "Yes, it does, the two of them from what she'd told me is that she used to be betrothed to him, if anything after Cedric and the death of her father, spending time with Draco woke up whatever relationship they would have had if she'd been with him from the start," Harry glared softly,

He had forgotten that little fact about her, she'd duelled Draco for her relationship with Cedric second year, and won. He had left her alone at school and as far as Harry knew he didn't bother much at home because she'd spent third-year vacation with Remus before going back to the Malfoy's, but by that time she'd gotten back together with Cedric before he died. Harry and Rayvan had; had a moment during the whole Umbridge fiasco,

But he had ruined that but getting her Father -his Godfather- killed. She now spent so much time with Draco and the Slytherins and the few Hufflepuffs that he hardly saw her anymore, the only times he did see her was for Quidditch practice and classes or the ones she had with him, "But don't you think it's strange she has the book even when she's not in Potions class?" Harry questioned,

"Not as strange as you becoming a stalker and following her with the Marauder's map, mate." Ron said, Harry blushed slightly, though it could be mistaken for the cold as he wore no hat and his face was open to the cold wind as they walked,

Rayvan Black's point of view

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Rayvan Black's point of view.

On my way to the Three Broom Sticks, to meet up with Draco, I had just left from Professor Snape's office, we had finished a lesson in Occlumency and Legilimency, I had wanted to learn so that my mind would stay mine and I would be able to keep Riddle out, I didn't need him knowing what I was doing, at least not yet, so after a quick trip to Gryffindor Tower and a warm shower along with a fresh change of clothing and a multitude of warmth charms and spells,

I was out in the snow. It didn't really matter because I radiated so much heat from my Animagus form that I almost didn't need the charms and spells to keep warm except, I needed the ones to keep me dry, especially with the heels I wore, most people thought I looked ridiculous for going out in the snow with five-inch heels but I was comfortable and again Magic kept me from slipping or getting my shoes ruined,

I had to make a mental note to write to Narcissa and thank her for the spells. Arriving at the pub, I shook off the snow from my coat and shrugged it off before draping it over my arm, Draco said he'd come get me at the bar, so that was where I'd be while he did things to complete his task, as much as I hated him having to do this, it needed to be done if he was going to live while the Dark Lord ruled,

Most of my housemates and friends in Hufflepuff wondered why I was with Draco now after everything that happened since my first year and my relationship with Cedric or my friendship with Harry, and my simple answer was that, over vacation Draco and I had bonded and he helped when I felt lonely, which wasn't even a lie, because he did to that, in the last few months of last year and over the summer vacation up until we decided to date,

He helped more than most of my Gryffindor friends did. The seemed to take Draco into a new light, not much to change how they were around him but enough to know he wasn't always such a prat, moving to the bar I sat and ordered an Otter's Fizzy Orange Juice. Usually, I'd go for something a lot stronger but on school grounds and around faculty it wasn't allowed, I'd probably get something stronger from Draco's secret stash later anyway,

The scent of Draco coming from behind me and the sound of his shoes told me he was headed towards me, with his hand softly placed on the small of my back I turned to look at him, "Hullo, babe," I greeted with a small smile, he gave me a quick kiss and sat next to me, he ordered a drink for himself and got settled to sit with me, "So, how was lessons with Snape?" Draco asked leaning on the bar as he sipped his drink,

"Not as difficult as some would have me believe," Draco scoffed, "Of course, he'd have trouble," he sneered, "Can't do anything without someone getting hurt," Draco mutter soft enough for me to hear, taking his hand I held it in my lap, his fingers curled around mine and gave them a squeeze, "So it's not difficult then?" he said changing the subject, "No not at all, remember when Severus said I'd make an excellent Slytherin?" Draco nodded,

"He wasn't kidding, my natural ability to learn and take things is, he says is very much the way a Slytherin learns," Draco smirked and kissed the corner of my mouth, "Ms. Black," someone said stumbling over to myself and Draco, from the smell alone I knew it was Slughorn, "Professor," I greeted back, he stood there for a moment just staring and as I was growing up it was nothing unusual,

But from the way his eyes bore into me, I didn't like it nor did it make me feel comfortable, Draco sensing my uncomfortableness, stepped in front of me and blocked me from sight, "Oh hello to you too, Mr. Malfoy, sorry about the staring, I don't mean to it's just that Ms. Black has the most exquisite silver eyes I'd ever seen..." trailing off again, Draco snapped his fingers and the professor focused again,

"Yes, well, I just asked Potter if he'd be interested in a little party I throw for a select few students and wanted to know if Ms. Black would be interested in going, she's allowed a guest if you'd feel more comfortable taking someone with you," he finished by looking around Draco to look at me, just to get rid of him I agreed, "Brilliant, watch out for my owl." he said before stumbling off, "Merlin, he's the strangest man I've ever met," I said as Draco sat back down,

"He could be worse, right?" Draco said not sure, but then probably no one was stranger than Slughorn, "It's probably because he has no boundaries or a filter let alone respect for people, he just thinks of unique people as things to collect," Draco took my hand again and squeezed comforting me, smiling down at our hands, my fingers playing with his and his ring without even thinking about it,

His hand tilting up my head made me smile as he gave me a soft kiss before we were interrupted by Pansy, Zabini and Nott. "Quit snogging and let's go, I'm getting bored." Pansy complained, I rolled my eyes then looked at Draco, "Is there anything else you need to do here?" he shook his head and we got up, helping me with my jacket he then wound his scarf around my neck, "Green and silver are much more attractive on you than red and gold." I laughed lightly,

"Thank you Draco, now let's go before Pansy starts yelling, she only gets shriller the more impatient she gets," he nodded and we left,

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Where stories live. Discover now