Broken, Lost, & End of the Year.

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Third person's point of view.

Rayvan couldn't feel anything. She sat next to Hermione who held her hand as Rayvan's gray eyes were locked on the ground, tears silently poured from them and stained her cheeks, making them and her eyes red and puffy. "Today we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know exceptionally hard-working, infinitely fair-minded and, most importantly a fierce, fierce friend." Dumbledore said, his words slowly got Rayvan to lift her head and look at him as he spoke.

"Now, I think, therefore, you have a right to know exactly how he died." Rayvan held in a soft sob, and Harry looked at her as she had been seated next to him on his right, her hand clenching the locket that she had prayed would protect him but failed, taking her hand he held it tight the locket was pressed into the palm of his hand as she held his hand tight in return, her head falling back down as the tears started to come down harder but even then she didn't want to seem weak.

"You see Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort! The Ministry does not wish me to tell you this. But to do so, I think would be an insult to his memory, now the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me and reminds us that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events, the bonds of friendship we've made this year will be more important than ever." freeing her hand from Hermione's grip.

Rayvan hid her sobs into her hand as her eyes had blurred over and her chest tightened and her throat became thick with emotion as she had a hard time swallowing it down, her heart clenched and she couldn't seem to think straight as she wanted to focus and remember the good she had but her sadness at never seeing him smile again was making it impossible to do, the thought of never hearing him laugh or say her name.

Or hold her as she found absolute strength and courage in the warmth and love from his arms. The passion and love she would never feel again when he kissed her and told her that she would be his forever, now gone and never coming back. "Remeber that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that and we will celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true, right to the very end."

Rayvan no longer being able to listen stepped out of the section she had been seated in and ghosted out of the room, she didn't stop till she was back in her room sitting on her bed with Snuffles sitting on her shoulder his wings wrapped around her head as he nuzzled her hair trying to make her feel better.


Dumbledore after dismissing everyone went to find the young girl. He was told by the girls leaving their room that she was still in hers mindlessly sitting on her bed not responding to anything anyone said. Going to her room he found her right where everyone said she'd be. Rayvan knew he was there but didn't have the will to move, "Rayvan, dear." Dumbledore said taking a small stool and sitting before her.

Taking her chin into his hand he angled her head so her eyes locked with his, "Look at me, dear." blinking stray tears slipped past her lashes and she focused on Dumbledore. "I know you feel broken and lost. But you are not alone. Do you understand?" she nodded softly not trusting her voice. "Professor Snape told me what Barty said you understand that you are going to be targetted now, and so will Harry." She nodded again.

"I need you to be strong, not only for Harry and myself but for you and for Cedric. I don't think he would want you to get hurt just because you were grieving his death." using his robe sleeve Dumbledore wiped away the last of Rayvan's tears and smiled when she hardened herself to be able to do as Dumbledore asked. "I need you to promise that you won't let anything happen to Harry or yourself." nodding Dumbledore stood and smiled. "Good girl, also before you head home I want you to come to my office there is something I'd like to give you." Rayvan nodded and Dumbledore left.

The older man went into Harry's room and the two chatted before Dumbledore left to escort the other school's headmasters and mistresses from the school grounds. Harry having joined his fellow students went looking for Rayvan hoping she wasn't still cooped up in her room and smiled softly when he saw her standing with several Hufflepuff students, they all hugged her and she seemed to be better though he knew she would never be the same.

No matter how much he wished for her not to feel that kind of pain. Being joined by Ron and Hermione the trio watched her as she was hugged good-bye by Viktor and Fleur the two having gotten close because of Cedric and him being a Champion. The wished her luck and she thanked them from what the trio could see. As they left Rayvan walked off and went into the school going to the headmaster's office for what he had said he wanted to give her.

Getting there she knocked and she was called in. Stepping into the office she went right up to the headmaster's desk and he smiled up at her. "Now I know that giving you something to remind you of him will hurt but I think it will make you stronger, and so does his father. So Amos has asked me to give you his wand." taking the tool she smiled down at it and thanked Dumbledore. "Thank you, sir." Dumbledore nodded pleased by her attitude and she turned and left.

Returning to her room to collet her things and Snuffles before returning home with Draco as she was still not old enough to live on her own or with any of the family she loved.  

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