Quidditch & Dementors Don't Mix.

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Third Person's Point of View.

The game was bad, it was raining and not regular rain but thunderstorm rain, Rayvan, and her team fought the Hufflepuffs for the Quaffle while Harry and Cedric chased the Snitch that even on a sunny day was hard to see but now was twice that. "Rayvan! Catch!" Katie shouted and threw the ball only for it to be caught perfectly by Rayvan and then shot through the hoop.

Gaining them another 10 points on their 60-40 score, and keeping that distance from Hufflepuff. Lightning struck Angelina's broom setting the tail end on fire and her plunging to the ground, on the fly Rayvan caught her and set her down near the entrance of the Gryffindor tent. "Thanks, Ray!! I owe you one!!" But Rayvan didn't answer, as she continued to play and help any of the players that were almost hurt.

For almost twenty minutes nobody had seen hide of hair of Harry or Cedric until another bolt of lightning struck and a body sailed past the ravenette, and she screamed flying after him, catching his out stretch arm she took the weight and lowered him for the medics. Until someone landed on her she was glad to be four feet from the ground when they landed on her.

When she looked at Madam Pomfrey the older woman smiled, "Rayvan you seem to be a human safety net." She chuckled nonchalantly and tried to wiggle free. "Here, someone lift Mr. Potter off of Ms. Black please." Fred and George picked Harry off of Rayvan's back and she helped carry Cedric to the hospital wing, along with Harry and any of the other players.


Being nudged awake by someone, Rayvan opened her eyes, realizing it was Cedric, he had his left arm from finger tips to peck wrapped, and a sling on the other, "hey." He said softly, she smiled slightly before it vanished like it was never there and stood up, on the little table at the end of his bed she set his birthday gift. "Open it, don't open it. Do whatever you want." And then she left.

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat