Hermione's Secret and Witness to a Rescue.

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Third person's point of view.

Rayvan woke up in the hospital bolting up in bed she cried out in pain as her shoulder, head, and back ached. "Rayvan!" Looking to who shouted Rayvan smiled at Ron, he was in the clothing from the night before and his foot was wrapped, "what happened?" She asked slowly sitting up,

"After you were knocked out, Harry was admitted for almost dying from a dementor kiss and your dad was imprisoned in one of the towers." Looking over at Harry, he was still asleep, when Hermione came in she rushed over to Harry to wake him, shaking his shoulder she called his name, "Harry."

He didn't respond the first few times but after awhile he woke. "I saw my dad." Was the first thing he said, "saw who?" I questioned unbelievingly, "my dad, he saved us from the dementors."

Chuckling painfully I tried to get up, but Harry standing up, stopped me, "you aren't going anywhere, you and Sirius got the worst of the fighting." Shaking my head I tried to stand again but he carefully pushed me back down.

Frowning and trying to hold in my anger, I turned my head to look away from the others my anger boiling up. Holding my shoulder I winced, "Rayvan does it still hurt?" I waved them off. "Harry we gotta hurry," Hermione said almost jumping at us, "what? Why?" "Because any moment the dementors are going to preform the kiss." I frowned "what?!"

"Is that bad?" Harry asked, Hermione, shook her head, "it's even worse, there going to suck out his soul." As the words left Hermione's lips the Headmaster stormed in. "Headmaster, you've got to stop them! They've got the wrong man!" I cried trying to stand again. "it's true. Sirius is innocent." Harry added, "it's Scabbers who did it." Ron interjected

"Scabbers?" Headmaster questioned. "He was my rat, sir." Then he started blabbing on but I cut him off finally reaching Harry and Hermione, "the point is, we know the truth." Hermione nodded, "please believe us." Headmaster nodded, "I do, Miss. Black, but the word of three 13-year-old wizards and the Daughter of the man convicted will do little to convince others."

Stepping over to me, he forced me to sit unable to get free of the somehow stronger older man. "A child's voice, however honest and true," stepping over to Ron he patted his leg making the red head wince and whimper in pain... "is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen." The chime of the bell drew Dumbledore's attention.

Walking back over to Hermione and Harry, he started up again, "mysterious thing, time. Powerful and when meddled with, dangerous. Sirius Black is at the topmost cell of the Dark Tower," he said tuning to them after moving towards the door.

"You know the laws, Miss. Granger. You must not be seen, and you would do well, I feel, to return before this last chime. If not the consequences are too ghastly to discuss if you succeed tonight more than one innocent life may be spared." Just before he turned away he turned back and twirled his fingers in a twisting motion, "three turns should do it, I think." And with that, he left.

Whipping out my hand I picked up my wand and tried to do an Episkey spell. But it wouldn't work. "Hermione!" She jumped at my sudden rise in voice. Rising to my side she knelt and looked at me wondering what I had called her for. "Use the Episkey spell, I'm coming with you and I won't take no for an answer." Sighing she took my wand and aimed it at my arm,

Harry sat on the other side of me, he took my hand and when she cast the spell I gripped his hand and clenched my teeth. When she finally finished, I got up and took my wand back and stretched my muscles. "What the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron complained,

"Sorry Ron but seeing as you can't walk." Hermione said reaching into her shirt and pulling out the necklace I had seen peeking out all year. Looping the chain, over all three of us, she held the little circlet and was about to turn it but Harry reached for it but Hermione slapped his hand away. I giggled and she twirled the mini hourglass three turns.

Harry watched the necklace with curious interest while Hermione stared at it intently. I watched the surroundings as they twisted and warped, it was making me kinda sick, groaning a little I held my stomach and covered my mouth, to avoid puking. When it was over Hermione removed the necklace from us and looked at the clock.

"What just happened? Where's Ron?" Harry shot. I quaked a bit but shuddered it off. "7:30. Where were we at 7:30?" Hermione asked, "Hagrid's," I said sickly. Nodding we took off she said as we ran that we couldn't be seen. Getting outside I let the fresh air cool me off. "Rayvan pick up the pace!" Hermione shouted at me.

Running faster I easily kept up, almost out running them. Harry kept yelling for Hermione to slow down and to explain but she just kept running. Running down the bridge Hermione kept ignoring Harry until we reached the exit. "Hermione will you please tell me what it is we're doing?"

He said one more time. But she still didn't answer when we stood at the arch we watched as earlier me growled and barked at Draco and his goons. "That's us..." Harry gasped, "this is not normal." He muttered but his words were yanked off as Hermione pulled him back into the archway.

"This is a time-turner, Harry." She explained while I kept watch. "McGonagall gave it to me first term." I rolled my eyes "it's how she was getting to all her classes, and freaking out Ron." I said still watching Draco and earlier us. Suddenly running towards us I frantically grabbed them and pushed them out of the archway and away from the approaching Draco and group.

Hunched over we started to follow the four as they jogged to Hagrid's. Going in we watched as earlier me sat with Buckbeak, and the other three talked with Hagrid, Harry tried to go after Pettigrew but Hermione stopped him, I had noticed that Fudge and Dumbledore were coming with the executioner and nudged Hermione nodding she looked around and found a stone.

Picking it up she looked at it before throwing it and breaking the jar, when that didn't do it I tossed the second stone nailing Harry right in the head. Rubbing his head in the memory of pain he looked at me, "that hurt." I gave him an apologetic look, "sorry."

As Fudge and the other older men were coming earlier me had moved to hide we before she saw us ducked into the trees just as the three others joined her. We watched as they left before I went to get Buckbeak, I had no trouble with the crows as when they tried to peck me I would growl and they would fly away,

freeing Buckbeak's chain I tugged him to his feet as he chirped at me in joy, pulling him after us we went deep into the forest and Hermione gave him the ferrets to keep him busy while we waited for the time when everyone came out of the shrieking shack.

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Where stories live. Discover now