Friends become Foes.

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Rayvan's point of view.

Dad and I were helping Ron out of the shack when dad apologized, "sorry about the bite. I reckon that twinges a bit." Glaring Ron shouted slightly, "a bit? A bit? You almost tore my leg off!" Giggling I said, "he was going for the rat." Dad nodded,

"normally, I have a very sweet disposition as a dog, in fact, more than once James suggested that I make the change permanent, the tail I can live with. But the fleas, they're murder." Harry smiled as he guided us outside when we got out we set Ron down and I stepped back, letting out breath of relief.

"Ron you need to loose some weight your really heavy." Ron blushed and Sirius laughed, patting my head he gestured for me to follow him, "you miss it don't you?" I said as he stared at the school in longing. Looking at me he nodded, as Harry stepped up beside us dad mutter

"it's beautiful, isn't it? I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors. It'll be nice to do it again as a free man." Dad said putting his arm around my shoulders. "That was a very noble thing you two did back there. He doesn't deserve it, not for what he did." Harry nodded

"I just didn't think my dad would have wanted his two best friends to become killers," Harry said sweetly, "besides, if he dead the truth dieds with him alive your free and I get my dad back." Dad looked down at me and smiled while hugging me closer. Hearing Pettigrew's begging we watched him beg Ron and Hermione to spare him but uncle stopped him.

Looking back to the school, dad spoke again, "I don't know if you know, Harry but when you were born Lily and James made me your godfather, at the time Laurana was days away from giving birth to Rayvan and she had insisted that Lily be her godmother while Remus her godfather."

Dad said I smiled I hadn't know that Harry's mom was my godmother, so that was cool. "I know." Harry said and dad stuttered a bit. "Well I could understand if you choose to stay with your aunt and uncle but if you ever wanted a different home..." "What? Come live with you and Rayvan?" Harry question smirking I kissed dad's cheek and let them talk and went back to Uncle and the others.

Noticing the moon I shouted, "Harry!" When the two turned I pointed to the moon, we all looked as it started to take its hold on Uncle. Drawing my wand I readied my spell and waited I couldn't do it while he was changing it hurt more I had to wait till he finished and then do it.

"Remus my old friend have you taken your potion tonight?" Dad shouted running to Uncle, and holding him up. "Dad! Be careful!" He took a glimpse at me and nodded. As uncle changed he had dropped his wand, which Pettigrew picked up, disarming him, he wiggled his fingers at me while he transformed again, about to take off after the rat,

Harry was pulled back by Hermione. Dad still struggled with uncle as I waited for him to finish. As the transformation really started to kick in dad shouted for us to run but I wasn't going anywhere and the others were too scared. Finally finished he flung dad and hunched over, I held back my need to go to dad and focused on uncle.

"Uncle?" I said taking small steps, whimpering I called to him again, "uncle?" I jumped back when he startled me by howling to the moon on all fours now he walked towards us, I kept the others behind me, just as Snape came out of the tree he saw Harry and grabbed him by the collar, "there you are, Potter."

He said blocking all of us from uncle and causing him to growling in anger. Jumping and turning around Snape covered us with his body, roaring uncle swiped at Snape knocking all of us over, Hermione screamed but I shifted and lunged forward and into uncle. Knocking him over gave the others time to get up and stand behind me,

Raising his claws again he moved to strike me but dad launched from where he was thrown and attacked uncle, jumping in I helped dad when for his shoulders while I went for the ankles, but we were thrown, whimpering in pain I got back up and jumped back into the fray of teeth, claws and fur.

Being knocked free again I sailed into a tree and screeched in pain. Black spots clouded my vision as I tried to climb back to my feet. "Rayvan watch out!" I couldn't process what had happened because I was suddenly thrown again, flying my shoulder and head hit a rock and everything blacked out.

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Where stories live. Discover now