Troll in the Girls Bathroom & First Transformation.

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Rayvan Black's POV

I was with Hermione as she was crying in the girl's bathroom, she was sad about Ron making fun of her and I was telling her that boys who make fun of one specific girl often have crushes on them, she came out of the stall and was blushing along with her bright red eyes and puffy cheeks, using my robe sleeve I wiped her cheeks of stray tears. But something over my head made her freeze, turning around I stared up at a big ugly troll. As he raised his arm his club went with it, Hermione ducked into the stall while I got so scared my body wouldn't move.

It felt like slow motion, the club came rushing down, in a last-minute defence my body shifted and I felt stronger as fur covered every part of my body and and my face elongated into a snout and fangs pushed through my gums and before I knew it I was on all fours and launched myself at the troll biting and clawing at him, he roared in pain and Hermione screamed in fear as his club swung trying to hit me and got the stalls. Panicking, even more, I bit in deeper and attacked more forcefully.

I was on his back when he got me and threw me on the ground, a painful yelp escaped my throat, but I pushed aside the pain and started biting and taring at the Troll's ankles and caves trying to get his attention away from a cowering Hermione under the sinks and the two boys throwing wood at him. Taking another swing at Hermione, Harry pulls out his wand and latches onto the club, the Troll swing Harry onto his shoulders and the stupid boy held onto the Troll's ears,

I bark at him to get down but the Troll's shaking his head trying to grab Harry, sticking his wand into the Troll's nose, the three of us on the ground look at it in disgust. In our momentary distraction Harry was grabbed and is now hanging by his leg as the troll swipes at him with his club, Harry starts shouting at Ron to do something. But the boy doesn't know he's about to be hit so I jump in the way, and was thrown out of the bathroom.

Crashing against the wall, I got up and saw teachers coming not wanting to be seen like this I took off at a slow limp, but I could feel one of them with their eyes on me. I made it about ten more feet before collapsing from the pain. In between my shifts, I saw grey eyes that shown with worry, but after that, I couldn't remember anything else.


When I opened my eyes I blinked at the brightness of the sun as it poured into the opened curtained window, a head of wavy ash brown-blonde hair was on the side of my bed, while a hand bigger than my own held my fingers firmly, looking at Cedric I blushed a bit at the thought of him falling asleep waiting for me to wake up. Squeezing his hand, he stirred and slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. "You're awake?" He said gleefully. "Yeah, but everything's sore." And it hurt more when he practically jumped me wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"I was so worried, you've been asleep for almost most of the day, the game is later on this afternoon." Gasping and tapping his shoulder, he sat up and apologized. "What happened?" "That's what we would like to know, we got some of the story from Ms. Granger, Mr. Potter, and Mr. Weasley, but they were so worried about you that they couldn't get out a proper sentence." I blushed as Professor Dumbledore walked in with Professor McGonagall.

"Thank you Mr. Diggory, you may go now." Standing up he squeezed my hand one last time and left. "Well Hermione wasn't feeling well so we both went to the girl's Bathroom when she came out of the stall she was staring at something behind me, when I turned the Troll stood behind me with a really big club, Hermione ducked into the stall to hide but I just got such a strong rush of fear and a need to protect Hermione and myself that I turned into my Animagus form. Which is a black wolf or dog, whichever you choose. And I just attacked on instinct."

The headmaster nodded, "so that was where all the bites and scratch marks came from. You are a very brave girl, and loyal to your friends." I nodded in appreciation, "but after I was knocked from the room, I kinda moved away and passed out, what happened?" McGonagall smiled, "well you can thank Mr. Diggory and Professor Snape; if it weren't for them you would have been hurt a lot more than you are now." I nodded.

"Ms. Black, what do you know of your family?" Looking up at the Headmaster I frowned, "not much just that both my mother and father were Gryffindor, and that my mother's last name is quite popular and from the only journal I have of her's that it was the reason I was given my father's last name. Why?" He shook his head, "I just wanted to know." I nodded and then Madam Pomfrey came in, "okay professors she needs more rest before she can go to her first game on Saturday." I smiled and waved when they left and lay back down when the nurse made me lay down.

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