The Portkey & Quidditch World Cup.

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Third person's point of view.

Arriving at the top of the hill, everyone gathered around the port key, which was a mangy old boot. Holding it by a lace, Rayvan knelt with Cedric as he held some leather. Harry kept asking questions until he was yelled at to grab the boot holding the ankle loop, just as the group was about to leave. Spinning up into the air everyone but the two older men, Cedric and Rayvan screamed. And continued to do so even when Arthur told them to let go. Rayvan with her hand still in Cedric's released the bootlace and they both kicked their feet to avoid crashing to the ground painfully like everyone else.

"I bet that cleared your sinuses, eh?" Arthur said teasingly, Rayvan landed and she pulled Cedric over to Harry to help him up, offering her hand he took it and thanked her when she pulled him to his feet, his jealous feelings always coming back in the presence of the older boy. "Total shambles, as per usual." Amos added chuckling a bit. Tugging Rayvan after himself he jogged over to his dad and Arthur to stay ahead and to prove his dominance. "Well, kids. Welcome to the Quidditch World Cup." Arthur said with a big smile as everyone looked over the camp where onlookers to the game were.

Cedric thinking better now than later, pulled Rayvan aside and asked, "this is all 'ifs' and if I don't get chosen and if I don't participate would you take me back?" Smiling she said "in a heartbeat." Likening the answer, he asked another question, "but if I did get chosen, and if I became a champion would you forgive me?" Smiling she nodded, she hated being away from him, he was like a drug to her she needed him in her life or it just wasn't worth it.

"I'll do it but don't expect me not to worry about everything that happens in this." He didn't even answer and scooped her into his arms and kissed her passionately. The girls cooed at them, while the twins wolf-whistled. Pulling away to kiss her all over the face, he said softly in her ear, "you won't regret this I promise." Nodding she smiled and he kissed her forehead. And set her down. "Come by our booth later?" She nodded and he left with his father.


"Stay together, keep up girls." Arthur said to his daughter and Hermione, Rayvan not leaving his side for fear of separation. Shouting the same thing again the picked up the pace. Ducking once or twice to avoid foot head collisions with the probably drunk players as they flew by Arthur turned to a tent and held open a flap for everyone to get in. "Home, sweet home." Arthur bragged and the twins entered first followed by the three girls and then Ron and his father right in after, and lastly a very confused Harry.

The girls had chosen the left side of the tent, but seeming as they were only three and the spaces were for two, Rayvan would be sharing with someone. Ron had latched onto Harry to avoid another cold bath and the twins had taken the biggest part while Arthur had the single, leaving another double section all for herself. Smiling Rayvan settled in until the match. She figured nobody would bother her so she was about to nap when Hermione and Ginny jumped onto her.

"So...Ray, it seems like you finally caved and took him back." Hermione said to the onyx hair girl. "Hermione, would you had you been in my position?" Blushing she nodded, "well, there you go." Breaking the tension Arthur called for Rayvan's help. Helping with dinner she had everyone fed and ready to go in under two hours shorter than if Arthur had done it.


Time for the match came and the groups climbed to their seats, "blimey, Dad. How far up are we?!" Ron asked, but Lucius saw them, "well, put it this way: if it rains you'll be the first to know." Lucius had started to leave when Draco called up to Rayvan and her friends, "father and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." Stopping Lucius jabbed Draco with his cane, "don't boast, Draco. There's no need with these people." Chuckling Rayvan leaned on the rail and glared down at her uncle and cousin, "and which people is that, uncle?" Blushing in embarrassment he narrowed his eyes at her, turning to leave, she started to push her friends on but got stuck, "do enjoy yourself," glaring at him, he continued, "while you can." Unhooking his snake cane from her coat she left with the others.


Arriving at their spot, it was all the way at the top, and they could see everything and would be the closest to the entering players. "Come on up. Take your seats. I told you these seats would be worth waiting for." Arthur said, Rayvan smiled as she watched her teammates cheer for the Irish. But she was a Bulgarian girl, and wore a red and black scarf to express it along with Harry and Ron. Standing with Cedric, his arms around her as he stood behind her his chin on her head even while she wore wide heels. Ducking just as the Irish flew in she smiled and laughed as her friends enjoyed the game she wasn't all that interested, she only ever had fun with Quidditch when she played, and that was about it.

"There's Troy! And Mullet! And Moran!" The twins cheered, as the Irishman fireworks exploded and danced the crowds cheered for the team, "IRELAND! IRELAND! IRELAND!" Sensing a change in the music Fred roared, "here come the Bulgarians!!" And his brother cheered with him, "yes!" The Bulgarians scattered the Irish and reformed while Krum, the star of the team did flips and stunts. Shouting Hermione asked who it was, Rayvan being the closet to her yelled over to her, "that's the best Seeker in the world! Viktor Krum!" Cheering the stadium showed him across the screens as he moved and pumped his fist in the air.

After the minister's speech, he shot out the snitch and got the game going.

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