Quidditch: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin.

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Third Person's POV

It was the second Saturday of November and Slytherin had won in their game against Hufflepuff. Though Gryffindor had gone against Ravenclaw weeks before their two newest members joined. One was nervous and the other was itching to get at the other team. An hour before her game Rayvan went to visit her Hufflepuff friend hurt in the hospital wing. When she got there her stubborn friend Cedric was arguing for crutches. "Madam, he's as stubborn as me. You might as well give him the crutches." Sighing she gave them to him and he thanked her before she left for the Quidditch pitch.

"Cedric, what are you doing? You're still hurt." She quipped at the injured teen. "What? You think I'm going to miss my friends first match because of a broken leg? Then you're out of your mind." Blush coated the dark haired girl's face. "And you knew that arguing with me would make you late, so let's go." Sighing she nodded and lead the boy from the room and to the pitch. Getting there twenty minutes later, she walked him to the stands where the students went to watch.

Turning away to get her broom from Harry who said would get for her while she visited Cedric. "Wait, Rayvan." Turning back her red and gold robes fluttered in the cool autumn breeze. Wobbling over to her he leaned down those few inches and kissed her cheek. Pulling away he was as red as she was. "Good luck." She nodded and jogged off to find her team on time. When she arrived Oliver and Harry looked at her in curiosity. "Black, are you okay? Your face is all red." Remembering Cedric's lips on her cheek made her blush even more.

Covering her face with her hand she nodded, "I-I'm f-fine," clearing the stutter from her voice she spoke again. "I'm fine, sorry." Oliver nodded and got ready; Harry handed Rayvan her all Black Nimbus 2000; and got on his own, remembering, the tall boy from Hufflepuff, she usually hung out with, his name was an unwanted thought at his mind. He didn't want to know what this boy looked like or even sound like. An unfamiliar feeling coursed through him, even unsure of how he felt he knew he was jealous, of this purposely unknown Hufflepuff boy.

"Potter, head in the game." Oliver muttered to the young Seeker. "Sorry." Said boy whispered back. Looking around he didn't even realize he was on his broom and already hovering in a circle above Madam Hooch. "Now I want a nice, clean match from all of you." Her hawk-like eyes scanned the Slytherin team, walking over to the case that held the four balls, the two teams waited eagerly. Hooch released the Bludgers and the Golden Snitch.

Lee Jordan's commentary cheered when Hooch released the Quaffle. The first to get the ball was Angelina, she flew as close to the hoops as she could before being blocked in by three Slytherin Chasers. Speeding past the four of them she whipped the ball to me and I passed back when she was free, but it was taken by the other team's Captain; Flint. He tried to score but Oliver blocked and stopped him. On the rebound Katie caught the ball, a few minutes later she lost it to a bludger and the other team caught it.

He zoomed over to Oliver and aimed to shoot, Rayvan, blasted around him and caught the ball just as it left his hand and sped to the other hoops and scored in the lower hoop. Getting the first ten points in the game. Flying past where Cedric stood with her other friend they whooped and screamed when she passed and shot dirty looks at the student of Slytherin when they looked at the happy students.

Catching a quick glimpse of a struggling Potter on his broom the twins tried to help him up, but failed having need to beat away the bludgers. While distracted most of the red team missed the 6 shots Slytherin got, poor, Angelina, Rayvan, and Oliver struggled and we're still scored on. Rayvan, in raged called for the Quaffle from Katie and zipped around Flint and scored, making it 20-60, with Slytherin still leading.

Suddenly gaining control again Potter jumped back onto his broom and zoomed off after the Snitch, which was being chased by the Slytherin Seeker. Flying neck and neck, they dove down towards the field, and as they neared the ground the green Seeker pulled up as Potter continued. Level with the ground he stood up on his broomstick and flew with his hand outstretched closing in on the field wall, he stepped out and fell off. His hand missed the Snitch but his mouth didn't.

Tumbling head over heels, he rolled to his feet and clutched his stomach as he jerked in a puking motion. In one final heave, the tiny gold ball popped out of his mouth and into his hands. Cheers erupted as Gryffindor cheered on their Seeker, Rayvan hovering by the Hufflepuff stands turned when her name was called, "Rayvan!" Smiling at the three girls and three boys, levitated over to them, "Hey, Catalina, Sahera, Brianna." She hugged all three in as big a hug as she could, then turned to the three boys, "Carmen, Jeramy."

Blushing profusely she said the last one's name, "Cedric." He patted her head with a big smile, "that was amazing! Good job." She giggled along with his happy chuckles, building up the courage, she leaned into him and kissed his cheek, "thanks for the good luck," leaning back she smiled and added, "Maybe you're my good luck charm." Looking down into the field as Hooch called her she waved to her five friends and maybe crush and left. Meeting up with her team to celebrate as a house.

Walking in between the red-headed twins they talked about her little display and she blushed and explained it as her returning the thanks for his and her friends support. "That is the first time I have ever seen Diggory have any kind of interest in a girl, I mean he avoids that kind of thing as much as possible." Fred said, and his brother nodded, Rayvan nodded thanking them for the information and ran ahead to change and return to the common room to see Snuffles and tell him what had happened.

All while not seeing the look young Harry Potter had on his face as he watched the girl he might like, kiss another, cheek or not.

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora